Friday, December 3, 2010

review dvd rhythms of the beast - nicko mcbrain

A short review and opinion of this dvd. First in Market Malay, then in Broken English. Not exactly a straightforward translation, I just whack, so maybe the informations is different for both.

Skarang ngah musim aku rajin update blog lak, ada banyak chance pakai komputer kot.
ok, untuk sapa tak tahu, tahun 1991 dulu, drummer Iron Maiden- Nicko Mcbrain buat satu videotape pasal drumming hasil rakaman salah satu klinik drums dia dan videotape ni bertajuk Rhythms of the Beast.
Sebelum ni 1990, Nicko dah buat presentation Listen To Nicko sepuluh bahagian yang memang lawak informatif abis.

Memang susah nak dapat videotape ni zaman 90an dulu, kalo setakat Live In Donington, Live After Death pun semua video tape cetakrompak pun tak semua kedai kat Holiday Plaza JB ada ( Dulu2 ni la syurga video tape ), apa lagik video ni.
Speaking of videotape pirate zaman dulu, betul tak aku cakap video tape pirate "Maiden England" ngan "Twelve Wasted Years" tak wujud?
Pasal ni aku tak pernah nampak kat mana2, sampai la aku dapat videotape original. Zaman flinstone la ni semua, cerita lama, just some trivia je.
Tapi lepas tu ada la, makin ada internet ni, terutama kat youtube dorang upload whole tape, untuk sapa2 berminat nak tengok.

Bulan lepas, diumumkan, video ni dicetak semula ngan remastered sound untuk bentuk DVD. Cuma ada TIGA RIBU keping aje. Cuma bleh beli kat Maiden nye kedai online aje.
Beli kalau, dapat larnyard percuma, macam aku dah tunjuk gambo kat sini

isi kandungan dvd ni


OK la, 90 minit.
Dimulakan ngan drum solo 10 minit gitu, dan harus diingat ni 1991 zaman No Prayer For The Dying / Fear Of The Dark ok.
Menarik la tengok pakaian Nicko, pakaian peminat2 yang hadir untuk rakaman kat studio, dan jugak kamera kamera rakaman yang besar gedabak.
Lepas tu tanya tanya soalan dan jawapan tapi aku pahamtakpaham je dengar dorang tengah berbual. Semacam la slang English ni. Tapi bila Nicko tunjuk praktikal tu ah, jangan jiran seblah komplen dah haha.
Then tukar drumkit yang basic, then itu then ini, buat2 kelakar, then macam2 la, ada part dia improvise Where Eagles Dare. Ada satu part aku suka ialah tunjuk Nicko perform ngan Maiden live on stage, lagu Heaven Can Wait, ni bahagian cuma 30 saat je tapi best giler la. Fokus kat dia aje..

Paling best, ialah lawatan Nicko pergi Switzerland untuk tunjuk cammana buat cymbal yang Nicko pakai.
Ni, dari base plate all the way pressing, drilling, ketuk2 ketuk2 ketuk2, dah macam apa tu dulu kat sekolah buat? copper / metal work? ah macam gitu la...
Dan korang kena tengok dorang pakai Lathe Machine giler babi nye haha spin cymbal tu untuk buat grooving dia.
Daredevil si mat salleh switzerland tu smua, operate lathe/turning machine tak pakai google siol. Seram aku tengok. Nicko pun tak pakai. Siak kalo apa2 jadi kan problem.

HANDMADE abis sampai dorang punye tahap QC semua ditunjukkan.
Memang menarik la bahagian ni aku rasa untuk semua orang, dari tua muda lelaki pompuan, ni kira dah macam subjek National Geographic gitu la, lawatan ke kilang.
Dah tu memang kelakar la.
Then pergi German, tunjuk buat mikropon, then last sekali...

Nicko + Dave Murray, ngan bassist, keyboardist, ngan horns section dua trumpet dua saxophones bawak lagu Rhythms of the Beast. Fullamak.. never ending sey ni instrumental...
Dah macam Deep Purple beb ngan bunyi organ tu, dah tu ngan trumpet tiup2 semua...Rock abis.

Kalo Iron Maiden break up, aku harap Dave Murray akan buat band baru ngan ni macam nye style. Aku tak kesah ngan Jon Lord ke, Kenny G ke haha.

The original video tape features this...

In 1991, Nicko Mcbrain was asked to film one of his drum clinics for a videotape release, which I understand each copy was sold for much more expensive than any other music videos release at that time.
A month back, this video was at last released in dvd format of only 3000 copies. Only sold at the Maiden online shop and you get a free larnyard.
90 mins with drum solos, and lessons and tips by Nicko, with lots of laughter although his accent is very difficult to understand.

The cymbal making factory visit in Switzerland is a must see. Fascinating. The manual work, the quality control that was done for Nicko's cymbals and all the jokes and laughter.
Then the making of Nicko's drum microphones in Germany..
and lastly, the performance of the song Rhythms of the Beast with Dave Murray and also a 4-men horns section. Wonderful wonderful instrumental.
During the clinic itself, there is this about 30 second segment of Maiden on stage playing Heaven Can Wait with the camera focussing on Nicko.

One more thing, there are a number of camera angles shown so it makes the dvd even better.

In conclusion, a nice dvd to have, especially since its from 1991 with all the styles and fashions of that time.

In the audience of all English men and women, and you can find a Sikh with his turban in attendance. Maiden has always been a universal band, even when Nicko was recording a drum clinic for an audience of about hundred plus back in 1991.

I always think, if Maiden is to end, it will be due to Nicko as he's the oldest and he's the drummer but hopefully he can continue to perform for Maiden as he always have for many more years.


  1. masa aku duk JB thn 2004, aku rajin gi buat lawatan sosial kat Holiday Plaza..beli dvd movie versi pirate..hahaha

    nak try cari la dvd ni..tu pun kalau dpt la

  2. Selain kilang2 jam kilang cymbal pon ada kat swizelen yang kecik tu...

  3. "Maiden England" ngan "Twelve Wasted Years" tu dulu aku sewa jer video tape dia...zaman2 tu memang bersepah kan kedai sewa video...
