Saturday, May 28, 2016

SCREAM FOR ME DONINGTON!! (got the ticket at last LOL!!)

Firstly, thanks a lot for all the kind words on my last posting and photos of Iron Maiden playing live last two weeks. This means I will write more long winded out of topic stories!! LOL!!!!

I finally got the tickets for Donington Park Download Fest 2016.

(Download Festival organisers was sending out warnings, if you are showing your show tickets on the internet, blur the codes and all those numbers and barcodes or something, so I guess nowadays people can be able to steal or duplicate a rock concert ticket too).

So my crazy lunatic looney-tunes idea of backpacking during the Ramadhan fasting month to some unusual places is becoming clearer.
I would wonder how it will be like especially in Loreley Germany among the Rhine River area.

Also I will NOT be camping alone for Donington, I will be sleeping and bathing all the mud from me in Derby and take a daily bus to and from Donington.

Among the over hundred bands from early day to late night I had shortlist only a few bands I want to see either in FULL or as much as possible due to some unavoidable clashes of stages.
(Juliette & The Licks will clash with MEGADETH. Idiotic schedule LOL!!)
(I will be there for Megadeth as Nick Menza had just passed so it will be a bit poignant especially at Donington).

But Iron Maiden had received NEGATIVE BACKLASH and BRICK BATS!! from the fans who will attend this festival.. and rightly so...
Although I will be there especially for Maiden, but its really crazy and unfair that all other stages must shut down when Iron Maiden plays. 
A condition that Iron Maiden demands. FOR ME - Music fans who dont like Iron Maiden should be given a choice.

So Iron Maiden will be closing the festival on Sunday, and from 8.50PM at night for two hours it will only be Maiden.
Maybe they will be doing another dvd/blueray shot recording and to prevent any sound leakage? Possibly...

So I will not be coming early.. I rather sleep and take my time in Derby, except for Sunday where Amon Amarth will play at 12PM in the Main Stage.

So the bands I will choose to see are -
(Friday)(In Full)- Savage Messiah and my heart is telling me, that Lemmy/Motorhead Tribute will not be a 20mins video, because why is there a 2 HOURS GAP till the next act on Main Stage?
My heart says - METALLICA will play a Motorhead Surprise Set. Yes Call Me Crazy but I can fantasize right?
I have this wild crazy fantasy that will happen. LOL!!!
(Friday)(A bit of here and there and if I am not easily bored LOL!!) - Amorettes, Havok, Wildhearts, Graveyard, As Lion, Babymetal, Ramstein.
I will have an early night on Friday... LOL unless.. Rammstein have a great sound because I will be right at the back LOL!!

(Saturday)(In Full) - Megadeth, Black Sabbath,
(Saturday)(A bit of and there) - Lawnmower Deth, Escape The Fate, Anti-Flag, Inglorious.
But come to think of it, I think its better I come late so I will be fresh for Megadeth and Black Sabbath.

(Sunday)(In Full) - Amon Amarth, GHOST, Iron Maiden
(Sunday)(a bit of here and there because so much nice things I like on Sunday) - Nightwish, Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, SAXON, Electric Wizard.

I hope it will be no rain, so I go to a less crazy area of the huge Donington Park, and sleep on the grass in the sun. It will be nice.

Donington is a place I like. I will be alone, but its like I got 100,000 like minded people. LOL!!
Though I think the tickets are not selling well? LOL!!

So lets see how it goes if I do make it or not for all these...

Anyway... these are some pro-shots of Iron Maiden headling 2013 Download Festival in Donington Park.
I WAS THERE!! LOL!! Somewhere struck in the huge crowd, ( I read somewhere the day Iron Maiden headline, there is a 90,000 crowd),  I was wearing TWO JACKETS, its fucking cold in Summer, and it was drizzling, and the mud was hell.

And I was basically a bit scared. I feel so trapped and knowing the history of deaths in Donington 1988 (when Iron Maiden headline a fabulous list of supports bands) due to the muddy slippery slopes, I dont think I am over-reacting.

A tiring day/evening/night by the time Iron Maiden comes on stage for the headlining show.
UFO had opened the day at 11AM, and among others Motorhead too. What a memorable day.

Fear Of The Dark. One of my favourite Bruce moments ever... " A little anxious... in Donington Park" change of lyrics. and his running on the narrow ramp at the timing.. 3:00 below. IT WAS WET, The rain was on and off, and he was singing!! BRUCE IS CRAZY!!!! Check that out below.. Phantom Of The Opera. That pyros when the instrumental section of this song kicks at the middle of the song is HOT. I was seeing them at the same tour in Frankfurt and I was somewhere in front, IT IS HOT, You can feel the heat really. Oh and Maiden surprised with a SPITFIRE flypast. All These Footages appeared on a BBC Program. I think this time they will have a Jumbo 747 Ed Force One flypast just before Doctor Doctor Intro Tape. Because they will be landing at Midlands just besides. So they can always fly it for a few rounds LOL!!


Posting ni ditulis sambil dengar CD May Rahsia dan CD Juara Juara Rock Tiga.

Walaupun pun betapa best pun Rock Rock Band atas ni semua.. band2 rock omputeh dari Acdc ke Black Sabbath,
band rock yang muda2 sikit dari Nightwish, Ghost dan Amon Amarth..

Tetapi Rock Melayu tetap sama CEMERLANG.

Tak kurang dari rock omputeh...

Nest posting...


  1. Pergh bulan puasa tu pergi. Raya kena tampal kerjala kau.

  2. Selamat berpuasa kat tempat orang la deaf.. Jangan sampai terbatal puasa kat sana dah LA.. Kih Kih Kih

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Moga tabah hadapi dugaan posa kat sana nanti.heheh..aku tggu review rainbow jek ni sempena 40 tahun

  5. baru je malam tadi berabis layan konsert tour TBOS maiden kat yutiub (abiskan kuota)

  6. semoga perjalanan selamat bro deaf.. tunggu nanti rebiu kamu.. letak gambar banyak2 nanti. klu ada tempat2 menarik ko singgah tu tampal sekali dalam ni..
