Friday, November 17, 2017

midnite and Live Chapters is on Itunes/Prime Domestic / merapu meraban.

Salam and greetings. A short post first in English then in Bahasa Melayu Malay Language.

A Very Happy Midnight just now.
Its 17th November and just after midnight Singapore time, Iron Maiden new live album "The Live Chapters" of the Book of Soul World Tour is released and its the "Mastered For Itunes" version.

This is what I like about modern technology.. Even in the "ass of the world" as far as heavy metal and hard rock is concerned, you can still support the band you like by paying for their music, and you got it at the struck of midnight of the launch day.

I use this to convert to mp3 and store it on my Sony Walkman to listen to while walking, waiting for and taking the public transportation of buses and trains.
This is basically the only way I am listening to music now. 
I do hope to get a physical cd version just for keepsake also.

I will review this album once I got the cd version. 
I immediately listen to The Red And The Black, and the instrumental section was amazing on the Tokyo recordings.
(I never notice the keyboards was so loud when I hear this live).
Now I am listening to The Great Unknown, and this is simply fantastic version.
Though I love Tears Of A Clown and enjoy the song on the live shows I attend in 2016, but I do agree it slows down the momentum and Great Unknown is a nice replacement for 2017 part of the tour. On this recording the song simply sound amazing. Its the Newcastle show, I was not there, I start my backpacking on the next show after that, Glasgow onwards.

Of course this being a audio version with constraints on CD and LP space,
so lots of Bruce chatter is cut.
Bring back great memories of backpacking alone to see them play all over in 2016 and 2017.
Ohhh I am listening to Book Of Soul title song now, Donington!! It was raining, it was flooding...
and as Bruce says.. " Welcome to DOWNPOUR Festival"...
OK stop here for time being...
I am just listening to this " itunes remasters" version for this new live Maiden, and I think its amazing recordings and performances...
Argentina singalong for the song Iron Maiden is something I have never heard before and this is going to be a new audience participation song LOL!!!

Anyway, the Legacy of the Beast 2018 dates are out, I guess I have to find a way, discipline myself to try to backpack for one or two shows.
its going to be tough as I just done the backpacking for the 2017 Scotland, Wales, England Book Of Soul Tour, and 2016 I was in Donington, plus catching Rainbow plays Germany,
but lets see how it goes...
Advance tickets for the Maiden European 2018 shows will come out on Monday, and if I can get my hands on some advance tickets, then I will see how it goes.

Ohh... Something to anticipate..

Probably The best Malay Language album of the year 2017 is coming out soon.
I am sure I will like the album a lot.
Its by a band called PRIME DOMESTIC, and they are from Malaysia.

I hope to get the cd soonest, and I already got a ticket to see them play in December with another rock band that I like, XPDC.

Hope I can make it though I am supposed to work that weekend. LOL!!!
And as can be seen, the ticket I obtained was not print properly.. it looks funny.

More to come....

Hi Semua..   tetiba je kan aku rajin buat blog... haha.

OK OK, macam aku cakap kat atas...

GIGIH ok tunggu tengah malam, pasal hari ni 17hb kan Live Chapters keluar...
So aku memang suka dengar lagu2 Iron Maiden versi "Itunes Remasters" kerana pada aku dia sedikit lembut untuk pendengaran aku 

Pasal aku kan sekarang cuma dengar muzik kebanyakkan nya hanya waktu jalan kaki, naik bas, naik tren je
jadi keselesaan dan kemudahan mendengar muzik waktu jalan kaki dan naik turun bas dan keretapi adalah penting. Macam2 foto2 atas tu la aku pakai sekarang aku rasa aku pernah cerita dulu.

Jadi.. Book Of Souls tour, apa aku boleh cakap... terbaik dari ladang...
mungkin terbaik dalam sejarah Iron Maiden dari segi sambutan peminat satu dunia.
Dia cakap 2 juta orang tengok konsert dorang pada 2016-1017?
So dari 2 juta boleh kira aku tujuh kali dalam 2 juta tu. hahaha....

Ohhh dates Legacy of the Beast.. Aku ada plan giler.. plan giler nak backpack lagi...
Tengok cammana...
Aku dah pernah backpacking masa bulan Ramadhan tahun 2016 tengok Maiden dan Sabbath kat Donington, ACDC kat Manchester dan Ritchie Blackmore kat Loreley Jerman,
Puasa dari kul 2.30 pagi sampai 9.30 malam , dan buka puasa masa tengok rock band main, kurma standby dalam seluar jeans haha. 
Kalau korang nak lahar aku, ni bukan blog untuk korang...
dan korang sila rasa besar diri dan megah sombong kerana fikir korang lebih mulia dari aku yang ntahapahapani.

so anyway aku rasa kemungkinan aku nak backpacking bulan Puasa lagi.... haha. Tapi tengok la sempat kot aku saving duit tiket konsert dan flight.
Kalau tak berjaya, takpelah, tapi aku akan cuba. Bak Cina cakap " JIA YU!!!!".

Hidup ni, kadang2 kita kena bermula dengan ANGAN ANGAN MAT JENIN!!!! 
Orang panggil " Yoh Yoh Oh!! ". takpe... kita ketawa sama sama.

Ooohh kumpulan PRIME DOMESTIC nye album penuh nak keluar.
tak disangkal lagi, album Prime Domestic nye album ni aku speku akan jadi album terbaik Melayu untuk tahun ini.
Dan konsert mereka pada 9 Disember ni, aku speku akan jadi konsert Melayu terbaik jugak tahun ni.
Aku dah standby tiket. Print huru hara siak kedai... korang tengoklah kat atas tu...
kang Security kat pagar mesti tengok berkali2 tau nanti haha... 
Tapi ok la kan, memang original pe.
Aku dah "laporkan" kat " duta" cawangan kedai tersebut. HAHAHAHA.

Tapi aku kerja siak hujung minggu tu.. kerja malam lagik.
So kena plan cammana.

Tapi aku harap aku dapat hadir....


  1. Perli aku nampak..hahah.tgh tggu lp ngan cd live chapter ni bila la nak sampai sini

  2. tengok kat youtube, masih mengekalkan (mungkin disengajakan) suntingan klip smith/murray/gers buat magic certain parts tiba2 gitar mereka bertukar bentuk/warna, sama seperti dalam dvd en vivo, magic~ :D

  3. album terbaik melayu 2017?...err...macamana dengan Katharsis?...hahaha..

    aku tak order lagi live chapters ni...tunggu dia masuk Malaysia tengok camner harganya..

  4. ingatkan prime domestic nak buat show di singapore. nice blog entry boss haha.
