Sunday, August 8, 2021

McAuley Schenker Group (MSG) - All/Semua Albums ulasan/review

 Salam semua/ Hello All.

As usual first in my Bahasa Melayu Pasar. Then in my Broken English.

Aku bukan peminat setia atau tegar Michael Schenker. Tahulah jugak yang lama2 MSG, termasuk zaman UFO dan sumbangan beliau kepada SCORPIONS. Yang baru2 banyak tengok dan dengar kat youtube aje. Tapi aku suka kadang2 beli live album yang ada Michael Schenker. Yang TEMPLE OF ROCK live 2cd tu hebat. Pasal live albums ni seronok dengar Michael Schenker gentel2 lebih dan lagi berdebar2. Pernah kot aku tayang dan ulas 2cd Temple of Rock tu dulu2 kat blog ni.

OK. Rasanya ramai tahu pasal MSG dengan katanama McAuley dan bukan Michael. Gabungan penyanyi suara merdu giler. Merdu bak buluh perindu. Robin McAuley. Beliau masih berkarya hingga kini, ada rilisan terbaru Supergroup BLACK SWAN beliau bersama dengan bassist Dokken pilson tu, gitaris si Whitesnake/Winger si Beach tu, ngan drummer yang main ngan Mr Big tu ganti mendiang tu. Matt Starr. Dan ada terbaru album solo Robin McAuley ni.

Jadi mungkin Michael Schenker dah temui tandingannya, maka dari tahun 1987-1992 gitu nama band ditukar jadi begini. Dan dapatlah kita semua tiga album studio, satu EP khas Jepun, dan satu album live rasmi. Last dua tu ialah versi akaustik semua...dan live tu jugak ada lagu2 zaman UFO, so sapa minat UFO boleh dengar interprestasi Michael gunakan dua pemain gitar akaustik sahaja tuk menyajikan lagu2 UFO bentuk akaustik.  

Pengakhiran jelmaan MSG ni pun bukan gaduh ke hapa ke... Dan kadang2 ni Robin McAuley masih bersama dengan projek Michael Schenker yang terbaru2 ni Michael Schenker FEST.

Jadi ni aku tayang koleksi McAuley Schenker aku. Semua cd. Dulu Perfect Timing tu aku ada kaset nya la zaman sekolah dulu, rilis je beli. Tu aku terus sangkut kombinasi Schenker dan McAuley ni.

So sapa tahu sikit2 jelmaan masuklah Youtube dan dengar semua album. Sapa tahu banyak... tentu ni datangkan kenangan. Sapa tak tahu, cubalah... konfem suka.

Rangkaian2 lagu2 mereka ni, aku kalau dengar aku akan pasang secara berantai mp3 mereka di rumah dengar sebagai Muzik Latar -  aku akan susun semua lagu dari lima album ni... berpuluh2 lagu ni. Takde lompat2, takde pilih2... pasal semua gerek....

Terutama bila masuk lagu2 slow... termenung kejap... teringat benda2 lama. 

OK tukar cenel omputeh, gambo2 dan review setiap album secara ringkas..

McAuley Schenker Group MSG - Perfect Timing (1987). 

What a debut combination from top notch famous guitarist and probably one of the best voices rock singer ever Robin McAuley.

Every song is a dream, Fast songs like the stop/go/stop/go of "No Time For Losers ", middle speed songs, slow ones like "Time" and " Follow The Night", but all songs are so very catchy and easy to singalong with simple lyrics. Remember 1987 is when most of us are teenagers.

I got this on cassette tape when it came out in 1987 and it has always been some sweet memories listening back to this album.

McAuley Schenker Group MSG - Save Yourself (1989). 

WEIRD is the songwriting credits, very minimum of Michael Schenker.

But it doesn't matter, as long as all the songs are awesome and rocking even the slow ones, due to the voice of Robin. Seems the songs nearer the start are the popular ones? But I like the ones near the end like " I am Your Radio", "This is my Heart" "Destiny".

McAuley Schenker Group MSG - M.S.G (1992). 

Probably the most popular in the early 1990s among my friends then. Fabulous songs from start to finish. There are about 4 slow songs... but don't let that demoralise you. Still superb album... This is the album where you can find the original " When I'm Gone", but for me there are three more superior slow numbers "What happens to me ", "This night is Gonna Last Forever " and the great "Never Ending Nitemare". 

(always confused about the spelling of this song nightmare and nitemare)

McAuley Schenker Group studio albums end here, and what a way to finish of with that song.

Dokken's Jeff Pilson and ex Scorpions Kottak play on this studio album.

Hugh Syme the designer for Youthanasia, Def Leppard's Retroactive, Iron Maiden's X Factor did the design for this album.

McAuley Schenker Group MSG - Nightmare  The Acoustic Japan Only EP (1992). 

This is where things really hot up, although its acoustic. MSG of this version gets more famous when their songs are played acoustically.

This is a marvelous EP of 6 songs, and the 7th is spoken words by Michael Schenker and Robin McAuley to their Japanese fans. Very inspiring short speech by Michael on this one.

McAuley Schenker Group MSG - Live Unplugged (1992). 

Sounds like Robin says Anaheim so it should be Anaheim California.

Just two acoustic guitars - Michael Schenker and Spencer Sercombe and Robin McAuley singing.

On my cd version. Three are UFO songs.. So its very interesting how it sounds with just two acoustic guitars. 

A brilliant way to end this lineup of McAuley Schenker Group.

I still listen to these collection of albums, not as individual songs. I would queue up these songs as album by album and play all of them continuously.

That is how much I love these songs till now many years later.

Take Care.


  1. Aku paling suka Save Yourself dari 3 ni..pasal ini adalah kaset pertama aku dari zaman tu...banyak kenangannya...
