Monday, March 17, 2008

Airmata gembira :_)

Aku selalu berangan, ada tak satu hari nanti dikeluarkan satu buku kompilasi Derek Riggs ngan maklumat terperinci?

Bila keluar buku tu pun,(announced about September 2006 gitu tapi launched December 2006 and the hardcover serialised ones completely sold out almost immediately) it took me setahun lebih untuk deliberate, walaupun the serial numbered autographed hardcover dah sold out seperti dijangkakan.
Dapat softcover pun softcover ler dalam hati aku tapi ntah apsal aku tak kelam kabut lak pasal softcovers mesti berlambak kan.
Tapi something is telling me to wait..

Then last few months, the hardcover 'personalised' one lak keluar. This cause a lot of dissapointment to many people all over the world who had went for the serialised numbered version. Sometimes, its good not to rush kan? tapi tak bleh cakap ni semua.

Bila dapat green light dari Minister of Finance aku ~_^ untuk go for the personalised one, aku pun proceed..
Aku rota ngah keja malam, ngantuk jugak.. tapi tak tido ah siang, tunggu sey kat pintu rumah mak aku untuk Mr Postman datang. Pathetic siak.

Click to enlarge( nama wa semua wa blurkan ah wakakaka )

I am so happy :_)
Siap ngan my own personalised Trooper sketch. Nak nangis siak...
Aku always paling suka Eddie The Trooper.

Thanks kat Minister For Finance aku for making it possible and one of my dreams in life to come true. Simpleton abis kot aku, just an artbook dah kira the whole world bagi aku hehe.

Nanti senang2 aku review k...

Sekarang aku nak soak in happiness dulu...dan aku nak beli frames ler ekeke


  1. Congratulations for your signed hardcover run for cover Book it looks great and it seems that you really enjoy reading it and looking to the pictures. Now I know I have got one of these for myself.

  2. Its a great book. Unfortunately the hardcovers are gone.
    Just left the softcovers.
    I suggest you email Derek or his missus if you want a personal touch. His missus is a fantastic lady.
