Sunday, March 26, 2017

PYROMANIA Deluxe Edition - Def Leppard and news of Maiden's continuation release of the 180gram heavyweight black vinyls.

OK, after the SERIOUSNESS of 
World Water Day/Hari Air Sedunia.

Lets start the review/opinion and ulasan of Def Leppard's Pyromania Deluxe Edition in Bahasa Melayu and then  in English.
As usual I try to make the contents different,
usually the Bahasa Melayu one will be more gossipy. LOL!!

Photos of the complete packaging and all the HISTORICAL TEXT of the making of Pyromania inside the booklet for those who havent seen it will be pasted all along this blog.

Untuk korang peminat lagu rock melayu dan omputeh,
satu antara dua ni akan berlaku dalam hidup korang.

Sama ada 
a) korang dengar lagu FOOLING dulu, lepas tu dengar BERPALING dari Search.
b) korang dengar lagu BERPALING dari Search dulu, lepas tu baru dengar lagu FOOLING.

tapi salah satu atas ni, selalu terjadi, lumrah hidup korang sebagai seorang peminat rock n roll band.

Kenangan kan ni semua.
Pyromania ni asalnya tahun 1983 dulu, dan versi deluxe ni ialah tahun 2009 keluar.

First sekali aku nak cakap, kalau aku cuma boleh pilih satu album Def Leppard aku akan pilih album Slang, aku pernah blog pasal Slang dua kali, satu kali untuk Slang double CD, dan lagi sekali bila Special Edition Slang keluar.
Aku siap beli single2 dari album Slang pasal aku nak versi live lagu2 dari album Slang.
Slang ni unik, terkeluar ring gitu...
ok, balik ke tajuk perbincangan dan berbual syok sendiri.
Jadi aku akhirnya memiliki cd Pyromania. Aku tengok kat gerobok aku tak pernah nampak la. haha.
Kaset memang....
Zaman sekolah dulu, pakai Walkman ye tak.
SEMUA LAGU GEREK, sepuluh sepuluh lagu Terbaik dari ladang.
Aku paling tak suka lagu Fooling dalam kaset Pyromania ni. Pasal cam gagap gitu. Macam bas ekpress KKKL. Korang tahu tak, kalau kat rumah sebut bas KKKL katalah beli tiket bas express KKKL kan? tak panggil KKKL tau, tapi panggil "Bas Gagap".

Gurau je eh, jangan terasa... hidup zaman ni memang stress, cakap sikit je kecik hati, marah2. haha.

 Aku paling suka lagu Comin'Under Fire dan lagu Stagefright.
Seronok giler dua dua lagu ni.
Tapi apa pun setiap lagu gerek... dan Die Hard The Hunter bila part gitar solos tu kan, gerek giler.

Jadi sapa belum memiliki tapi nak cukupkan korum dan masukkan cd Pyromania dalam koleksi korang, Sila tangkap versi Deluxe Edition kerana bukan saja Pyromania tapi cd yang kedua dalam bungkusan ini ialah sangat hebat, live songs dari persembahan 1983 mereka kat Los Angeles.
Dahsyat, dan best sangat. Evergreen.

Versi live giler babi nye istimewa sangat zaman dorang memang hebat tahun 1983 dulu - 
6 lagu dari album Pyromania, 2 dari album On Through The Night, 6 dari album High N Dry, dan satu lagu cover Travelling Band dengan Brian May dari Queen.
So memang sapa minat Def Leppard, ni peluang memiliki live album rasmi dengan persembahan dan sound terbaik dari zaman tiga album pertama bila mereka memang rock.

dan ingat, ni zaman paling best Def Leppard, 
-RICK ALLEN MASIH ADA DUA TANGAN. Belum eksiden putus tangan lagik.
-STEVE CLARK MASIH HIDUP. Hensem eh dekni.. aku suka dia tapi kaki botol rabak nye kot.
-PHIL COLLEN MASIH PAKAI BAJU. Geli siak aku tengok dia sekarang. Sebab tu aku tak mau gi tengok Def Leppard main, buat apa aku bayar tiket, abis tu aku geli tengok Phil Collen tak pakai baju.
OK aku tak kesah orang lain ok aku akan bayar tiket -, Lovehunters tak nak pakai baju, aku alrite, HIGH-ON FIRE memang trademark frontman tak pakai baju berpeluh cam mandi gitu, tapi seronok, 
aku berharap dapat tengok High On Fire main lagi sekali, giler babi laju dorang live 3 piece dan gerek nak mampos style heavy metal dorang.
antara band paling terkejut beruk kan aku ni band la.
aku cuma random je tengok apa band ni masa nak tunggu Slayer main satu masa dahulu, sekali tu makkao!! thorbaik.
anyway, balik kepada cerita,
tapi kalau Def Leppard Phil Collen tak pakai baju? Muntah Hijau. haha.



PYROMANIA solo breakdown.
Too Late For Love, Die Hard The Hunter, Comin Under Fire, Action Not Words,
- Steve Clark.
Stagefright, Rock Rock Till You Drop, Rock Of Ages, Photograph , Fooling
- Phil Collen.
Billy's Got A Gun - BOTH.
Its a nice read above when Phil Willis got fired during the recordings, and how Phil Collen was brought in.

Pyromania. Deluxe Edition.
Always got the cassette tape, never the CD.
So its time to upgrade to CD and why not the Deluxe Edition.
Deluxe Edition has the Pyromania album remastered
and there is a wonderful 2nd CD of 15 live songs from a 1983 show in LA Forum.

2 songs from Through The Night, 6 songs from High N Dry and 6 from Pyromania. Plus a cover of Travelling Band.

THE 2nd CD is simply worth the reason to purchase this edition. Its so rocking and showing how awesome Def Leppard first 3 albums were.

Anyway, I always love Slang, and I had make a comparison of the original release of Slang Double CD version with the acoustic live 2nd cd, and also the fabulous Slang Deluxe Edition, again a double cd with songs previously unreleased that was as good as anything on the Slang album.

The link is here - Def Leppard Slang Deluxe Edition double cd (2013) - In Comparison with original Slang double cd (1996)

So Pyromania. Complete Perfection from start to finish.

Listening to this and you hope you got that Back To The Future vehicle.
How awesome it must have been then when it first came.

This are some other pages,
oh shit I didnt realise I take a snapshot of the below photo using my handphone,
and the glare is on the head of...
Rick Savage.
I think I miss out the photo of the legs of huge cranes.

Till The Next Time...

I always like English rock bands the most..
and that invasion of my heart and mind continues till today...

I really hope to find time to blog about a particular awesome album by Savage Messiah.
A modern day English rock band. Ermmm.. ok more to thrash actually. LOL!!!

Anyway.. The news is that Iron Maiden is releasing the continuation of the HEAVYWEIGHT 180gram BLACK Vinyl.
The First Eight albums already have the "supposedly" box, but IT DID NOT FIT EVERYTHING!!
as usual Maiden being Maiden, always things got screwed up,
although they won acclaim by everyone for the way they sell tickets for 2017 UK Tour, with almost all tickets directly go to fans with the cheap official prices. (me included, hurray!!)
which now Metallica is having problems with EUROPEAN fans for the 2017 European Tour where lots of tickets are ending up at the wrong hands, and not directly to the fans at cheaper official prices.

So, I am not going to buy all the vinyls.
Money for personal entertainment and personal earthly pleasures have to be carefully manouvered for maximum 666/666 satisfaction.
My strategy right now is to see my favourite band or bands live.
If I live longer, and my favourite band/bands are retired,
and thats when I start buy more of their re-released items.
I will maybe slowly buy one at a time. LOL!!

But right now,
I JUST WANT THE BOX first!! Thats all. LOL!!
I can collect this version vinyl albums slowly next few years, or wait till they retire. LOL!!
So the box, if you want it, it will come with NPFTD and FOTD albums.
OK, its fine with me.

Nasik tambah sikit,
Iron Maiden dah umum nak keluarkan belen 180gram heavyweight black vinyl sambungan yang lepas tu.
Yang lepas puaka tu sebenarnya tak muat kan dalam kotak merah tu?
Aku tak beli semua vinyl pasal cam aku cakap kat atas, beli vinyl 180gram heavyweight Maiden ni lain kali boleh... tak payah kelam kabut.
Aku cuma nak kotak dia je.
So cerita nya belen2 yang belum keluar semua akan keluar bulan 5 sampai bulan 7.
Kotak kali ni besar giler.
Siap akan boleh selitkan vinyl Book Of Soul yang 3 LP tu.


Vinyl ni semua lain kali, kalau ada rezeki, umur panjang aku beli sekeping2 rilisan cetakkan 180gram ni.

TAK PENTING (ayat nak sedapkan hati). lain kali pun boleh beli, aku rather save nak tengok dorang main seberapa boleh, selagi nyawa dikandung badan, selagi dorang boleh main sama2 enam orang ni.
Tapi sapa tak tahu, untuk bulan 5 nanti, dalam kotak tu untuk rilisan bulan May ialah ada dua album, NPFTD dan FOTD. yang lagi belen bulan 6, dan bulan 7.
(remasters 2015 yang sezaman waktu dorang buat untuk Itunes Remasters Khas pendengar Itunes tu kot?) So aku expect sound baik sikit. hahaha. Tapi aku tak harap,
pasal ni
Aku tak tahu cammana Adrian Smith boleh tahan dengan diktator Korea Utara Steve Harris. hahaha.
Tolonglah.... next album Steve Harris cuma tulis lagu dan main bass je la, lepas tu diharamkan dari studio. Tolonglah kasi Adrian Smith jadi tukang approval album...  haha.

Apa pun ARLDO dan Donington 1992 Takde...
Entah tengok cammana....

So... macam aku cakap.. AKU NAK KOTAK BESAR GILER TU JE...

Long Live British Rock N Roll
I think they are going to rehearse soon, and I am sure Steve Harris and Bruce Dickinson are confirming the setlist for the 2017 shows.
I hope no change. The pacing was perfect and the selection awesome.
Maybe just maybe... one more song. LOL!!!
One of their Pop Singles would be nice addition.


  1. betul la zaman ni...antara lagu wajib mat rock zaman tu...teringin jugak nak ada versi ni...tapi macam ko cakap la...priority dalam hidup ada yang lebih penting...kena pulak maiden buat hal keluar lp pulak...yang sebelum ni pun belum complete lagi...pokai!!!...

  2. DL pyromania cd ada,vinyl ada ni kalo aku jumpa yg deluxe edition ni mmg aku beli.too late for love lagu yg paling aku suka.
    Siot ah maiden time aku tgh kering ni jam tu la nak reissue balik vinyl era 90an diorang..hahah.dengar cite album arldo dengan donnington tak rilis pasal album tu under EMI lagi eh.

  3. DL ni mmg rock ntah nape aku geli plak..aku dgr berpaling dulu baru fooling, n ade scene masa KSJ, Search main fooling kat club tu.. Masa osman tikus gossip pasal sudirman

  4. Mmg sesuai search bawk lagu fooling tu..aku dlu mase kecik2 pernah la dgr dn aku igt melodinya sampai la aku terdengar balik lgunya...baru tahu Search yg nyanyi

  5. aku dgr dulu berpaling baru fooling tu., haha

  6. Aku dah pejam mata tekan order. Sekian.

  7. As a sign of gratitude on how my husband was saved from Pyromania, i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
    My husband suffered Pyromania Disorder and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because he was my all and the symptoms were terrible, we tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure him. I searched for a cure and i saw a testimony of so many people who was cured from Pyromania Disorder. and so many other with similar body problem, and they left the contact of this doctor who had the herbal cure to Pyromania Disorder. I never imagined Pyromania Disorder has a cure not until i contacted him and he assured me my husband will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and my husband used it and in one month he was fully okay even up till this moment he is so full of life.Pyromania Disorder has a cure and it is a herbal cure contact the doctor for more info on on how to get the medication. Thanks for reading my testimony
