Tuesday, October 25, 2011

zoo feeding scene - (Madagascar) Lemurs, Sloths, Fruit Bats, Red Lories @ Fragile Forest

Best memang best, tapi aku paling takut kalo kena 'shit on or piss on' ngan kelawar pasal dorang mmang kat atas kepala.
Lagi satu aku tengok kuku2 dorang, siot ah, kalo kena cakar abis la. Kalo kena gigit? boleh berlakon walking dead season 3 nanti haha. Siot je aku.

Pagi2 buta, (Madagascar) Lemurs tengah mandi sinar matahari sambil lompat energetik cammana kat dalam filem katun tu, beruang sloth aku carik2 mula2 tak jumpa, kelawar buah ( sorry la nama melayu aku tak tahu ) tengah cam biasa memekak. Burung si Red Dory tu memang cantik, of course lain2 haiwan dan burung pun ada kat dalam Fragile Forest ni... Tapi lets focus kat yang ni semua.

Kalo fikir balik, Allah tu maha berkuasa cipta semua ni.

Boleh makan berdamai dorang semua. Dah kenal kot so dah jadi members, saje je Fruit Bats ngan Sloth tu share makanan takde gaduh2. Betik! Jagung! Lobak!. Korang pernah kena maki " Serunding!!" tak? haha.
Korang kalo tengok video ni, tengok waktu 4.30 minit gitu si beruang sloth tu datang...ooo dia lepak tempat lain.

Fragile Forest , sort of a monster huge airconditioned dome enclosure at the Singapore Mandai Zoo. Early Morning. FIRST KOPEK of the day.
At last I have the opportunity to videotape ( something I have never done before with animals but now that we got a video camera so I can start doing things I love even more deeper, I got to videotape the 'umpan worm' inside the mouth of the alligator snapping turtle etc etc ) and the usual snap some photos during the feeding of the Lemurs, the sloths, the "i dont know what the name" black and white thingy, the beautiful birds including the Red Dories, the fruit bats and the best thing is they are all enjoying the fruits together.

This video I uploaded to youtube is about 6 mins long. Check out the entrance of the majestic Sloth ( I never know its full species name and never bother to check on it ) at about 4.30 mins mark.


If got problem...kejap ada sound kejap takde, or jerk , enlarged, or whatever, go here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulR4-_PZTqk

More to come, at last I got to snap a photo of the lonesome Leopard seemingly opening its mouth in anger. Damn! I always fail in remembering which is the leopard / jaguar / cheetah etc haha. Yep, should be the leopard.
Coming soon next time if I got the time.

And I want...and I need...and I lust... Animal.. haha.


  1. sejuk mata memandang tengok haiwan ciptaan tuhan yg dekat dgn alam nih..

    kelawar buah orang melayu panggil keluang, macam kartun Keluang Man (pernah tengok tak? haha..)

  2. besarnye kelawar die....terbayang2 jek die terbang banyak atas2 kepale huhuhu...ngeri....

    sesekali layan suasane kat zoo ni syok....lagi2 bawak anak2....

  3. bestnyer ko bro...
    cantik2 gambonya.

    ranting pokok tu original ke atau yg buat dgn simen tu (aku lupa nama nya ntah) unik bentuknya.

  4. setahun berapa kali lu pegi zoo ni beb?...hahaha..

  5. kerap betul pi zoo! hahahaha
    Tengok lemur tu, teringat dia menari dalam kartun Penguin Of The Madagascar. Hahahahhahahahahahhaahhaha

  6. Sloth memang kacak & sopan santun haiwan neyh... aku suker jer.

  7. Syoknya tengok gambar haiwan-haiwan nie, teringat cerita cikgu saya, dulu dikampungnya ada orang kena takup muka dengan kelawar.... serangan kelawar... terbayang cerita alien... hu hu hu....
