Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Roxette - Message from Marie/ Good Karma & FIRST TO THE BARRIER of Iron Maiden of course...

As usual in bazaar market Malay Language
and then to broken incoherent English.

Salah satu band yang boleh menyaingi konsistensi Iron Maiden dalam buat muzik dan lagu2 hebat dan main live hebat dalam jangka masa berkarya yang panjang berpuluh tahun ialah Roxette.

Kalau Bruce Dickinson dengan barah lidah dan anak tekaknye, yang barah tu sebesar bola golf, Roxette pula dengan Marie Fredriksson yang pernah menghadapi tumbuhan tumour di otak, sehingga dia buta sebelah mata.
Tapi menengok Roxette main live selepas penyakit Marie dikesan dan dia gi berubat, tak nampak langsung Marie mata dah buta sebelah, dah ada tumour dalam otak dia, dan segala masalah kesihatan, cuma dia tak selincah dulu dan ada perlahan sikit gerak dia. Cuma Per Gessle pimpin dia gi backstage masa lepas last song. (ok, observation ok aku.. haha..)..

Tapi nampaknye, Marie dah tewas dan tak boleh tour main live lagi, tapi tak tahu la dia masih boleh beraksi live. Rasanya boleh, cuma mungkin Roxette dah tak boleh tour lagik.

Aku sedih. Aku dah tunggu dorang akan datang main lagi di Singapore (dan Malaysia) untuk tour album terbaru. Ni mesej dari Marie kat website Roxette.



A Message from Marie

I am so touched by your thoughts, your words and your endless love that you have shared since the cancelling of Roxette’s summer tour was announced. Eventually all good things must come to an end, and though I love being on stage, meeting our fans, I don't have the strength for the touring life any more. It’s as simple as that.
 Per and I now look forward to the release of our new album "Good Karma”. We really love it – hope you will too!
 Love from Marie.


I hope they are not finished, I hope they will continue make new albums, new songs.
and I hope there is a chance for Marie to still perform live with Roxette.

Like I say above, watching Roxette perform live, its amazing Marie is on stage at all with all her medical conditions, and losing an eyesight too.
But thats life and...

for me, Its ok if they wont play live in where I am anymore.

AS THE SAYING GOES something like this " If The Mountain Don't Come To Us, We Will Go To The Mountain. ". LOL!!!

Anyway, as the above Marie Fredriksson message, - Eventually all good things must come to an end.



lets get excited as Roxette is releasing a new album very soon...

Its called Good Karma.

The cover and rear cover will look like these..

The First Single is a slow love song, but still its a great song. Awesome actually. LOL!!!

"Ahhh... Uhuuuu.... Ahhhh.... Uhuuuu... Its a Cabaret..."

"Ahhhh... You Fall In Love... Ahhhh.. You Fall In Love".

I like it very much...

This is the song, the first single with the full lyrics..

I think this album should be a great one.

been listening back to the bootleg I tape of the last time they played in Singapore in 2012..

My fave songs were not played - no Queen Of Rain, no June Afternoon, no She Dont Live Here Anymore, no Harley & Indians, no a lot of my fave songs..

but still a blockbuster setlist of old and new songs...

and they were ROCKING!!!!!! Lol!!

here's one...

its always fun when Roxette plays their fast songs..

I should have been FIRST TO THE BARRIER!! at this Roxette show LOL!!!

Speaking of FTTB, I had registered myself for one of Iron Maiden's Australian date FTTB Drawing of Lots.

A kind of tranquility warm-up, with peace loving audience before the horrible hell and muddy fields of Donington I hope to go again this year... LOL!!!!


Found this unusual video clip of Queen Of Rain with Lyrics on the screen..

The Earlier Days of Roxette..

and this is Per Gessle solo live version... and he has this amazing lady singer to support him.

I think I should blog more on Roxette albums if I got time.. LOL!!



Gigih ok Gigih kawan aku satu ni, lincah lintang pukang la aku speku, sebagai mana seseorang boleh lintang pukang guna internet beli tiket ABSU live in Singapore nanti.. pergi tak pergi lain cerita pasal lambat lagi... Standby tiket dulu just in case LOL!!
Siot betul, fanatic giler dia ngan Absu... 

okay.... harap dia belanja aku tiket... LOL!!!!! haha....pasal aku pun tak pernah tengok Absu main lagik.

nanti lain kali cerita.. haha


  1. khabarnya bulan depan kan keluar Good Karma ni...

    Up The Roxette!!!

  2. Roxette banyak lagu best2 penah jugak beli kaset crash boom bang tu.taktau pulak marie tu dah buta sebelah mata dia

  3. aku sebenarnya, tak berapa sangat la dengan roxette ni.. tapi kerana deaf punya pasal, aku sokong jugak lah.. kihh kihh

  4. klu aku tak berblog mungkin aku tak kenal roxxette ni, dari kawan2 blogger lah aku kenal, rupanya ada lagunya mmg biasa dgr.. tajuk album baru tu menarik.. good karma

  5. Aku tak tahu ini artis.. dunia mujik ni luas banyak lagi yg belum diterokai hehe


  6. ari tu member aku post gambar kapal terbang peribadi iron maiden..dieorg tgh world tour kat christchurch mase tu....terus teringat ko deaf....

  7. Sadly... she is fading a flower

  8. Tulisan pink tu teringat komputer zaman aku sekolah. Pakai Mdos dan Lotus123

  9. Sedih sey...akhirnya tiba penghujung mcm dalam dialog dalam album Joyride...

    Closing time, closing time, ladies and gentlemen – thank you very much for coming, make your way out through the exits.
