Sunday, December 25, 2016

GOODBYE MetalHammer/ClassicRock Magazines??? & the audio bootleg for ACDC Manchester Etihad Stadium June 2016 dan eksiden bas kat Muar aku baru tahu tadi, dan aku baru lalu jugak direction lagi satu sebelum tu..

First in English then in Malay Language.

Something really horrible and very sad news in the LITERARY world.
At least to me.

Teamrock the owners for two of the UK magazines that are in favour of rock and heavy metal music (and certainly these two magazines are very pro-Iron Maiden) are in serious financial trouble.

All the staffs are out of job, and without salary for the month of December.
And seems the publication of Metal Hammer and Classic Rock is no more?

Lets hope something positive will appear for the staff, and lets hope another company takes over the magazines and long may both magazines reign in the future.

Maybe its readers like me who are partly to blame.

I seldom buy magazines, I even now limit my spendings for musical releases, I have completely stop buying vinyls also.
I had decided that before all my favourite bands retire or stop playing, I want to see them play as much as possible backpacking to Europe if possible for at least until Maiden retires. LOL!!

If I buy a Magazine, surely its because it has a Maiden content that is worth buying and maybe worth keeping.
I have not much storage space, so I think I need to remove the pages that I like, and throw the rest of the magazines away. (Work In Progress).

Anyway, a quick go thru of my collection and I found some of my Metal Hammer & Classic Rock Magazines with Maiden on the cover.

Again, lets wish all the staff who had provide us so much delight, information and entertainment writing, reviewing about our favourite bands will have new jobs soon.
I think there is a worldwide online appeal to collect funds for them,
and like I say, hopefully another company would buy over the names and continue the legacy of these two magazines.

OK next,

Whenever possible, I would like to listen back, and try to collect audio recordings (bootlegs) of shows I attended.

If the shows are in Singapore and Malaysia, I would be most of the time smuggling a recording device to bootleg the show for my repeats listening,
but, if its outside of Singapore & Malaysia, most of the time I would be going MENTAL...
And I expect other tapers to do the job for me. LOL!!

I was thinking back of the ACDC show with AXL Rose that I attend for 2016 Manchester Etihad Stadium which I did backpacking for.

I know there is Flac recording of an audience recording which is quite good in quality.
I saw it in EBAY. Its for UU$40. OK, I have no money for that.
So a quick go around the internet and I got it for FREE. LOL!!

I believe its the same recording. Not bad really, there was 75,000 crazy AC/DC fans that night, so the taper is really doing well LOL!!

This is on Ebay...

Its 1AM, I need to be ready for work at 5AM, yes Christmas day and its a work day for me.

I am listening to ACDC Manchester 2016, the taper does a good job, and it does bring back my memories of that night.

The audience was amazing. One of the photo I took that night.
I had forgotten what song haha.

I wont be going out of my way to see ACDC again in the future, but if our paths meet, I will be there again.

I hope they play Heatseeker and Problem Child next time. LOL!!!!
Yes, I love Heatseeker. LOL!!! Very fast. LOL!!

My full photos and how to go to Etihad, and review and whatever is here

Salam Semua... Nanti... besok lusa tulat akan datang, aku akan cerita kat korang, suasana surreal yang memang terjadi kat sepanjang North South Highway pada malam 23 December dua hari lepas.
Memang hujan lebat sepanjang panjang, banyak hal kenderaan..
Bus aku naik, stop kat Yong Peng, mekanik cek alignment brake ok.......
Aku sampai kat destinasi aku Larkin,
tapi bas Alisan JB Sentral ke TBS tak sampai.

Aku sedih sangat dapat tahu eksiden tu. So far 14 meninggal tapi memang malam tu macam "surreal sangat". Tu ah bas driver bas yang aku naik boleh sampai panggil mekanik cammana tu?

hujan lebat, mekanik basah kuyup masuk bawah bas cek brake.
Hormat aku kat bas driver yang bas aku naik. He is a responsible man. Mungkin, dia pun nervous malam tu. 
Nanti la lain kali k...


Syarikat Teamrock yang beli Metal Hammer dan ClassicRock berapa tahun lepas dah kena ambik tindakan mahkamah,
Semua staff tak dibayar gaji bulan 12. Tapi ni latest aku baca kat tenet, dah berapa puluh ribu dah peminat2 majalah dua ni dah kumpul, derma kilat nak kasi kat staff staff ni semua, dah la krismas untuk dorang.

Harap Metal Hammer dan ClassicRock akan terbit semula secepat mungkin , tentu ada syarikat nak ambik alih brand ni dua.


aku teringat pasal aku gi backpacking tengok band rock bulan 6 lepas kat Europe, 
dan cam setiap show aku pergi, aku cuba carik bootlegs peminat rakam,
so aku teringin nak dengar balik show malam tu yang aku pergi ialah ACDC...
memang tiba2 teringat gitu...

dan antara aku pergi menengok ialah ACDC main kat Etihad Stadium. Dahsyat, 65 ribu? 75 ribu peminat Hardcore ACDC malam tu, sampai kat paling belakang semua hurray-hurray tonggang terbalik. HAHA

So aku teringat, aku takde bootleg malam tu, aku ada tape, tapi macam aku cakap kat atas, aku dalam keadaan hurray-hurray dan berdengung pasal aku tak tido dah sejak abis kerja terus naik flight terus tukar kat Abu Dhabi terus sampai Manchester, buang bag kat backpack nye tempat, terus naik train gi stadium MAN CITY, dah la security dah pergi congkong buah kana jeruk cina aku, 

Security paling bukit la, tapi aku tak terkejut la kan, macam sial nye football team.

dan jugak faktor bulan Ramadhan, tak silap aku, aku buka puasa masa lagu "IF YOU WANT BLOOD YOU GOT IT", aku buka puasa makan kurma dalam keadaan huru-hara.

So, aku gi la carik mana2 rakaman bootleg terbaik, then aku perasaan ooohh yeah, ada label yang print bootleg release malam tu tapi mahal la.

So aku carik rakaman sama, so aku jumpa free. Nak cover, buat sendiri la... haha.


Aku suka foto atas tu, bila big screen tunjuk audience.

masa aku snap pakai handphone keadaan kelam kabut tu, Angus dan Axl gerak different direction pulak tu dan dua dua dalam foto.


  1. Tu la sedih bila pagi2 dengar berita ada trajedi macam ni..kena pulak bila kita ada family dan kawan2 yang selalu menggunakan perkhidmatan bas express...risau jugak kan..tapi tu la ajal maut di tgn tuhan..

    Btw...sedih la kalau metal hammer & clasic rock tutup kedai...dulu2 awal 90an aku rajin la beli metal hammer...kerrang! pun..kerrang! tiap2 minggu...maklumlah zaman tu murah...belas2 ringgit ajer...sekarang punya harga dah boleh dapat 2 cd reissue...memang tak mampu la nak beli...kecuali ada special edition...gagahkan juga beli...

  2. Kerrang sold out muahaahahaha. Tapi Kerrang pandai dorang ikut trend anak muda. Muzik rock dan metal sentiasa diperbarui generasi baru tapi yang lama tak dilupakan,

  3. Memang sadis pasal kes eksiden bas ekpress tu.aku sedih baca pasal mamat yg tunang dia meninggal.semoga keluarga mangsa tabah.
    Ada dengo jugak pasal metal hammer tu.rugi la kalo diorang tutup.dah lebih 30 tahun tu..harap band2 rock besar mcm maiden ke metallica dpt bantu diorang

  4. sedih dengar pasal tragedi kemalangan bas ekspres tu. makin sedih lagi dgr metal hammer nak tutup dah huhu

  5. aku ada gak baca dan tgk berita pasal kemalangan tu.. nanti ko sambung ceritanya cemana k..

  6. Semalam baru tgk satu video drebar bas bawak bas sambil merokok, main phone dan berbalas msj. Yg rakam video tu anak murid Zakir Naik, Firdaus Wong Wai Hung. Jadi cepat sugguh viralnya..

    Majalah Prog pun bungkus sekali..

  7. dah takde lagi metal hammer & juga kerrang.. so alternatifnya kita layan jer majalah Gila Gila, habis cerita.. haahaa

  8. ooops terlupa lakk nak promote, ayuh jom ke blog yusrina, kerana ada kumpulan febians menanti anda disana.. yeahh yeahh

  9. METAL HAMMER last aku beli two years back kot... dah jd orang Muo nie susah aa nak cari dahh- xsure ada ke idak kat POPULAR Muo nie.. still best sbb bagi CD giveaway nakkenal2 band metalcore geng2 UK + Djent yg sekarang2 nie..
