Thursday, August 11, 2016

random photos- Rocking Backpacking Europe 2016 pt 2 (Anjing Diabetes dan foto2 keamanan, tenang dan huru-hara)

Salam &

random not in sequence photos and story telling sessions.

(above photo was start of first day, the conditions is still endurable, I think whats the band playing before BabyMetal is playing main stage then? LOL!!.. by the 3rd day it was horrible conditions,)

In the craziness, mud floods, non-stop rains and chaos of Donington,
you can see still the beautiful things in life that hard rock and heavy metal fans can bring along.

A HYPO (Diabetic) ALERT DOG in action.

Untuk sapa tak tahu sangat, ni Hypo Alert Dog ni boleh bantu pesakit2 Diabetes pesakit2 Kencing Manis dalam kehidupan seharian dengan boleh kasi amaran awal dan beritahu kalau pesakit tu akan mengalami keadaan kekurangan gula atau terlebih gula dalam badan.

Jadi memang cam aku cakap la, kat konsert2 rock omputeh, kat festival2 rock omputeh yang aku dah pergi la cam Hellfest, Download ni semua, 
memang best sangat kalau mereka yang sakit, OKU, kurang sifat pancaindera, dan sebagainya, memang semua ada la, cuma masalah  kalau hujan teruk sangat memang susah tapi kalau keadaan ok, memang seronok la..

Dan jugak kalau band rock cam Iron Maiden main dekat dalam indoor stadium gitu contoh Festhalle Frankfurt, keadaan stadium tertutup memang kagum tengok peminat2 semua disorong masuk siap dengan tiup2 penafasan semua.

Dah macam katil sorong yang kat ambulans dan katil hospital ok peminat2 Iron Maiden dibawak masuk.
Tapi well...., Iron Maiden kan..  So tak terkejut la.

This is the Main Stage Special Viewing Area for the music fans who are special in their own ways.
On my last post, I had shown the Second Stage Viewing Area for the Special Fans.

Foto atas pulak ialah, ramp tinggi, platform untuk peminat2 rock Istimewa yang nak saksikan band2 beraksi pentas utama.'

Yang Pakai kereta roda, OKU berlainan keadaan masing2, 
buta, apa2 saja kecacatan dan apa sajalah, sila gunakan platform ini untuk dapat keadaan terbaik (walau jauh sikit).



Some bands Tshirts and bands events tshirts for Donington Download Festival 2016.

For bands that plays on the Second Stage for all 3 days, you have to go to another area of the festival to get them.
Its a Tshirts shopping Centre at whole of Donington LOL!!!

From the biggest bands to the smaller ones.. Its crazy and its $$$$$$ going wild.

Of course Iron Maiden tour related tshirts has pride of place on displays,
but other bands like even Nightwish, has some special event tshirts for playing Donington 2016
even though they are not even headlining the festivals.

I catch a bit of LEMMY tribute at Donington.
Motorhead was confirmed to play 3rd from top Friday Main Stage, before Lemmy's Death.

So there was a Lemmy tribute, and they mixed it with footages of Motorhead Donington Download 2013 Performance (which I was there), so I kind of left early and check out other stages.

On stage, you can see Korn crew setting up their stage for Korn to play next.
Nope, I skipped all that LOL!!!

OK this is a photo of a tram station at Manchester central shopping area or something like that.
I took the tram here to go to Eltihad Stadium to see AC/DC.
Very easy to travel by public transport in Manchester city area.
It was my first time there, I was so sleepy, I was very tired, I was alone, but I have no issues getting around.

Manchester, kalau bukan nak tengok band rock main, adakah aku akan pergi tempat macam PUAKA dan haramjadah macam Manchester ni dengan team-team bolasepak yang ntahapa-hapa?
Dengan lagi Jose Mourinho tinggal kat sini...
Nak muntah hijau siot tempat ni.. HAHA.

Tapi mudah tempat ni, kawasan bandar dia dan nak gi stadium Etihad la.
Aku ngantuk giler ok, sebelum aku sampai bandar Manchester, aku dah la kat kerja sepanjangnya kerja malam, aku tak cukup tidur, abis kerja terus kemas bag, terus gi Airport terus naik flight, dalam flight tak tidur, tengok movies, transit lagi, dah tu pandai2 sendiri dah sampai Airport Manchester nak gi bandar, dan terus lepas campak bagpack kat tempat aku tidur, terus aku gi carik jalan nak gi Etihad Stadium.
Mudah tempat ni,
apa pun, aku cuma nak cakap, masa aku buat backpack ni, aku tak gi London langsung, kapalterbang aku naik terus ke Manchester.
Aku naik Etihad. Aku save beratus-ratus Sing dollar dengan skip London terus.
Jadi pendapat aku, kalau nak gi UK, kalau tak perlu pergi London, terus skip London dan Heathrow pasal pada aku belanja nya sangat mahal kota ni dari semua segi,
dan jugak, cek keselamatan untuk Airport Heathrow untuk aku adalah mimpi NGERI.

Below - About 3 hours before AC/DC plays at Etihad Stadium.

It was Thursday night, and I think attendance in the news was reported as 75,000 AC/DC music fans.

It was very nice. W Axl Rose combines nicely with the current AC/DC formation that night.

My full AC/DC Live In Manchester Etihad Stadium 2016 is here...

Manchester in early morning after AC/DC and I am finding my way in the lonely streets looking for the bus terminal,
to take my express bus all the way to Derby for the weekend of Donington.

Bandar Manchester, kosong siot.. masih awal lagi kot.
Ni dalam pukul 7 pagi kot? sebelum 7 pagi la gitu,
aku sorang2 dengan backpack berat nak mampos, tengah carik2 mana dia terminal bas, aku dah lambat tu jam, bas tiket aku 7.30 pagi gitu nak naik bas ekpress dari bandar Manchester ke bandar Derby untuk Donington Park Download Festival tiga hari tiga malam.

Now I know why Derby County has all these Rams on their logos.. LOL!!!

Entering Derby area, at the sides of the roads are all rams, sheeps, cows....

Masuk je wilayah Derby gitu, kiri kanan semua tempat terbuka luas, dan cuma nampak kambing biri2 dan lembu. BABI TAKDE. HAHA.
OK, patutlah Derby ni badge dia kambing biri2 kan..


RITCHIE BLACKMORE'S RAINBOW First Ever Show after 20 years...
I just got to be there on the first historical night... So Germany here I come. (Sorry Iron Maiden tour dates along that week, but its Rainbow.. LOL!!)

so its me 4 days and 4 nights along the Rhine River as they will be playing in Loreley...

Like in my previous post,
I will continue post a bit of scenery along Rhine River, my explorations LOL!!!


Below is Bacharach (view from the Rhine River, I was then above the boat, and nope I was scared I miss the last boat back to Sankt Goar, that I skipped Bacharach as I want to spent more time in Rudesheim).

Macam aku cakap, aku 4 hari 4 malam kat tepi sungai Rhine di Jerman.

Aku tidur kat satu rumah ni terbaik. Nanti lain kali aku tunjuk korang bilir tidur aku, siap aku sorang pakai bilik air dan dapur.

Tu jam bulan Ramadhan kan, 
memang seronok sangat la dapat rasa Ramadhan kat tepi sungei Rhine ni , walau pun memang puasa dari 2.30 pagi sampai 9.30 malam dalam 19- 20 jam gitu memang dahsyat. Dah la takde apa nak makan ye tak?
Aku pun spend time mengembara sorang2 tempat ni, jadi jangan mimpi la nak goreng telur ke hapa sendiri ke hapa ke (pasal nak budget ikat perut, tapi KORMA AKU BAWAK BERLAMBAK, Buka puasa time ACDC main, time SABBATH main, time MAIDEN main, time RAINBOW main, LAWAK GILER!!! kiri kanan togok beer, keadaan tak terkawal...aku dah la puasa, selok poket keluarkan korma makan time waktu buka...    Aku pernah ceritakan kat post lepas2, suasana Ramadhan kat Donington dan Sankt Goar, dan aku jumpa orang2 bukan Islam yang luahkan kata2 dan buat perkara yang memang tak disangka bersempena Ramadan dan pasal keagungan agama Islam di merata tempat dalam dunia ni...), pasal memang dapur kat rumah tu tuan rumah kasi aku pakai sorang...
cuma nak SERTU je la kan...
sabun sertu aku memang dah standby semua...  

So masa aku naik2 boat tu semua, aku tak turun kat mana2 aku cuma turun last kat pekan Rudesheim. Terbaik ok.....

Nanti aku ada time, aku cakap kat korang yang kat Rudesheim tu kat lorong2 tu aku jumpa tersorok gitu ada satu musium untuk torture. Memang sangat sadis dan ganas dan brutal musium ni.

Nanti lain kali, aku tunjuk setiap pameran kat tempat kecil ni..

Sample photos of each exhibit I took of a small TORTURE museum in Rudesheim that I found tuck away in Rudesheim when I explore the streets alone..


While walking along the river banks of Rhine River at Sankt Goar,

I saw all these caravans, and behind the mountain top, THAT IS LORELEY.

Its historical... but actually lots of rock bands had played on that mountain top.

I think there is a heavy-metal festival organised before on top also...

A really nice place, classical roman -style colliseum open area..... Very rocking place.

Atas gunung tu ialah LORELEY.

Tempat bersejarah, puitis dan klasikal untuk orang2 Jerman.

Tapi kadang2, ada band rock dan band heavy metal akan main kat atas gunung tu, maka kalau terjadi malam tu jadi malam peminat2 muzik je la. HAHAH..

There is an amazing HUGE ruins Castle / Fort at Sankt Goar.

Seems its strategic location hundreds of years ago for different War Armies.

I was going to rain so I did not explore... LOL!!



Black Sabbath final show at Donington Park.

There is no pro-shot or official footages so far,
although gossip says Black Sabbath brings their own video cameras for that night's show.
Hopefully something will be release of that heavy rain night. 



  1. Terbaik la bang tgk gamba2 tu semua.axl rose nyanyi whole lotta rosie pun best jugak aku tgk kat youtube

  2. Sempat jugak tu hentam Man Utd...haha...

  3. tgk konsert rock + melancong = double win

    btw, aku suka tgk gambar tempat2 bersejarah, bangunan lama2, ruins gitu...

  4. fuhh.. aku rasa yang aku pun macam turut sama dalam pengembaraan kau la deaf.. awesome, amazing, marvellous, delicious, superb.. ermm apa lagi yang boleh aku describe kan dekat sini yer ..? hehe

  5. thanks for sharing this bro..memang best lah dapat jalan2 sana

  6. Kalau brader deaf semua memang bestt tip top
