Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Search 30 Years Anniversary mp3 player boxset

I got the new Search 30 Years Anniversary boxset a few days ago. I took the LRT to Titiwangsa to collect it direct into my hands and save on the postage and time waiting for delivery.
Its much much better than I expect. I dont find anything flimsy or substandard on either the content or packaging. In fact the packaging is one of the better ones I have seen among special releases that I own or set my eyes on. Those glossy embossed magnetic thick cardbox thingys. Something to keep. Even the backside of the box also has designs. Even the paper bag. Over effort :-)
Now the all important contents - the book is full coloured, nice though I wish it has more pages. Next,

The mp3 player shaped like a cassette tape ( and from what I know it can actually works like a normal tape ) itself is something I have never seen before myself, so it attracts me. But idiot me, I always got problems with these IT devices, though it should be easy to use with the remotes and everything The SD card itself with a pre-loaded Search music and interview content of 1.23GB and everything else also carries the Search logo, fancy.

Personally, I wont be using the player or the SD card, as I dont want to damage them. But its something nice to own, being a Search listener, attending their shows whenever I can make it , in KL, JB, Singapore, and sometimes bitching about them when I find something I dont like. But continue to I go, I will, if free and ada rezeki.
Though I really enjoy the last few Search shows I attend - JB 2011, Singapore 2012 and even the Yazit/Hillary Ang 2012 Fort Canning all star line up the other day. In my opinion, as long as you have a fair mindset in regards to Search, the band members and their music, I think you will appreciate this boxset and its contents whether you're going to get one or not.

ok, cakap melayu lak for a closer look at this boxset, siak kan? baru cakap nak cakap melayu.
soo.... maksud saya.......melayu pasar. Ni aku main rembat je , aku nak gi keja dah.

K, first temuramah kat dalam boxset ni, so dalam 80minit gitu, M Nasir, Amy, Nasir.

Aku cam rasa janggal gitu, mula2 dengar interviewer panggil M Nasir datuk.
Ooo aku asyik lupa je skarang M Nasir is a datuk kat Malaysia.
Dari dulu kalo dengar M Nasir kena interview ngan dj kat radio mesti orang panggil, M Nasir, abang Nasir, kalo yang remaja tepon radio stesen akan panggil " Pakcik M Nasir ". Interesting kalo ngah ingat pasal Zed Zaidi cakap tu hari dengan question2 M Nasir kena tanya dulu2.
So ok la, mula2 first kopek M Nasir and Amy bukak story then Nasir continues.
80 minit banyak benda dorang cerita, tapi dalam masa sama kalo nak dengar dorang jawab soalan interviewers dan cerita hal dorang, 8 jam pun aku rasa tak abis. Tapi still, memang menarik sangat dengar first hand macam gini
Pasal macam2 la... starting, Polyram, Singapore, how Search and M Nasir make songs happen in the studio, contracts, Gersang, glam rock, Jakarta, lagu Satu Bangsa Satu Arah, Holland Top Ten, rock n roll pie, what if this or that happens in their career, dan macam2 la etc etc. Aku suka dengar info2 aku tak pernah tahu dalam interview ni. Aku dengar ni masa dalam bas express KL - JB sebenarnye so dah la masalah telinga, enjin bas lagi, but still enjoyable.

k, second.
Kejoraku Bersatu 2012. the only unheard version in this collection, ermmm.. kira ok la jugak pada telinga aku.

third, buku cenderamata yang datang ngan boxset Search 30 tahun ni. Cam aku cakap kalo tebal ratus2 muka surat kan best? Tapi ok la, ada buku gini, warna warni, memang alrite la packaging dia. Cuma kalo ada lineup Search yang lain, dan jugak song credits would be better.

fourth. The rest of the 100 songs. Alrite la. Cuma ni korang dapat bentuk mp3 rasmi. Bukan korang rip dari cd korang, atau rip dari kaset, atau dari mana2 sumber lain.

Korang gi la bongkar gerobok almari korang carik mana2 lagu dan versi takde. Live albums official Search, bootlegs live Search korang rakam yang kualiti alrite nye, even bootleg Hillary Ang + Yazit main ngan Lovehunters tu hari, dan whatever, dan sumbat la kasi cukup korum.
Plus, yang confirm takde macam Double Trouble dan part 2 dia, plus Bikin Wilayah plus Search Sepuluh Tahun Indonesia BMG cd for Cinta Kita/
Mencari instrumental/Manusia oh manusia, dan whatever.
Yang aku happy yang tujuh lagu kat kaset2 polygram Di Pintu Sepi & Berpaling dah ada kat dalam. I really like the versions of di pintu sepi and setelah hujan on the old polygram cassette tape back in 1987 or around then. Gems.

Word of the day.. TERPELEOT!!!.

Suka lak aku dengar Nasir pakai ni word. Classic word ni.

Semalam aku ceta kat kawan aku pasal boxset ni, soalan pertama kawan aku tanya

" Ada serial number ? ".

Wasted kan? Should have a number on each box.


  1. bro, mana nak cari mp3 box set nih? huhu

  2. nasib baik aku xbrapa tegar bab2 search ni...

  3. thank you for the nice review. Good to know the efforts of all involved in designing, remastering and compiling is appreciated. I hope u've enjoyed the product as much as I have enjoyed producing it. Search memang legend. Let's treasure their music.

  4. cantik bro, best buat koleksi nie tang semunya, lebih lagi kaset mp3 tu fulemak...

  5. bro any contact number how to get this box set?and the price is around rm300 is it?

  6. Halamak bro! Baca review ko pasal interview dgn Datuk M Nasir tu pun dah buat aku tepeleot kepala lutut. Kena carik nih!

  7. hi frens

    I got it direct from Mr Mazlan at 0166055013. He always respond promptly to my sms.
    I met him at Titiwangsa LRT station which is very near to this boxset production office.
    He told me he will arrange DHL postings if necessary for everyone.

  8. bagi kat aku lah bro. bday nak dekat ni :p

  9. ..album gempak..harga pun gempak...aduiii...

  10. I got mine on 12/10/12 after DT concert with all their signatures on my box!!

  11. Wah best sey.
    Dorang jual eh kat indoor stadium?
    Berapa ketul eh harga

  12. Salam Bro, cam Berminat nak dapatkan boxset ni?
    Boleh dapat ke lagi eh..?

  13. Hi bro
    Last aku nampak sendiri boxset ni masih dijual masa Search main di Istana Budaya. Aku pun tak tahu nak tanya siapa. Aku beli masa release lama dulu

  14. if ada yg nak jual Mp3 ni boleh rekemenkan dengan saya..
    Tq4 info

    Salam kenal@wan

  15. Hi bro,
    Aku dah ask around kawan2 yang minat koleksi Search semua tak tahu mana nak dapat kat kedai mana mana.
    Last aku tahu boxset ni dijual dengan harga sangat murah masa Search beraksi di Istana Budaya dua tiga tahun lepas.
    Cuba carik di mudah or carousel.
    Ada satu penjual Johor di carousel letak price rm1000.
