Monday, May 1, 2017

Maiden FC Mag #105 dan NASI AMBENG MAK UDA

Lazy and lazier. I wont be saying I am busy because that is exaggerating life.
Everyone has 24 hours. 
 So I condense two blog into one.
Firstly in Malay Language , I want to talk about a nice place in Singapore to eat a nice dish called " NASI AMBENG" quite well-known among the Malay ethnic group of Singapore/Malaysia and Indonesia in South East Asia.
Then secondly , a short review on the latest Iron Maiden Fan Club Magazine number 105.

Nasik Ambeng...
Susah nak komen Nasik Ambeng ni, makan la 5 kedai/gerai baik di Johor Bahru dan Singapura, dan setiap 5 gerai/kedai tu kandungan nye lain.
Nasik Ambeng ni terpulang masing2 punye citarasa.

Jangan anggap mahal, jangan anggap murah, jangan komplen harga, pasal pandai2lah pilih lauk sendiri kalau nak murah. haha.

OK nari aku review/ulasan/opinion cerita pasal NASI AMBENG MAK UDA. Ni kat belakang Chong Pang Yishun, kat satu gerai kat dalam AA Restaurant kat sepanjang Sembawang Road.
Terbaik dari ladang.
Ni gerai seorang brader peramah dan wife dia , run the show dorang je.

Sambal Goreng dia aku suka giler, mungkin antara sambal goreng paling sedap aku pernah makan, dan terkejutnya portion dia kasi banyak. Dah macam ratah Sambal Goreng tu.

Anyway, kalau pilih lauk macam nasik campur harga sangat berpatutan. Aku suka gerai ni.

Ni pulak set Nasi Ambeng , katanya hidangan untuk sorang tapi tu hari makan kita dua orang je pun boleh, siap beli tahu goreng gerai lain.
Ni aku tukar sotong dan udang yang sepatutnya ada dengan lauk lain.

Enjoy the view of the Nasi Ambeng Mak Uda.  Cantik sajian nya.

Kalau korang bungkus, takeaway, tapao, gerai ni akan letak dan susun cantik gunakan plastik tupperware besar giler.

Untuk sapa kat Singapore please try..  Atau sapa kat Malaysia yang balik Singapore atau datang visiting sedara mara, kawan2.. boleh try jugak kat kedai ni...

Aku suka k, maybe tekak aku..   

So this is the cover and backcover of Iron Maiden Fan Club magazine number 105 which coincides with the now running Book Of Soul Tour 2017, the second part and conclusion of the World Tour which starts last year.

never a dissapointment, superb quality paper all colour 48 PAGES, no ads no nothing except everything Iron Maiden related, Iron Maiden fan related, everything got to do with Maiden

So Adrian Smith has 8 pages latest interview.

And lots more, but the best is MARTIN BIRTCH.


PLEASE, maybe RAINBOW, DEEP PURPLE, BLACK SABBATH (the best era when Ronnie James Dio was fronting), and OF COURSE IRON MAIDEN,

will the albums and songs even be the same if its not Martin Birch producing???

Now that is something to ponder.

So Maiden Magazine got a 8 pages AMAZING latest interview with MARTIN BIRCH.

And now seems they have a constant photographer John McMurtrie who did the Flight 666 photo book, to select his favourite photos,

and this is two of them , a nice shot from Singapore fancy Marina Bay Sands with background of Marina Bay and the Financial Centre.

and also...

Muslims do their daily prayers before Iron Maiden play. A shot from Jakarta Indonesia.

Also, Nicko McBrain usually have a two page spread of him behind his drum kit...

I always like to ogle at his pretty drum kit and one of the photo spread I most look forward to everytime a new fanclub magazine comes out.

also this is the first two pages of the 8 pages Adrian Smith interview about lots of things especially about China and also EL SALVADOR. Both an insight into how these two countries work.

Also a nice few pages about the Live Props For Maiden England Tour of the previous Eddies being frozen in time, 

Lastly some pages on the Martin Birch interview.. total of 8 pages of amazing information and I am so happy he is in good health though he looks older.

This is the producer of many albums that I love from Deep Purple Machinehead, Rainbow Rising, Black Sabbath Heaven and Hell and of course Maiden in their glorious 80s and early 90s era.

Love the Ritchie Blackmore mention, seems its Ritchie Blackmore who first plays to Martin Birch the very first Iron Maiden album, and both talk about Martin should be producing Maiden,
and love how the first meeting between Martin Birch and Maiden went.


I got to go thru the lyrics of Great Unknown a bit, LOL!!! New song played live this tour replacing Tears of Clown. The damn song ends when they are speeding up. DAMN YOU MAIDEN!! The fast parts should go on longer!!
Amazing reviews and fans opinions so far of their shows..

But since when it hasnt been amazing.

(and I am not speaking of their sound. LOL!!) 


I am travelling a huge distance, and I am going from show to show backpacking and sleeping on buses and such...

AND I DONT HAVE ANY TICKET BECAUSE THE DAMN SYSTEM IS TICKETLESS, at least for the standing section of the shows I am going to see.

Oh well, hope it goes fine.

p.s This blog is played with a selection of songs from Youtube playing WASP pre 1992 era.

Very emotional and nostalgic era... haha.


  1. Nasi ambeng... Arwah nenek aku slalu buat n its the best nasi ambeng.. Skrg je baru org terbuka tekak mkn nasi ambeng.. Klu Dulu nk makan ni kena ade majlis kenduri.. Dorang akan letak atas talam dan syer 4 or 5 org..lps tu bungkus bwk balik umah... Tu jam dh tukar nama nasi berkat..Kat umah hidang atas dulang mkn

  2. Nak gitu, makan kat sesetengah masjid aku rasa masih ikut tradisi nk , terutama nanti buka puasa, masih amal sistem dulang.
    Ambeng kat kedai ni pun masih ada sistem dulang makan ramai cam kau cakap,

    Cuma.. aku tu jam kita 2 orang je, so beli dulang kecik je.

  3. ko cerita nasi ambang buat aku teringat Nasi Ambang BBU...lama dah tak makan kat sana...

  4. uihhh mewah nasi ambeng ko deaf..siap ade udang dah nasi ambeng murtad ni deaf mcm2 ado hahaahhaha.... tu laa sambal goreng tu kalo power mmg sedap laa nasi ambengnye.... kat putrajaya payah nak cari mujur le ade satu kedai ni jual ...boleh le buat2 lepas ngidam...belah2 johor okey lagi...byk lagi org jual..senang nak cari....

    48pages tanpa iklan? ok tu mmg puas hati...harga mahal pun takpe kalo mcm tu....majalah skrang kualiti mcm ape...iklan je penuh satu muke surat pastu separuh majalan tu page iklan je...tensen jek!

  5. belum perna lagi makan nasi ambeng tu.

  6. sama la akupun belum pernah makan nasi ambeng, tapi tengok gambar tu rasanya bukan tekak aku la nasi ambeng ni

    tengok jackson x-stroyer H, rasa sayang pula nak letgo explorer aku kah kah kah

  7. Aku kalo nak mkn nasi ambeng mmg tggu balik jb la.kt kl ni lain tak sama mcm kt johor buat.martin birch kira penerbit legend jugak ni..

  8. oh my god, nasi ambeng nampak betul2 menarik dan menggiurkan.

  9. tak pnh terfikir nak makan nasi ambeng ni.
    tak pnh oder.
    tapi tgk gambar tu macam sedap.
    ok..sebab aku pose kot..hahaha
