Thursday, November 2, 2017

Helloween -Sweet Seductions (3cd+1dvd) Japanese Only release - review/ulasan/photos...

Salam and Hello to everyone. As usual a short review/ulasan and photos show-off for those who wants to see the packaging in English and then in Bahasa Melayu Malay Language.

The photos will be to the end of the post.

Helloween's Sweet Seduction boxset total 4 discs (3cd + 1dvd) released only for the Japan market on 1st November 2017 and I got it on the exact day as they mailed it out much earlier.

It was reported that the selection of the songs for the 3 cds are voted by Helloween Japanese fans.

The cutesy Obi Strip for this release.

So below photo you get two seperate booklets, 
one are informations and colour artworks in English,
the other one is a black and white for the Japanese stories and lyrics.

So you got fast songs, slow songs, mid tempo songs, exciting songs and boring songs packaged in a simply Pretty box with Cute booklets and inlets like only the Japanese knows how to do it.

I like the Kai Hansen / Michael Kiske era albums but when it comes to Andi Deris era its hit and misses.

Some albums of Andi Deris era I do not really like and have no interest in listening again, but some like Straight to Hell are simply for me one of their best.
Maybe I will revisit some Helloween albums and like them better next time.

Or maybe its just I prefer Helloween when they are making happy music? I dont know.

But if you are a fan of Helloween or constant listener of Helloween, this so called "Japanese fans Best Of Helloween" boxset will please you.

You ask 10 Helloween fans to choose their favourite songs to fill up 3 cds, and surely you got 10 completely different selections.
I for one would cramp more Kai Hansen and Michael Kiske singing, and I would definitely drop King For A 1000 Years and replaced it with Keeper of Seven Keys as the 13 minutes epic to fill up the 3 cds.

So you have 
46 songs on 3 cds and 21 music videos on one dvd.

All songs are only from Helloween's studio albums so the breakdown is 

for  the 3 cds..,
4 songs from Walls Of Jericho

4 songs from Keepers Part 1
5 songs from Keepers Part 2
2 songs from Pink Bubbles 
2 songs from Chameleon

3 songs from Master of the Ring
4 songs from Time Of The Oath
3 songs from Better Than Raw
4 songs from Dark Ride
2 songs from Rabbit
2 songs from Keepers Legacy
2 songs from Gambling with the Devil
2 songs from Seven Sinners
3 songs from Straight out of Hell
2 songs from God Given Right
2 more songs are also from the special edition of God Given Right but never released in Japan before so for the Japanese fans its like a 2 new songs introduction.

Meanwhile ,
The 21 songs that appears on the dvd are video clips that are quite different from the selections of songs on the cds, so you will have songs like Forever and One, and Light The Universe which never appears on the cds.

So basically this is a very well thought out packaged and songs selections for the 4 discs if you like Helloween.

Thats about it, enjoy the packaging of this Japan only Sweet Seductions photos till the end of the post.

All the 4 discs have different artwork....

They even have the Pumpkin United new song promotions in Japanese text...
so this is quite a last minute thing to be included in this packaging...

Songs selection of this release...

Hi Semua, apa khabar...

Apa nak cerita pasal Helloween, korang samada suka atau tak suka...

ni pun apa aku tahu adalah koleksi lagu Helloween dari semua zaman dari Walls Of Jericho sampai God Given Right,
yang khabarnya diundi peminat mereka di Jepun untuk rilisan istimewa Jepun ni.

ada 46 lagu dalam 3 cd, ada 21 lagu dalam sekeping dvd.

Senarai dia tak sama untuk cd dan dvd, jadi memang berbaloi la, banyak lagu berlainan dalam format berlainan, memang seronok.
Cuma aku tahu bila aku nak tengok bahagian dvd dia, mungkin tak tengok terus... aku rip je cd ni letak dalam walkman aku dan dengar masa jalan kaki dan dalam public transport.. 
takde la nak dengar atau nak tengok kat rumah....

Jadi macam aku cakap kat atas kat cakap omputeh tu, satu cd tu lagu2 zaman Kai Hansen nyanyi dan Michael Kiske nyanyi.
lagi 2 cd semua lagu zaman Andi Deris.

Aku ada muslihat sikit zaman Andi Deris, contoh macam lagu "Are You Metal " , aku macam... nak tido siot. Punya la boring..

"Are You Metal?"..  apa siak?  no.. aku kat kerja suka cerita ngan kawan yang minat Depeche Mode, dengar pandangan dia dan analisa dia pasal DM. haha.
So aku konfem tak metal. haha.
Walau aku punya cita2... ialah Depeche Mode headline Hellfest satu malam, dan malam lagi satu Maiden.
Ohh ye, Hellfest tiket dahbis, aku ada yo-yo-oh ingat nak gi lagi pasal gossip kat tenet banyak cakap Maiden akan headline macam 2014, tapi belum announce lagik tapi puaka tiket dah bis... Dulu tak macam ni, sekarang Hellfest makin popular kot dan Hellfest ni kecik...
dalam 45,000 je tak macam Donington aku rasa 100,000 tiket pun dorang boleh jual setiap hari nye event.
Aku suka Hellfest, sapa nak gi backpack tengok festival rock omputeh dengan macam2 band aneka ragam, Hellfest is alright even korang gi sorang. Kul 2 pagi last band korang tak mau camping, korang boleh balik bandar Nantes, siap ada kedai2 halal masih operasi kat bandar tu boleh makan2.. tapi besok nya first band main kul 11 pagi jangan tak bangun..  haha.

Apa pun, raya tahun depan ialah 14 Jun. Bulan puasa start 14 May.
Apa pun... gigih menabung untuk backpacking 2018 Legacy of the Beast Tour, tapi nampaknya tour ni ialah untuk Eropah saje.
Ceritanya Maiden dah tempah studio sama yang rakam BNW dan TBOS bulan feb tahun depan.
Jadi, rasanya akhir tahun depan ialah rilisan album studio mungkin yang terakhir.
Ni semua biasa la gossip dan khabar angin peminat2 tapi kadang2 khabar angin tu possible betul ye tak?
Dan 2011 tahun baru cina dah lama kan?
jadi aku speku 2019 punya tahun baru cina, Maiden main rantau ni.
pasal dorang tentu nak lari dari kesejukkan benua mereka tinggal, so gi la main rock konsert kat Asia ke Australia ke South America hapa ke yang panas sikit, sambil buat duit.
apa pun, 
ni semua angan2 mat jenin je la kan..

tapi lepas album tu seven sinners yang ada Are You Metal kebabai tu, yang keluar lepas tu Straight Out Of Hell, aku mungkin pilih album ni sebagai antara terbaik atau terbaik dalam sejarah Helloween...
Apa aku tahu ni album dorang main kat Indon kot? entah.. aku ada dengar bootlegs rakaman di Jepun masa tour album ni, dashyat giler persembahan dan pilihan lagu2 dalam konsert untuk promote Straight Out Of Hell.

lepas tu keluar paling last tu, yang kulit album gambar salji tu God Given Right , aku dengar sikit kat internet... lagu2 dari album tersebut...
sedap la jugak, tapi malas nak dengar lagi sekali...

Tapi macam aku cakap.. mungkin lain kali dengar balik dan cukupkan korum Helloween aku..

so zaman Andi Deris ni aku ada sikit masalah sikit ada album suka ada langsung switch off,
zaman Kiske, Chameelon pun aku suka...

ohh yeah.... last Helloween datang main ialah tahun 2005, so aku speku Pumpkin United harapnya beraksi di Singapore/Malaysia ye tak?
Tentu boleh jual tiket kerana semua pun ada, dan lagu2 dalam setlist pun lagu2 pop hits mereka ramai yang suka.

Aku rasa ni koleksi sangat best la...

layan foto lagi.. dan bye...


  1. Puas hati kalo packaging mcm ni.kena pulak dari jepun.rasa keterujaan nak bukak boxset ni pun tak bole nak di gambarkan..bkn mcm made in germany tuuu..hahaha

  2. Yes!!!...ada lagu dari Pink Bubbles dan album ramai orang tak suka pasal dorang jadi pop...tapi aku suka....kenangan zaman remaja gitu...haha...

  3. apa perbezaan antara band helloween dgn festival halloween... hehehheh.. sila jawab deaf
