Wednesday, February 22, 2017

GUNS N ROSES (Saturday/Sabtu), & a small matter of Megadeth two incoming shows in KL and Kallang.

Guns (side English) 
& Roses (side Bahasa Melayu)

Zillion years ago at school.
When I first heard "Estranged", I like it so much.
I read the lyrics at the cassette tape inlets,
"Old At Heart But I'm only 28
I'm Much Too Young 
To Let Love Break My Heart".

I was going ""28??!!!!"" "Fuck that is so long from now."

Time flies. And how time really flies...

And now, I am much much older than 28.
And I still love this song and even more so. Beautiful song and lyrics, complete with dolphins sounds.
If ever the reason why Axl Rose & Slash must reunite, this is it!! LOL!!
And I hope they play it this Saturday.

So it will be lots of emotions when the songs will be played.
I will endure the Chinese Democracy tunes and I am sure they will play a few maybe I like it enough after hearing some tunes played live to finally buy the album.
There is this techno song "better"?? nice....

But any songs from the Appetite For Destruction, Use Your Illusions 1 & 2, Spaghetti Incident, Lies.. albums??

No problem, any songs.
I will love them all. LOL!!
Surely many of the songs I have not heard for a long time.
But I am confident, all will come back to me, the lyrics and the way the songs goes and the solos and all that. Just like Metallica a few weeks back, or any other rock band show that I attend.
These songs never disappear from your head, they will reappear once you see these bands starts to play the songs no matter how long how many years you never hear those songs. All will come back start to finish.

Moving on,

So, another small matter of a DOUBLE HEADER OPPORTUNITY of Megadeth playing both Singapore & Malaysia early May.

Ohh shit its very close to my intention of backpacking all over for Iron Maiden UK Tour.

So I guess I'll skip that, unless an opportunity arises for either show or both LOL!!!

Certainly, the Malaysia Kuala Lumpur show will be a blinder.
Megadeth have problems before playing in Malaysia so the first time will be a killer.
It will be a revenge time.
I am sure extra songs will be played for the Kuala Lumpur show.

The Singapore show? Well.. Megadeth have been to Singapore at least twice but this is the first time it will be indoors, and I have never seen Megadeth indoors come to think of it. NOW, this is an excuse for me to see Megadeth this coming May?? Because I have never seen them play INDOORS ever?? LOL!!! and both Singapore & Malaysia shows are indoors? hmmmn.. (giggles).
(now lets see my working shifts schedules for both days LOL!!)

Dystopia Tour was and surely is still great, I saw them play Donington last year with a bunch of the new songs they played and they even got additional time to play an extra song and they bring out Nikki Sixx to join in for ANARCHY IN UK.
What a choice. Donington. And Queen Elizabeth Birthday Celebrations Period in the UK. LOL!!!
Really slot in well with old ones.
So I think it will be enjoyable for those able to attend either of these shows.


GNR show in Singapore will be held at the "not so easily accesible" by public transport besides the coastal sea side Changi Exhibition Hall.
So its easier to get the special bus services provided,
or I'll end up sleeping on the beach till morning. LOL!!

Even the special bus service ticket looks cool for Guns N Roses.


I was going thru some Donington footage for Megadeth last year..

This is simply a HILLARIOUS FUNNY VIDEO CAM showing the crushing situation in front.

From the video, I think its difficult to breathe let alone move. 
Fans are compressing in front early to get the best spots for Black Sabbath The End later. LOL!!

I was much further back for Megadeth because I want to peacefully enjoy the new Dystopia songs that day. And its flooding mud rivers the whole main stage area. 
Scary like hell sometimes these situations. 

The ending of this video was the best with the CAM guy was ESCORTED OUT BY SECURITY thru the front. LOL!!

Check out this video start to end from someone way up in front, it was a Saturday the day Megadeth plays on Main Stage. Nikki Sixx was on stage, two bassist during this song. Legs all over. 

OKAY... apa nak cakap eh...

Guns N Roses.

Macam aku cakap kat atas, korang tahu Estranged kan? Terbaik dari ladang lagu ni..

Boleh menangis ok kalau dengar kesedihan lagu ni, dan ayat ayat puitis lirik lagu punye la menyentuh perasaan. Siap dengan bunyi bunyi ikan dolphin yang kiut.

Tapi kan masa lagu ni keluar macam kan lirik dia cantik sangat kan, siap ada umur lagi...., "Ala...apa ni cinta2 ni semua? 28 tahun?? siak ah!! tu tua siak!!"..

cam gitu la kan sikit lebih kurang fikir kalau masa baca lirik..

Then.. hah kau dah terover rabak rabak nya..
Dan still, masih aku minat giler lagu ni, makin aku minat...

Jadi kenangan mengusik jiwa lagu2 Guns N Roses, aku harap sikit2 dah la main album Chinese Democracy...
aku harap Better dan This I Love.  Cukup... lain lagu, aku tak cerewet.. Apa2 pun boleh...
Zaman Appetite, Illusion Satu dan Dua, Lies, Spaghetti Incident pun...
Semua aku boleh hadam...

Drummer baru ni cam menarik perhatian aku, so ada sesuatu aku nak cek out jugak.

Harap tak hujan. HAHAHAHA. Mampos siak, tempat terbukak tepi laut lagik... Dugaan ok.
Ohhh, dorang dah sediakan perkhidmatan bas lebih elok dari Metallica nye show 2013.
Berapa ramai korang tido tepi laut? haha..
OK, aku ada beli tiket bas, ada berapa tempat boleh pilih untuk khidmat bas malam tu, tak semua tempat la, berapa tempat je tapi at least ok la, boleh keluar dari TEMPAT JIN BERTENDANG TU.

OK, harap boleh pergi, aku off tiga hari hujung minggu ni.. so satu malam hurray hurray... sekali2 ok la kan? haha...

Oooohh Megadeth...  WAHHHH Ijau dah tayang tiket ok...

GERAAAAMMMM aku tengok haha..

Tapi harap semua gi enjoy la, aku terus terang cakap kalau aku, pilih dua show, aku akan gi KL nye show berbanding Kallang,
hanya kerana aku fikir Dave Mustaine mesti berdendam kesumat nak beraksi di Malaysia.
Jadi dia akan pastikan Megadeth all out ,
dan aku tak terkejut KL dapat lagu2 extra berbanding tempat lain.

Dystopia, masa album ni dibuat, dengan Kiko join Megadeth..
ni semua cerita dua tiga tahun lepas lagi kan..

Memang dua tiga tahun lepas, menaikkan semangat aku kembali sebagai pendengar lagu2 mereka..

Mula2 aku dapat peluang tengok Angra beraksi di Hellfest, Angra is KIKO (&Rafael), dan KIKO(& Rafael) is Angra.

Lepas tu terus berita keluar Dave Mustaine panggil Kiko join Megadeth, 
dan last year aku dapat tengok dorang main tour baru ni kat Donington,
siap lepas dorang main , TRIPLE H  dari WWE naik stage kasi Dave Mustaine apa award entah.

(tu video atas tu aku jumpa kat youtube, kelakar.. aku paling suka ending video atas ni, aku takdelah depan2 gitu.. tak boleh bernafas ok, aku diri belakang diam diam sudah... haha, tapi aku plan nak gi tengok Iron Maiden rasa satu dua show aku nak try depan2, kaki tak jejak lantai nya depan.. TAKUT siak!! haha).

So memang la bara lama terbakar kembali gitu... dan Dystopia pun seronok.
So enjoy, sapa pergi show...

aku rasa aku tak gi la... baca ulasan show korang je la.... Wahhh Speedrider awal2 dah sms aku HAHHA.
K kalau aku gi aku bilang kau.

ok ok... Aku stop.. Bye..


  1. sekali sekala deaf, duduk belakang la~ (UR5 to be exact) kah kah kah

  2. tu ah kau Metalika tu hari tak turun,
    duk belakang ngan aku. haha

  3. rasa nak turun pula makin lama makin terbakar hati ni, nantilah aku fikir2 mana tau berubah fikiran p tgk megadeth tu, kawan2 selepak aku pun teruja nak turun semua, kang aku keseorangan tak trun, lepas tu mesti masa lepak cerita gempak2..masa tu baru nyesal nak nangis wakakaka...

  4. Mai la kl bang deap leh together2 mengeteh.dengo cite gnr ada panggil steven adler main balik eh

  5. Aku pun sama...1st time dengar Estranged aku rasa lama lagi nak sampai 28...tapi sedar tak sedar lama dah 28 berlalu...hahaha...

    GNR ni wish list aku...dulu masa kat Sepang tak mampu....nampaknya kali ni pun tak mampu...harapnya dorang akan datang lagi la ke sini....tapi harapnya masa tu Izzy dan Steven dah join balik...huhu...

  6. guns n roses tu hehe... rugi kalau terlepas.. so tunggu apa lagi geng..?

  7. Menghala ke Ancol Jakarta pulak April yawww


  9. HI Anon,
    I think its very unfair the bitching gets out of hand.

    Anyway, the tag system having failures are nothing new.

    Donington have been using them and cases arise due to failures.

    The best is follow Hellfest style of changing cash to physical tokens.
