Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Queensryche Empire 20th Anniversary Edition

Queensryche ni kan.. aku minat giler album Operation Mindcrime, lagi satu aku minat ialah Empire. Yang lain tak dengar takpe.

Operation Mindcrime ni legenda ialah sampai Bruce Dickinson gaduh2 time keluar Maiden dulu, salah satu benda dia cakap ialah kenapa Maiden tak boleh buat production SSOASS macam Mindcrime

Album Empire pulak, lagenda cd ni zaman dulu tu ialah dikatakan bila orang test studios dan sound sistem kat Amerika, dorang akan gunakan cd Empire ni.

TETAPI aku cuma dengar Queensryche ni cuma pakai earphone je masa jalan kaki, kat bus stop, dalam bas, dalam tren, memang sound ni dua album best, tapi lagi penting untuk aku lagu kebanyakkan dia memang best. Cuma aku ikut mood, nak dengar lagu laju ke lagu slow ke, lagu panjang ke lagu pendek aje. Selalu aku skip lagu merempat Della Brown, tapi kadang2 aku dengar jugak.. lagu merempat tak agak2 nye. Kira semua best la lagu2 kat album ni. Silent Lucidity ni pun dah tua2 ni makin hari makin sedap haha.

Tu hari aku jumpa cd Queensryche Empire 20th anniversary edition, ngan remastering, extra songs dan extra cd yang ada lagu2 live dari Hammersmith London November 1990 ngan harga sg$21 so aku beli ler. Ngan seken cd live ni jadi seluruh konsert malam tu dah complete pasal aku dah ada lagi satu cd masa beli Operation Mindcrime deluxe edition yang aku pernah cerita kat sini - gambobanyakdahhilang

A short review of this wonderful album remastered and repackaged.

Found this 20th anniversary edition double cd at an attractive price. The songs that we all know from Empire, sounds even better. I only listened to them on earphones in the streets and on public transport and its fantastic especially Eddie Jackson is here there and everywhere haha.

I think if you are reading this then you will definitely have enjoyed Empire since before, but there is 3 more songs on the first cd... two kind of cute songs Last Time In Paris and Dirty Lil Secret plus a fantastic cover version of Scarborough Fair.

Second cd is the gem I am waiting for, because it completes the whole Hammersmith London November 15 1990 show where the first part of the show can be found on the extra cd of the Operation Mindcrime deluxe edition which I had bought and shown the photos here about 3 years ago - operationmincrimedeluxe The seven songs from Empire played on this nite transform into live very well, although I wish Another Rainy Night is included because I really love this song. I always wondered how songs like Empire, Thin Line, Jet City Woman is performed live with all the different Geoff Tate singing lines.. It would be nice to see Queensryche live during the Mindcrime and Empire era.


  1. aku nak letgo/trade album queensryche "promised land", ada sapa2 berminat?

  2. aisey...aku lupa Empire ni tahun 1990...tertinggal pulak masa aku buat tribute utk album2 tahun 1990...nak kena buat jugak ni...

    btw...respek aku nengok koleksi2 special edition ko la...

    dah lama tak dengar "Jet City Woman"...malam ni kena mengembur harta karun aku la nampaknya...

  3. ..Operation Mindcrime..album favourite aku tuh...Silent Lucidity ada bau Pink Floyd..amat menarikk..!!
