Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Uli Jon Roth Tokyo Tapes Revisited Live Nakano Sun Plaza Hall. (Japanese Blue Ray with double CD version packaging).

Salam Kepada Semua & Hello Everyone.


That version had about 6 discs of additional dvd and two more cds of the final night in Osaka I think.
 Plus that version has a Photo Book and other interesting things. But it cost a bomb. No way, I am saving up to try to backpacking alone for Iron Maiden 2017 European Tour. LOL!!

This is the Japanese Blue Ray Triple Disc Version which two of them are cds.
2. This is definitely the best live video and live album of the year.
UNLESS the November release of Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow Live dvd is the footage from first night in Loreley, Germany, then that will be the best release, BECAUSE I WAS THERE!!!  LOL!!!!

As usual allow me to talk cock a bit in my Distasteful Horrible Vulgar Market- Style Malay Language and then I will continue on in my similar Broken Disgusting Incorrigible English Language.

Cerita2 Uli Jon Roth kat inlet buku kecil bungkusan ini dalam pembikinan dan rakaman album ni sangat dahsyat.
1. Uli Jon Roth cerita pasal dia tak puas hati bangunan Nakano Sun Plaza nak dirobohkan pasal tu tempat bersejarah dan jugak kenangan dia rakam TOKYO TAPES disana dengan Scorpions.
Jadi dia plan nak rakam video di sana main lagu Scorpions yang kira ni bahagian kedua Scorpions Revisited dia la lepas studio album double cd tu hari.
Abis tu,
Dia tak jumpa anggota band nye yang terlibat dalam kegiatan SCORPIONS REVISITED dia selama berbulan2.
Dan terus janji nak buat tiga show di Jepun dan malam kedua dah janji untuk buat rakaman rasmi DVD/Blue ray dan live album.
Uli Jon Roth cuma dengan gitaris lead kedua dia pasal mereka sama2 dalam band Uli Jon Roth. (Dia ada extra dua lead guitars untuk SCORPION REVISITED) jadi dorang dah macam Iron Maiden pasal Uli Jon Roth cerita lagu2 Scorpions zaman dia dalam kumpulan tu lagi hebat dengan guna tiga guitarists.
2. Uli Jon Roth ingat sempat nak rehearsal, tapi tak sempat langsung masa di Jepun terus beraksi malam pertama di Nagoya.
Heran nya, drummer Scorpions Revisited dia pun tak beraksi malam pertama di Nagoya kerana urusan lain.

tarik nafas kejappp..

3. Jadi bayangkan show kedua di Tokyo baru Uli Jon Roth jumpa drummer dia untuk Scorpions Revisited, dan dia baru jumpa band members dia selepas berapa bulan tanpa rehearsal terus main di Nagoya dan terus malam kedua di Tokyo nak buat rakaman rasmi DVD di Nakano Sun Plaza tempat TOKYO TAPES dirakam 37 TAHUN DAHULU.
4. Tapi memang hebat rakaman ni, cam Uli cerita2 pasal kegunaan tiga gitarist, dan jugak rakaman ni nak abis Fly To The Rainbow, tali string gitar Uli putus, dan semua dirakam dalam video, dan text inlet dalam bungkusan ni Uli cerita apa jadi atas stage.
Aku tengok ok je masa instrumental dia main lagu Tokyo Dream Prelude tapi Uli cerita dia tak dengar apa2 waktu atas pentas tu..
dan jugak banyak solo2, instrumental2, contoh cam lagu Ive Got To Be Free dah jadi macam panjang 10 minit gitu dengan pusing2 jam dan instrumentals..

Memang hebat la segala improvisations dalam live konsert ni dan sound nya.
Tak kesah la korang minat muzik apa jenis pun, kalau korang minat muzik korang mesti teruja tengok dan dengar rakaman2 dari Uli Jon Roth Tokyo Tapes Revisited ni...
Ni album memang untuk music lovers gitu la...

Bahagian In Trance gitu, macam.. sayu sangat.. 
dan untuk sapa minat Scorpions, teringat zaman kecik sampai besar pasal terang2 Scorpions tak lari dari menghiburkan kita semua sejak kecik sampai besar dan masa hadapan.

Aku tak bedek, serious berbual. Beli OK. haha.

5. Semua gitaris dapat solo, dan penyanyi pun tiga orang termasuk Uli Jon Roth.

SILA BELI. Ni rakaman video paling unik dengan band takde rehearsal, tak jumpa berbulan, drummer baru join pagi rakaman, dengan apa2 segala masalah atas pentas..

tapi memang paling hebat.. memang betul2 rock abis...

Terngangah tengok video live ni, dan jugak bila aku baik jalan kaki, dalam bas, dalam train, tunggu bas, tunggu train,
aku pasang headphones aku dengar rakaman dua2 cd kat bungkusan ni, memang kagum. Happy sangat.

OK, Sila Beli.

Sila Beli boleh macam2 la maknanya hahaha...

K dahbis cakap Melayu. 

I think the above photo was the moment Uli Jon Roth broke his guitar string near the end of Fly To The Rainbow which according to the text seems giving him lots of problems.

Its amazing all the footages of problems and the No Preparation that Uli face while recording this video was only highlighted in the text of the booklet that accompanies the package, but if you see the video all seems under under control and seems like everything is going so well.

Three lead guitars like Iron Maiden, chances for triple harmonies, lots of songs extensions, improvisations, jams and instrumentals.
Sails Of Charon goes to extended "UNLEDDED Kashmir" territory..
Usage of three vocalists and all the lead vocals including Uli have beautiful voices.
Kojono Tsuki is there somewhere LOL!

After the end of the concert, the credit roll is very classy and emotional. Seems there is a continuation of the instrumental of Rainbow Dream Prelude and Tokyo Dream Prelude called Nagoya Dream Prelude.

Buy this and the studio double cd Scorpions Revisited by Uli Jon Roth (for the maximum enjoyment the Japanese version if you got the money, and the Korean version which has the same amount of songs like the Japanese version but Korean ones are much cheaper, as for this release the European versions is incomplete I had shown this double cd before somewhere in this blog.).

These are the text....  I dont arrange it according to the pages...


I was wondering if Ritchie Blackmore had used Uli bassist, keyboardist and drummer instead for his 2016 Rainbow version. What will happen. It will be so much more teutonic.

But nevermind. LOL!!
I was wondering all the big noises about Ritchie selection and the style of playing, its Ritchie band he can do what he likes.

OK long live rock n roll..

and this post was make while listening to May Rahsia, and May Hakikat. LOL!!


One of the newer rock bands that I really like...


  1. POWERWOLF aku xkenal.. kalao REZINWOLF aku kenal.. eheheh

  2. Kat sini tak jumpa lagi dvd ngan cd uli ni.kalo ada mmg aku beli.syok pulak baca review pasal konsert ni.scorpions era UJR mmg banyak kenangan

  3. tempat dorang main tu nak kena roboh sudah kah..

  4. Yeap. Dewan yang rakaman Tokyo Tapes dibuat tahun 1977,78 dulu

  5. Uli Jon roth memang legend la deaf.. Good posting
    TQ deaf angel
