Saturday, September 12, 2020

"...and justice for all" metallica (review/ulasan boxset dah berhabuk)

Salam semua /Good day all.

So belated Happy 32nd Birthday to " dot dot dot And Justice For All " album. In 1988 on release and the cassette arrived at where I am, I bought the cassette tape, the tape is long gone, but I still keep the amazing inlet with such long panels.


and then in 2018 I upgraded to these. LOL!!

 lambat sikit.. tiap kali depan laptop nak buat blog, last2 surf internet ke lain. haha.

tapi takpe, saje je nak tunjuk betapa minat giler aku kat album Metallica ...And Justice For All ni.. 7hb September 1988 dikeluarkan, sekarang dah 32 tahun. Dulu keluar je aku beli kaset original nya, tu la kaset dah lama dah takde, tapi inlet kaset nya aku masih simpan, tu foto atas tu.. So selepas tahun2 berikut nya aku dengar ke cd tapi aku tak beli, tu jam aku dapat free, ada kawan trade bootlegs tu jam kasi aku percuma versi Jepun, ada lagu extra The Prince.

Lepas tu dua tahun lepas, 2018 keluar boxset besar gedabak sambut 30 tahun gitu ...And Justice For All. Aku kan minat jadi terus aku beli la satu, kira UPGRADE la, sebenarnya aku tak bukak dan pasang apa2 pun, kerana setiap lagu (lebih 100++ lebih lagu dalam boxset ni) baik dari rakaman2 live dari merata tempat zaman tersebut, dan lp2 tu semua dalam kotak diberi PASSWORD KATA KUNCI, jadi boleh di download dari website Metallica untuk pembeli, SENANG HIDUP AKU TAK YAH RIP SATU SATU masuk Walkman,... Serious berbual rasanya aku belum abis dengar.  Tapi sungguh menarik live2 mereka zaman2 tersebut, ngan Jason rakaman ramakan live sangat hebat solo2 dan jugak dia nye one man show masa agak anggota Metallica tengah minum air ke lap peluh... 

Yang DVD nye tu semua, aku tak minat sangat nak tengok. Mungkin lain kali,

 aku tengok belek sekali dua buku tebal hardcover 100+ mukasurat pun tak baca habis pun, tengok tengok gambar dan baca mana yang mustahak aje... cam komen2 engineers dan mixers pasal kenapa takde bunyi bass Jason Newsted. tapi al-maklum ni band ialah milik James Hetfield dan Lars Ulrich, suka hati mereka la nak buat apa dengan band mereka ni. Kita peminat dengar je kalau suka, tak suka tak dengar. Tapi aku tak pedulik apa pun aku minat giler album ... And Justice For All ni. lepas lebih 30 tahun hati aku masih berdebar dengar lagu Harvester of Sorrow. Sedap. Kira semua lagu sedap la, tak payah banyak colok.

Ooo dah terakhir, aku ni ada sikit " OVER GILER " pasal album ni jadi sini aku cuma nak cakap.. nama album ni ada " dot dot dot " tiga titik kat depan tu jangan lupa. Ini ialah sebagian ayat Ikrar Rakyat Amerika dan ia bukan pembuka ayat.. ok enjoy tengok gambo2.


(current version)

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

So... me being anal about this album.. really need to emphasis that " dot dot dot " in front of the album title. That is how this album is supposed to be called.

This is surely my favourite Metallica album. Probably second favourite could be HARDWIRED.

Thru the years I have constantly listen and explore the different live versions played, and the 2018 deluxe boxset was anticipated and I got a copy. Thanks to the Metallica downloads, i dont actually open every item inside. I have never viewed the 4 DVDS included.

Yes, besides the 4 DVDS there are 11 cds, full of live recordings and shows through out the late 1980s era, demos and whatever, plus 6 nice looking vinyl records. NICELY PACKAGED of course.

 Plus a 100+ pages hardcover of everything to do with the making of this album, the producer, the engineers, the mixers, the artwork artist, and photographers comments and interviews....

So you got detailed and juicy " from the horse's mouth " interviews from those in the studios (mixing engineers) about the Jason Newsted's missing/lack off bass sound.

Plus so much more , Pushead ideas, Ross Halfin, the stories and magazines cuttings and amazing photos from that era, the handwritten notes and whatever.. THIS IS A VERY DETAILED AND WORTH IT BOXSET TO HAVE if you love ... and justice for all.

So this is more photos of me unboxing again this box again to take some photos for this blogs...

As can be seen, the songs collection inside this boxset.... Luckily there is a free download version from Metallica, So I save time ripping everything for my walkman.

kat sini aku ambik kesempatan nak bilang aku langsung tak minat si Rob tu....

tapi pasal aku minat album Hardwired, aku suka giler album ni, so ok la pelan pelan aku dah suka Rob sikit..

k bye.. haha.