Sunday, September 11, 2011

911 and Twisted Sister

I think everyone in this world is affected by 911. Till today after 10 years and maybe forever.
Whether you are travelling, reading about tragedies in other countries and most important the trust between fellow human beings. yes TRUST.
Do you guys remember where were you when 911 happens? How were you informed?

Aku tengah hegeh2 kat bawah blok rumah parents aku... magrib magrib gitu kot or lepas magrib ( erk hehe ) or is it Isyak dah, aku dah lupa exact time tapi aku tahu dah malam la, kawan aku tepon suruh bukak tv dia bilang kat New York ada kekecohan. Siak ah? aku macam apa sey jadi...So aku tu jam ada pasang cable ( zaman cable tv murah ) so ada cnn, so aku bukak la...
aku masih ingat first scene aku nengok tengah zoom dari jauh twin towers tu then commentary ngah ulasan, then satu bangunan ngah berasap, then kat screen tiba2 muncul lagi satu kapalterbang dan langgar lagi satu...siak ah...macam tak percaya.. tak tahu lak just in time aku bukak cnn nampak tu live atau replay. Ngan mula2 manusia, lepas tu bangunan2 tu lak falling down tu semua, aku sedih siak
So aku memang follow up la pasal 911 ni, dari hari tu, bertahun2, sampai hari ni, sokkabar pun ada keluar macam special 10(?? baru flip thru) pages 911 smalam, then dalam internet, macam2 la cerita.
Apa2 je la, aku baca semua dari berbagai cerita, dan pandangan...pasal menarik minat aku sangat.
Tu jam, aku beli wooo special edition Time Magazine ngan Newsweek yang relese immediately after happening tu.

Tu jam aku ngah fikir, abis la...dah takdelah filem2 Hollywood macam Die Hard ni semua...tapi kejap je..

Apa pun, ramai orang tak bersalah mati, ngah keja carik makan, dari pangkat paling besar big boss, sampai pangkat paling kecik basuh toilet, termasuk orang islam pun mati jugak masa serangan tu... dulu aku pernah cakap pasal 911 cover majalah Gila Gila, so tak yah la aku ulang lagi.

This was like the biggest news for me as a music lover, because they were organising this fund raising charity benefit to support the family members of New York Police and Firemen ( NYPD and FDNY ) who die during the rescue and they got TWISTED SISTER to reunite and play.
After 14, FOURTEEN YEARS. Yes, I understand the reunion happens due to a terrible happening, but I tell you, on the day of the show, I think the Twisted Sister fans worldwide are glued to the internet to check out what setlist, the audio bootlegs and whatever they can get their hands on. I think that time Youtube is still not so happening as it is now. This show seems to be the trigger that made Twisted Sister plays until today due to the response. ( and I still hope to see them play live one day ).

Twisted Sister never in costume that day, just tshirt and jeans and no make-up.
I was so happy because, hallloooooo, I love Twisted Sister since the mid 80s.
Of course, people nowadays sample TS by listening to " we're not gonna take it", but I dont really like that song.
Some people who discover them later may think TS is crap, wearing girls clothes and make-up, and basically uncool glam metal, but I guess I got lucky, cause I grow up much earlier with the perfect " You Cant Stop Rock N Roll". Still one of my favourites. Still a cd ( previously cassette tape ) that I will bring along to a desert island with me.

Next time, if free I want to talk about other bands that I love, especially now Iron Maiden is lying low after the end of the world tour.

So back to the 911 benefit gig by Twisted Sister, I think an official release is just finally out on dvd, bundled with a 1982 show of pre-Under The Blade period. But take note, the WTC is not really recorded for official dvd release because I saw the sample on youtube and its a bit dark, but its the historical content of the show itself that is so important.
Maybe one day, I'll get this double dvd.


  1. akupun time tu mmg btl2 on-time tgk berita dunia dlm pkl 10-11 mlm... best2 je wartawan tu buat ulasan tiba2 pesawat kedua melanggar tower yg satu lagi...

  2. "Some people who discover them later may think TS is crap, wearing girls clothes and make-up, and basically uncool glam metal, but I guess I got lucky, cause I grow up much earlier with the perfect " You Cant Stop Rock N Roll"."

    yup..budak2 sebaya kita yang into mat rock kind of things during those days jer yang akan paham...and how i wish TS akan datang Malaysia satu hari nanti...

    SMF...Twisted Forever!!!

  3. conspiracy saja tu.
    Our world is so full of deception.

  4. baca tajuk je aku terus teringat pada album dia orang.

    dgn alasan 911, byklah pulak negara Islam yang uncle sam twisted!

  5. Aku simpati dgn victim 9/11... tak kire le New Yoker ke... tapi lebih simpati dengan victim selepas 9/11....Afgan..Iraq... atas nama perang mementang keganasan!!

  6. ulangtahun ke sepuluh 9/11 baru diorang sambut.

    kali petama tengok bangunan tu meletup kat tv, gua ingat movie baru holywood!

    we're NOT gonna take it
