Friday, September 16, 2011

tshirt resub & non-maiden derek riggs works..

Firstly this is the resub tshirt for the year 2011 for the maiden fan club. White, simple and attractive.

You're entitled to a resub tshirt when you renew your membership on time and dont let it expire before signing on again.

I always love Derek Riggs for his role in helping Maiden become what it is today, add that to him going the extra effort to giving me all the extras for his book, that makes him special.

Here's some of his late 90s rare works on sale by collectors, I think in his current style of using computers.
Its so different that I am not surprise people have doubt whether this is Derek Riggs. I think beautiful and cute hummingbirds are as far away as Eddie controlling the Devil in the bowels of hell. For me, Its nice to at least get to see his rare works on the internet.

The background to these late 90s works and his Wolfeyes Posters Prints are here and also some ebay postings.

Lastly, at his website, there are the prints of Robot Death Figure available, which I saw first time on his book which I had reviewed some time back. Nice. Very the Killers territory.


  1. cun...

    kenapa le Dream Theater tak amik dia buat artwork.

  2. cantik dan simple t-shirt tu...kalau org2 tua mcm aku pakai takder la nampak setan sangat kan...hahaha...

  3. sejuk mata memandang tengok lukisan dia yang berunsurkan alam yg indah nih..

  4. plaing suka Winter Rose & 2 org budak with planets in the background.

  5. tak sangka pelukis eddie the head ni berhati cute,telus dan berjiwa murni melukis bunga mawar berduri. uuuu...uuuu...

  6. biasa ah, dalam hati ada taman.
