Friday, April 13, 2012

iron maiden en vivo! steelbook 2dvd


disc pertama - pada aku, rasanye terbaiklah dalam semua dvd/videotape live rasmi Maiden sebelum ni, termasuk Flight666. 22 kamera, split screen, ada lagu split screen sampai 6, pasal banyak sangat benda terjadi dan adegan menarik dalam setiap masa Maiden main atas pentas.
disc kedua - ni macam sambungan dokumentari Flight 666 dulu tu, ni lagi detail giler dia punye cerita pasal kapalterbang Ed Force One, apa dorang makan, masalah2 dorang, semua logistik bagai. Ni dah bukan saje cerita band heavy rock, tapi dah macam National Geographic + rencana teknikal penerbangan dan macam2 rencana lain.
Sampai peminat Maiden solat jemaah Maghrib kat Jakarta pun masuk kat disc kedua ni..

OK, a short review,
firstly, I think the First DVD of En Vivo! Iron Maiden live Estadio Nacional Santiago Chile in front of 50,000 fans is maybe the best live video release of a Maiden full concert. 22 Cameras it was stated and if you listen to the Second DVD it has 47 mics ( 2 for each guitar, 16 for Nicko alone , etc,etc,etc )
Full usage of split screens and how useful it is for Maiden with SIX equally important and entertaining and great performing members.

This is the steelbook version, nice and solid but as usual taking out the dvds from the slot is a pain in the ass.

Lots of closeups, lots of everything, so at the same moment you can see different members doing different things at the same time. It gets even fancier on songs like Blood Brother where it has about 6 split screens on display. This is a dvd you watch a few times and always pick up new things each time. Little teases among the guitarists are more prominent here with regularly appearing on one of the screens.

- The full show is here with all the stage banters and even the white tape rolls incident and with Bruce manage to remove it after a few songs.
- Talisman and Where The Wild Blows are for me main highlights considering its a tour to promote the new album. And Talisman must be seen on this dvd. Love the silhoutte of Steve Harris mouthing the words of the new songs, while Bruce is awesome the whole show with his theaterics.
- Its stated the video has scenes from Argentina, well.... lets put it as the STRAIGHT LINE is the ARGENTINA stadium, while what looks like a spreaded V SHAPE is the CHILE one. I mean the barriers on the crowd towards the front section.

OK, now second DVD.. Behind the Beast documentary... Its about the Ed Force One and the 66 days it circled the globe and the shows itself.

They show you the plane, they dismantle the plane, they bring you into inside of the plane, they describe to you all the technical and engineering things about the plane,
they show you how they do the decals for the huge Maiden logos and Eddie on the outside of the plane,
how to pack up the boxes to reduce space and weight,
by they I mean Bruce, and all the technical staffs, its like a plane business documentary on the first part and damn interesting.
they show you the difficulty of packing up the gears, they tell about the food and catering and drinks for the whole period, they tell about airports, applying visas, how to sort it fast using two passports, etc etc

Then they show you Steve Harris walking in the snow of Moscow, and background songs used, is just awesome, we got Mother Russia, Afraid TSS, NPFTD, Flight of Icarus, and when they switch to the Singapore show it was To Tame A Land.., theres even a Strange World in there when they talk about the Santiago Stadium is actually the place thousands of people were killed in the 70s. Like I say , interestinggggg..

Singapore show, a bit of FOTD and you guys in the front row are all there..
All the wirings and cables and electrical supply requirements, all the PA system and lightings and security...
And when they talk about Bali, its a lot about the sound they face and Bali dont have enough PA for a Maiden show,
and when they show Jakarta, its crazy, even the sofa in the dressing rooms is being scanned for bombs.
Of course like in the fanclub magazine, this documentary highlight the details of Jakarta problems that Maiden face, as Jakarta seems not able to meet Maiden standards and requirements but its all solved.
Like I say interesting.

Then Australia...very nice infos, about Soundwave etc,
then Japan...the plane was 10 minutes to land where the earthquake happens and the rumours of a tsunami when Maiden is still on the plane not knowing whats happening.... This part is no joke.

then the rest of the places...
the Belem show, in Amazon area Brazil, is very very informative and educational. Really National Geographic moment.

But one I like the rehearsals footage. So we get to see a bit of how they rehearse... and Steve was at the preparation of the stage and he actually was giving comments where he want the Wickerman drape to be more stand out, and he gives his opinions. Its great cause it shows Maiden really personally check all these things even to the quality of the drapes.

Final thing, there was shown a rehearsal setlist...On it....the last song was RUN TO THE HILLS and written over TO THE HILLS was NING FREE.

So now we know....
and I think its the right choice though I always thought they should have played one more RTTH as its a famous pop song that most people who attend Maiden shows will know.

Anyway, unlike the cd version, theres a tour dates list here...

so you can pick out the one(s) you go.


  1. dvd livenya aku lum nengok...tapi "Behind The Beast" dah...versi sedut...heheh...

    yg bestnya pada aku kali ni dokumentarinya lebih kepada krew...bukannya band member...betul la ko cakap...dah macam rencana National Geographic camner nak buat world tour...

  2. muka2 bbrp org north borneo trooper yg kat pen A pun nmpk dlm dvd 2 (menurut info takilala)

  3. They ain't got a thing on me, I'm running wild, I'm running free.... yearghh..!

  4. Salam Deaf,
    Sesaper yg kat Sg, tak sempat beli online, boleh beli steel box version kat HMV Marina ada S$39.90 ... terimakasihhh (he he, kena demam konsert Alleycats)

  5. Salam Deaf,
    Live sound for 6 member band was superb, Datuk David for 62 yrs old singer was excellent throughout but due to his health "Kerana Kau" unplugged, halfway he has to take a breather ... Glen Salay (Loga's replacement) rocker's voice, not suitable for the slower songs ... No Deep Purple song like in 1976 at National Theatre ... ha ha.. BH's review,6879,212380,00.html

  6. thanks iron mat

    ah aku ada baca sokkabar melayu, review show dia.
    malam tu teringin nak gi tapi takpelah hehe...same nite pun rusty blade jugak.
    last2 dua2 miss hehe

  7. Sama2 Deaf, aku rasa kalau Datuk David retire, mungkin Alleycats tutup kedai, tinggal legend jer ... sebab vocals Alleycats (Loga & David) tak leh duplicate ... ni aku tengah pikir mana nak cari mp3 set Search tu kat Sg ... harga pon haus ...

  8. yep.
    anyway, Alleycats flag Spore nye cd tu lawa la. aku nak carik.

    yep, boxset search should try promote in Singapore also kot

  9. salam Deaf,
    cd alleycats yg dorang jual time konsert kat esplanade flag sg tu ada jual kat muzika joo chiat ... (wife beli time konsert) happy sesangat dapat beli kat muzika sweet charity 40 yrs koleksi (1 dvd+2cd+buku) ... 60 ketul ...

  10. ya the book is nice.
    Lawa la cd alleycats tu, nanti la aku tangkap satu kalo ada chance

  11. Salam Deaf, kalau angkat tu alleycats, try mintak poster dia kalau masih ada ... poster dia sama ngan cover cd tu ...

  12. ooo is it.
    i'll check it out. thanks beb.
