Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Untouchables - 3 pesen aku nak cakap

Untouchables - cakap apa Melayu dia? Tak Boleh Dipegang? Tak Boleh Di Sentuh? Tak Geng?

First kat India, sistem kasta dorang.

India's Untouchables are relegated to the lowest jobs, and live in constant fear of being publicly humiliated, paraded naked, beaten, and raped with impunity by upper-caste Hindus seeking to keep them in their place. Merely walking through an upper-caste neighborhood is a life-threatening offense
- national geographic
Sapa tahu aku ada rezeki backpack tengok Iron Maiden kat Mumbai India lain kali, aku nak nengok first-hand betapa susahnya hidup orang susah yang memang susah serabak-rabaknya kat sana. Aku suka dengar cerita pasal India bila time kerja aku memang kerja dan campur ngan pekerja2 India tapi memang rabak pasal kadang2 bebual ayam itik siak, tapi ok la, dorang cakap aku gi India aku bleh survive dan rakyat India akan paham aku, pasal aku dah macam dorang haha. SIOL!!

The Untouchables filem wayang cerita paling best dulu late 80s.

Best Giler. Violent, brutal, bloody, ayat2 pelakon best2, lawak, suspen, banyak adegan kanchong, cool, sedih, semua ada. Aku masih ingat first time tengok kat wayang. Starting je dah budak pompuan tu dah meletup pasal pegang beg dalam ada bomb. Andi Garcia cool giler ah. Tapi tak bleh angkat part Sean Connery mati lepas dia seret2 diri dia tu. Sedih siak pasal very life-like. Errr... hmmnn..
Robert Deniro tak yah cakap...meh ni dia cakap
I want you to get this fuck where he breathes! I want you to find this nancy-boy Eliot Ness, I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES!
Best giler ayat2 skrip kat pilem ni.

The Untouchables fronted by
Adrian Smith.

This is a very nice little bootleg of some The Untouchables songs that the world is fortunate enough to hear. 3 live songs from 1992 and one demo from 1993. These collection of songs are So much Enjoyable.
Yes, in today's world we already have the easy way out in Youtube, but.. its nice to have a proper bootleg so here it is to those who havent had this bootleg yet...
OR kalo korang tak boleh, pasal apa aku tahu kat ada tempat MEGAUPLOAD kena sumpit!!try ni


  1. aku suka City Of Dreams...bukan senang nak nengok H main harmonica pastu nyanyi tak pegang gitar...heheh...tapi kekadang aku rasa macam album solo richie sambora pun yer jugak ek...

    btw..filem The Untouchables tu memang fav filem mafia aku selain The Godfather, Scarface, Goodfellas dan Donnie Brasco...

  2. mmg nampak 'kekastaan' kalo kat india.....keh keh keh ade tu ayat kekastaan....mane yg kasta bawahan tu hidup kesian jek aku tgk....nak mkn pun payah, seb baik doerg ni rajin gak bercucuk tanam....

    filem2 lame ni sesekali layan balik mmg best....mengimbau nostalgia...

  3. hahah best... nanti kat rumah aku download!
