Monday, September 5, 2016

Hello and Incoming - Uli Jon Roth TOKYO TAPES REVISITED Japanese Edition blue ray deluxe edition with additional 2cds.

Salam semua.

Sebulan dua ni entah memang kurang chance nak buat blog.
Aku masih dapat masuk internet, dalam bas dalam train, malah jalan kaki sekalipun, memang sentiasa main internet pakai tablet la apa la, tapi aku takde chance dapat duduk depan laptop. So maka takde la blog posting. Dan tu pun tak masuk blog korang semua pun seminggu ni... 

Aku tak reti buat blog pakai tablet atau pakai henpon. Henpon pun aku menyampah nak surf internet. Terkial2 aku.

Kat kerja, memang ada komputer, tapi aku tak berani masuk tenet, aku dah la problem child kat tempat kerja, mau lagi masuk tenet, dorang trace ok, mampos terus aku kena buang kerja.
So sabar je la kalau takde blog posting ye korang.

Jadi ni pun, kejap je aku dapat depan laptop. Nak tunjuk incoming terbaru.

Harap aku dapat masuk tenet dan buat blog macam biasa.

Memang boleh rasa Sendu je blog aku sekarang. K bye..

ULI JON ROTH Tokyo Tapes Revisited Live At Nakano Sun Plaza Hall -Japanese Pressing Limited Blue Ray Deluxe Edition with additional two CDs.

This is like the 2nd part of the Scorpions Revisited by Uli Jon Roth.
The first was the Scorpions Revisited Double CD where Uli found this amazing vocalist to make the album a must buy.

I wrote about it here..

Read this first until I show the Japanese Pressing Deluxe Packaging of the above LOL!!

I hope to resume blogging as usual soon. I wish I can manage time better. LOL!!

Anyway, Human League is coming out with an Anthology.

I am so so HOPING to get the deluxe boxset of 4 disc version of the above.

I believe its going to have a number of early recordings of the start of the group.

I think this is the album cover.

A VERY BRITISH SYNTHESIZER GROUP. Seriously...? YES!! The masters.

Ohhh be still my heart... DAP DUP DAP DUP DAP DUP!!!

This album will be purely Human League so no Together In Electric Dreams song as its a more Phil Oakey solo project with Giorgio Moroder.

September is going to be an amazing month, TOTO officially is finally officially releasing officially the Montreux 1991 show.
One of the last shows and final recording of Jeff Porcaro.
Steve Lukather take lead vocals for this era I think.

And Extreme, oooohh I am so curious about the Japanese only double cd of Pornograffiti Live.
I am not so eager of the live dvd as I already see them play the whole album Pornograffiti in LA BATACLAN but that double Japanese Live cd is cutesy to the max, the cover I mean.

Ooohh lots more... Deep Purple final Jon Lord show in Birmingham and with Don Airey playing the first part and they play together after Perfect Strangers is finally out on dvd.

and I still havent got Lefthanded Keadilan and Seruan. LOL!!

If ever a Song which basically makes my skin imagining and feeling like burning in hell hotness, its Seruan. LOL!!
macam cacing kena panggang, well basically macam drama atau wayang melayu, setan kena azan gitu.

OK bye.


  1. Bukan Kitaro... dah macam Ramli Sarip pulak aku nengok nya.. kihh kihh

  2. Port
    ada kat kedai lagi kot.
    Aku je asyik KIV

  3. Apa yang menarik pasal blog brader nie ialah dia menjelajah dan pulun music luo.. clear discograhpy on IRON MAIDEN and the likes.. pulun concert live and kickin.. dari Bumi yang menghidangkan music metal sebenar..

    in the end mesti patah balik ke rock dunia Melayu wehehehe... rock onnn.. tak lupa roots.. kool@!!

  4. lefthanded kalau nak kat tmpt Aku ada lagi..

  5. Quiet Riot in the house bro.. Jom ke blog yusrina sekarang..

  6. ohayooo gozaimasu dep....
    apa habaq dep
    sorry lah lama tak berkunjung kesini
    ** mana foto qurban hang taun ni dep? hehehee

  7. Takde foto korban tapi aku ada snap video lembu terlepas huhu

  8. Kalau dH layan Human League nnt terjebak pulak layan Depeche Mode terjebak pulak layan Devo pastu terjebak pulak nnt nak try Paradise Lost dari doom jadi electro..terjebak jugak nnt nak faham awek awek synth 80s pastu nnt budak bdk elektro indie zaman ni..hehehe

  9. Aku baru perasan ko ada mention pasal band Extreme.. aku nie pengkagom Nuno Bettencourt nyer fingering... ada banyak blogger pasal metal tapi haram tak ada cerita pasal depa.. mungkin la depa nie mangsa fashion.. atau berada di timeline yang tak betul walaupun pernah mengecapi keglamoran di puncak bersama metal penting US yang lain... tapi lepas tue terus underrated.. mungkin sebab di awal tue embraced dan copycat Van Halen terlebih tapi lps tue Nuno cari sendiri sound dia..

    Dia, Malmsteen, Zakk Wylde dijemput Vai untuk pakatan baru gitar2 Generation Axe baru nie.. baru aa betulll!! idak lepak dengan RIhanna jer.. walaupun aku tgk Rihanna tetap bagi sessi solo untuk setiap kali show yg ada Nuno..
