Monday, March 6, 2017

Colston Hall - "and why this place is like a thunder in my heart" and THE CRANBERRIES

Mula2 ingat nak borak pasal rok melayu,
nak luahkan perasaan DUKACITA aku tengok sokkabar melayu cerita pasal Joe keluar dari kumpulan Wings. Tapi lain kali la. Daffodil Lament & Ares Lament ok perasaan aku ni tahu Joe dah takde dalam kumpulan Wings. 
Beliau punye sumbangan dan apa je la sejak dari kaset Hukum Karma keluar tak perlu dipertikaikan atau diremeh-temehkan sesiapun. 
He is the heart and soul untuk aku. Tu la aku, ketawakan Search kerana masalah dalaman mereka, hah sekarang mampos aku ambik ubat dukacita, Wings lagi rabak situation pada pendapat aku.

Pada pendapat aku je la...   Its a sad for me. Before aku berkorban huru harakan diri sendiri untuk Iron Maiden backpacking, Wings la aku sanggup setakat KL, JB, Singapore shows takde hal..
Tidur kat Puduraya lama, dengan Indon Indon merempat kat bangku2 Puduraya, Wings nye pasal, ho hal.
Lain kali la borak.

As usual English then Bahasa Melayu. I try to add different contents to make it worthwhile.

Today lets blog about COLSTON HALL and why its such a legendary place for me, and also The Cranberries at the same time playing a UK tour while Iron Maiden is doing so.

But before that.... Tommy Page is dead yesterday by suicide solution, but Long Live "Shoulder To Cry On!!".
and Long Live The King of Mercy! (I am listening to Wasp Crimson Idol while doing this blog)


When I was at school, one of my favourite bootlegs of Iron Maiden was the Somewhere In Time Tour recorded in Bristol 1986 because of the awesome recording quality and blistering performance of the SIT album songs live. especially.
The setlist for that album tour was amazing (Dave Murray & Adrian Smih (& before that Rainbow) played Nightwish' Walking In The Air long before Nightwish play that song LOL!!)
So on that recording Bruce Dickinson was chatting about Bristol , about they played in Hippodrome and then Colston Hall and saying about there should be a bigger place in Bristol.

So it sticks on my mind, this Colston Hall thingy.

I think Iron Maiden possibly will never play there again due to the size of the audience they attract nowadays unless they do a full 30-40 dates UK tour which is undoubtly so.

And then I was following the most awesome of them all - Belinda Carlisle tour dates, and I realise she also performed at Colston Hall.
So its a dream to visit this place.

So for Iron Maiden UK Tour which I intend to backpack alone for at least 5 shows all over Scotland, England and Wales,
I checked out Colston Hall dates, and unbelievably The Cranberries will play there on an evening when Iron Maiden is not playing,
and it falls between dates for Birmingham and Cardiff.
Its a miracle as by taking a public express bus, it will be less than 2 hours from these two places.

So I wait for the tickets to go on sale, and standby at the selling hour in front of the internet on the laptop, BUT DAMN THE FAN CLUB MEMBERS OR SOMETHING HAVE GOT ALL THE MORE FRONT ONES, anyway, still not bad, and its unique that Colston Hall sells their tickets to their own performance hall.
Its a physical ticket, and Colston Hall personally sent the ticket to me and a very very reasonable cheap price for the postage.

I am very impressed and super happy.
I may not be able to see Iron Maiden play in Dublin, but one of Ireland's finest band is playing Colston Hall right in the middle of Iron Maiden UK Tour rest day.

Seems Colston Hall is all seater when I try to get a front of stage ticket, and fortunately I think Cranberries will play acoustic so its not so bad.
A rest day from the mad , lunatics, crazy , looney tunes environment of front of stage Iron Maiden for a sitting down performance of The Cranberries acoustic playing "their greatest hits" as advertised.

I hope Animal Instinct will be played. I love this song. I thought it was a happy song back in year 2000, I WAS a bit WRONG, because I come across the video for the song and I realised its a sort of miserable depressing song but well... thats life as long as these 3 are happy.

And surely, greatest hits means including "songs never released as a single?
Because DAFFODIL LAMENT has to be played.
There was a time a vote was done for the fans to choose their favourite "non-single" song, or a song that appears on albums but never release as a single.
This song is like a emotional roller coaster with sweet time changes.

Play the above two songs, with When You're Gone and Be With You and I am very happy. LOL!!


I think it will be something like this.

Playing a tiny office desk space area and still a BLOCKBUSTER!!
Dolores.... age is catching up but she still rocks!

I click "Zombie" music video and its like 489 MILLION views?
Now that is a band with many listeners.

"With Their Tanks, and their BOMBS!, and their BOMBS!, and their guns"....

OK OK, cam aku cakap kat atas, tentu ada korang pun yang dengar bootlegs Iron Maiden tahu pasal rakaman bootleg Bristol Colston Hall 1986 kerana ia memperdengarkan terutama cammana Iron Maiden bawak lagu2 live dari album Somewhere In Time.
Tak silap aku rakaman ni yang first aku tahu cammana dorang guna intro tape Caught Somewhere In Time, dan jugak cammana Bruce bawak korus Sea Of Madness nye lagu kalau live haha.
Dan rakaman ini yang memperdengarkan kat aku lagu Snowman, lagu katun yang Ritchie Blackmore solo untuk salah satu album Rainbow,
kemudian Dave Murray dan Adrian Smith solo untuk tour 1986 Iron Maiden secara live,
dan kemudian lagu ni dipamerkan kembali untuk peminat muzik dengan NIGHTWISH pun rakam semula lagu ni dengan Tarja akhirnya nyanyikan liriks lagu ni tak macam versi Ritchie Blackmore Rainbow dan Iron Maiden yang hanya main instrumental aje.

Dan bila Belinda Carlise pun beraksi kat Colston Hall, aku memang teruja nak gi tempat ni.

Maaf la, ada orang teruja nak gi sana nak gi sini, tapi... dari segi duniawi, satu tempat aku nak sangat pijak ialah Donington pasal pengaruh dari zaman kecik baca pasal band rock main kat sana, dan aku dah pergi dua kali berlainan tahun. Dan aku cita2 nak gi lagi sekali bila Iron Maiden main kat sana lagi sekali, MUNGKIN BUAT KALI TERAKHIR dua tiga tahun akan datang.

So, bila aku cek Colston Hall nye jadual dan The Cranberries akan main dan jatuh pada hari "off day" antara Maiden main dekat Birmingham(England) dan Cardiff (Wales), dan memang Bristol memang dekat dengan ni dua bandar,

Aku dah cek,
Naik bas tak sampai dua jam dari Birmingham gi Bristol
Dari Bristol gi Cardiff pun tak sampai dua jam naik bas ekpress...

ala... imejin naik bas ekpress dari Larkin JB gi Melaka, atau Melaka gi TBS KL je gitu. HAHA. Bawak beg haversack satu belakang besar giler, satu depan perut kecik sikit. haha. Pakai selipar Jepun!!!  Suka aku tengok mat salleh pandang dua kali kalau aku berselipar jepun je gi mana2. Tengok Iron Maiden je baru pakai kasut. Mampos terbukak dan kena pijak la kaki ayam setakat selipar jepun kalau belah depan diri.

.... mampos penat siot aku tiap2 hari tukar2 bandar backpacking naik keretapi, naik bas, tengok rock band main dalam suasana giler babi omputeh.. hahaha.
tapi ni la hidup aku sebagai seorang peminat rock and roll band.

so, aku terus tunggu hari jualan tiket, aku bertenggek kat internet.

Itu pun dapat seat tak depan sangat... row depan semua orang dah beli. Celaka.

Colston Hall ni ada seats, jadi tengok la penonton macam mana, kalau semua diri, dah jadi show berdiri la kan, terutama kalau semua rush kedepan. Tapi, rasanya tak kot, pasal Cranberries dah iklankan dorang akan main akaustik.

So tengok cammana....... Mat Jenin dengan angan2 nya... sama macam aku dengan yo-yo-oh backpacking ikat perut sorang2 main redah je pasal nak tengok Iron Maiden main atas pentas kat lain2 tempat dan suasana giler babi huru hara omputeh.


cehhhh.. Empire Of The Clouds siot...

walau Ronnie James Dio nye album Dream Evil dia nyanyi "I Could Have Been A Dreamer Cause Dreamers Never Die".

Contradict siot ni dua ni.. haha.


  1. Lama eh cranberries ni senyap.dulu album dia no.1 pasal si dolores ni la ramai yg nak tiru vokal dia yg gedik2 tu.
    Letih jugak tu kalo backpack turun bas naik bas,naik tren.

  2. sedih la baca Joe keluar Wings...aku minat Wings pun pasal Joe...tak kisahlah walaupun dia start dari 2nd album...tapi macam dah sinonim dah Joe dengan Wings tu...apa2 pun support la band baru dia dengan Hillary...Prime Domestic...tak sabar tunggu release...

    btw...aku tau Cranberries 2 lagu ajer...

  3. adakalanya aku rasa benci dgn awie... dia punya ego mcm klcc.. sebbek sore dia sedap

  4. dasyat bro deaf tour maiden tu.. best gak lagu pempuan tu. dan bab wings tu ntahlah aku pun rasa macam sedih gak.. joe keluar. esok aku tampal lukisan.

  5. Aku suka LOUD AND CLEAR dan harap masuk dalam CRANBERIES GREATEST HITS

  6. The cranberies Pernah tgk live kat kl... Best...duduk melopong depan Dolores
