Tuesday, July 8, 2008

geylang serai - my memories (pt i)

nanti senang, aku nak carik balik smua photos geylang serai aku pernah snap especially masa pasar belum roboh dulu and tampal balik kat sini..
Anyway, some things never change..

ali? chan kim hock? ong lai chi? kawan lama kot
click to enlarge all handphone photos..

that pakcik is still around... sepanjang aku ingat, dah lama pakcik ni berkarya kat pavement pejalan kaki around geylang serai...kul 8am gitu huhu.

sekali tengok, memang lawak, everytime aku jalan kaki nampak karya pakcik ni, aku akan stop dan gelak sey baca karya dia,( sampai orang kat bus stop opposite smua tengok2 aku ketawa sorang2 ) tapi fikir balik rasa sorry pun ada, apa sey kat kepala hotak pakcik tu masa dia berkarya?Apa pun aku salute tulisan pakcik tu cantik..

ingat nyonya mana ntah..

siap taruk polis.. kang polis charge vandalism kang.

I love this one..ikan rebus 150sen

dan dia akan buat along the way... tulisan lama dia nanti pudar, nanti akan timbul yang baru...without fail..

these are the small2 things yang makes me love this place dari kecik sampai even now dah berubah..

aku balik sana tu hari then nampak becak ngan pax.. lama tak nampak.. dah berpuluh tahun pun tak pernah naik.. berpuluh tahun? aku dah tua sey.


  1. i always seen these words on the pavements and whilst reading, ive always wondered who are all those names... and i've always wondered who actually wrote all those names... never fail to amuse me... now i know.

  2. kul 8 pagi, nanti ada kot pakcik tu dia sorang2.
    Kalo kita baca kelakar ler.
    Tapi kalo kita fikir lagi dalam, a bit sad.
    Aku nye intepretation " he is lonely, he express his feelings on the pavement, his memories ".
    tapi dah tua la gitu, so one day...he wont be around kan. So tu ah aku snap cepat2 gambo heheh.

  3. ermm mcm osman tikus eh..suke tulis2 kat tembok & lantai2
