Tuesday, September 13, 2011

news - Malay Music Mania & comic strips tribute to 911

Some interesting stories from the cover story of Life section of the Straits Times (sokkabar singapore ) dated 2nd September 2011 with the title Malay Music Mania. I like the articles so I want to share it here for those who havent seen it yet.
Its due to the triple heavyweight shows that is coming one after another.. with rock band Wings, legendary pop singer Jamal Abdillah and I think the best of them all, the combination of siblings Anuar and Ziana Zain for the first time ever holding a full concert together.

Ticket wise I am so surprised that Ziana Zain + Anuar Zain first full show together has quite a surprising cheap price tickets range at Esplanade.
But doesnt matter, their fans will be so much happier, NO WONDER ITS BLOODY FUCKING SOLD OUT way in advance.
I am not going but from my own experience and listening and reading about other shows, when malay performers perform at Esplanade Concert Hall, it will usually be a fantastic experience with shows dragging to 3 hrs or more. I understand even Sheila Majid did about 3hrs if I am not wrong there.
I dont know, maybe its the aura of the place, and maybe to a general Singapore crowd, they can let it loose and be all out without worrying about what to say or show respect to whos who in the audience.

Jadi to summarise..

Anuar Zain + Ziana Zain, pertama kali buat persembahan bersama untuk konsert mereka sendiri, main kat Esplanade concert hall yang tempat kecik la 1600 max, tapi sapa pernah pergi tengok konsert Melayu kat sana atau dah tengok dvd Sweet Charity or Lovehunters kat sana tahu la betapa best tempat tu, walau aku tahu mesti ada tak suka Handphone lines semua kena block haha.

Kalo band melayu dari Malaysia la, aku nak tengok Wings main tempat ni... tak mau hegeh2 orkestra ke apa ke, just Wings je... mau giler kalo dorang tak mau stop main lepas berejam, dan tu la aku suka Wings...dorang kalo main dorang punya own show tanpa apa2 special situation, dorang boleh seret tak agak2. seret as in SERETTTTT.

Jamal Abdillah is a huge affair pasal main kat Indoor Stadium, tempat korang semua pergi tengok Iron Maiden tu hari haha, tapi aku rasa modified seating arrangement will make it a 7000 max. Korang rasa ada makcik2 nak diri kat railing first to the barrier ke haha. Tapi ni Jamiyah nye event so I think they must be confident about the show.

Wings...oooo aku tak pernah pergi tengok show kat Suntec, pasal...DUDUK!!.. So what am I suppose to do tengok konsert rock sambil duduk?
Aku bukan saja kena jaga etika aku, tapi kena ambik perhatian orang duk belakang2 aku so aku tak bleh suka2 je nak buat apa aku nak
. And its hard to boo and shout insults if you're seating haha..

Aku tengok Deep Purple empat kali, last tahun lepas aku pilih duduk pasal aku takde duit nak beli tiket diri, Siol ah...KEJONG siak... Highway Star starting dia dan aku tengah duduk!!! tak macam sial tu. Kaki je la goyang haha. Positifnye the bootleg was proper haha. Ooo tu jam, cam biasa, langkah kanan, aku ngan kawan aku bergerak ngan penuh sopan santun ke arah seats mahal yang kosong, dekat sikit haha.

So Suntec Wings nye show boleh isi 5000 max ye? dorang mesti bukak2 convention hall lain2 punye dinding tu dorang jadikan luas kot? Banyak jugak bands besar pernah main situ kot, TOTO pun, hah tu aku tak gi yang suntec nye...aku gi TOTO yang Fort Canning nye haha.
TOTO - hmmmnnn memang kena sesuai la aku guna ayat band besar. The best of the best la dorang.

Aku harap Wings jangan lah banyak sangat rockestra or whatever estra2 ni semua, aku tak minat la sangat... full rock n roll please. Thanks in advance. Tapi dorang cuma tambah satu keyboards je untuk ni show so I am not expecting the worse la haha.

ok moving on....
Satu benda tiap2 hari kalau boleh... ialah baca comic strips. Aku suka giler baik kat mana2 sokkabar ataupun online pun jadi lah.
Aku memang hardcore Get Fuzzy, tapi apa pun la...aku tak cerewet.
And these are some of the comic strips yang keluar hari ahad lepas, since its coincident a Sunday, so more colourful and more bigger space.

Sayangnye Get Fuzzy tak buat lak, tapi Heart Of The City buat... aku suka lak Heart Of The City, walaupun dorang cute giler dan langsung tak brutal dan kurang unsur2 hooliganisma dan kurang ajar dan nak asyik nak perdajalkan orang je cam Get Fuzzy haha.


  1. nyampah anuar zain...kenapa dia tak nak nyanyi lagu kain pelikat lagi sekarang!!!


  2. Anuar Zain la rules... berteromber jeles tu hahah

  3. walaupun jiwa rock tapi takde sesiapa yg boleh nafikan jamal ni memang malay lagend yg masih hidup.

    p/s- masa kecik2 dulu aku minat giler lagu... apa tu lupa aku,
    "kehadiranmu di sisiku...
    memberikan aku harapan....
    aku bahagia dengan cintamu...


  4. wings makin mantap sekarang..organise..tp album baru takde plak..jamal rules..aku suka..sore lemak merdu
