Wednesday, July 9, 2008

current wishlist

Wa kena realistic ler, maybe one out of three is possible.

1) $earch kat $ingapore.
pro$ - Fir$t time aku dengar $earch, ni la 5 org, thi$ i$ the lineup yang pada aku i$ $earch dan $angat memalukan, aku tak pernah dapat nengok thi$ lineup ma$a zaman gemilang dorang dulu.
con$ - I think it$ obviou$ hehehe.
I'll $kip. Aku tunggu JB or KL nye full $how.

2) Black $abbath Ronnie Jame$ Dio Year$ ( the current Heaven & Hell band ) nye box$et Rule$ Of Hell.

pro$ - Its one of the best lineup ever. Dari aku kecik sekolah rendah nyanyi dalam bas sekolah ngan kawan2 sekolah rendah ( kaset dorang is huge beb sampai budak2 sekolah rendah dulu semua tahu ), sampai dah tua gini nengok dorang live ngan missus huhuhu.
Rema$tered!! New Inlet$!! All Dio Year$ cds including Live Evil back to the original double di$c ver$ion.
con$ - $tress ler yang ini haha. Temporary I'll skip. $ee how. Nak bincang ngan wa nye minister of finance dulu huhuhu.

3) Outrage - Awakening 2008

This limited 2CD boxset includes OUTRAGE's passionate live footage, that was recorded their 2-days live shows last March at Shibuya BOXX in Tokyo. Disc 1 features the entire album of "Final Day" the band performed on the 1st night. And all the tracks from "Life Until Deaf" (played live on the 2nd night by the band) are included in Disc 2.
Serial numbers are printed on every boxes.

Zaman huru hara aku, Outrage nye kaset ni antara kat dalam walkman aku.
pros - the whole final day live ngan original vocalist. ( ntah eh, aku ada cerewet sikit suara penyanyi huhuhuhu , sebab tu aku suka giler Lost Horizon aje. Aku emphasis AJE hehehe )
limited edition lagik 3000 aje. Dah tu hari aku miss out Black Sabbath Dio Years Live At Hammersmith yang limited edition keluaran Rhino label tu pasal lari budget. Giler, sekarang kat ebay cd dah ratus kot harga. Lagi ada Country Girl lagik kat dalam.
Cons - I cannot find any... Aku dah cek out Outrage nye live utube even Megalomania semua live, si vokalist tu nyanyi betul2 takde effect2 cam kat studio version. huhuhu.

so how so how so how....


  1. janji $$$ ada, jalan bro... tapi ngeri tengok Black Sabbath boxset tu cross besar huhuhu...

  2. aku rasa..tak yah la beli pasal mahal...
    live evil aku ada ori double cd dia so tak yah la.
    Heaven n Hell pun tak yah la...dah apa version aku dah ada..
    aku nak dehumizer dulu. Ni priority so beli ni je la kalo ada rezeki..tapi tak penting. takde pun takpe ler. Aku nak outrage tu je.

  3. ya Search aku minat..oppss salah..SEARCH AKU MINATTTTT!!

  4. ermm boxset zaman dio eh..ermm tu la sabbath ni byk cross la.. aku cuma ada boxset cd zaman ozzy & boxset cd single ( pon zaman ozzy )jer..yg ni aku tak jumpa plak.
