Sunday, March 16, 2008

rhinocerous / badak sumbu

( continuing saga of photos of my visits to the mandai singapore zoological gardens ) click to make bigger

Few days back I just realise how pretty the giraffes are when up close.
Looking thru my "pathetic Ross Halfin wannabe " collection. I realise the rhinos are beautiful too.

(There is a human Rhino too you all know or not? Manowar ex drummer wakaka. I like him also la. \m/)

The burungs not scared eh. Kalo manusia, mau kena pijak2 sampai penyek.

Tu hari layan face to face ngan zirafah, ni kali layan rhino lak. Tapi tak face to face la. Kick the bucket kang aku. Huahaha.
Ni bawah ni sequence Father Rhino or is it Mother Rhino?
teaching baby Rhino how to fight?
I think so la. Cannot be real fight right?

See what see? wah...tak padan kecik kan. budak2 sekarang suka benda2 gini tenung2 carik pasal. Tapi balik rumah terus cam tikus kot ekekeke.

Aceh ceh ceh, makin dekat sey. Cam ada magnet.

Push..Push..Burn the bridge behind you..there is no retreat..

Sekali tu..abis dah, aku ingat si father or mother rhino tu nak cocok si kecik tu, or nak lambung dia jauh2.. rupanye main2 je.. tapi kalo orang, abis dah eh. Splat! jadi lempeng.

This posting was accompanied by Dream Theater's Live Scene From New York triple cd. Seriously one of the best live albums ever pada aku la ekekeke. Over 3hrs siak. Nanti senang aku review k.


  1. dep.............dah 2 zoo dilla pi. tapi nak shoot gambaq macam hang punya ni tak pernah dapat. Ini zoo mana dep?
    bintang sungguh dekat no. aku pi zoo melaka mak aihhhh jauh2 belaka. kalau ada tong drum atau Kon parking jalan tu boleh dibuat lence memang aku guna macam Nabil buat lawak kat raja lawak tuh(hehehhehe)

  2. Dod,
    Singapore Zoological Gardens. Mandai Zoo ler orang panggil.
    Siang hari zoo siang, malam lak Night Safari kat sebelah tapi tu aku fail la ambik gambo. Aku tak reti snap photo malam.

    Dod, nanti ko datang Spore ko gi la, tapi try datang hari weekday, dan datang awal pasal memang best giler.

    Anyway, ni semua bukan sekali pegi, nanti aku nak belajar lagi godeh2 kamera aku then aku nak try snap gambo lagi proper.
    Best ah ambik gambo binatang, aku punye target, aku nak cuba snap gambo serigala.
    Cekik darah siak, aku fail ambik gambo serigala. Tak reti la.
