Sunday, December 9, 2012

TOTO minefields 1999

I was walking and 'onboardpublictransporting' to Minefields after so long, so I want to talk cock about it and Toto in this blog.

Listening to people talking or reading  about talented brilliant musicianship, great songwriting and live performances, some band names pop up often.
Watching Mr Big and Dream Theater play live is awesome..
But watching TOTO play live is beyond imagination, I have heard and read how stupendously good TOTO is, I know their studio albums are wonderful journeys but seeing them playing live, it was more a jaw-gapping occasion really.
- Wikipedia has a good description of TOTO - "Toto is known for a musical style that combines elements of pop, rock, soul, funk, progressive rock, hard rock, R&B and jazz." PAKALIAO.

I dont know which member to look at,. And song after song played, a setlist that mostly is familiar and especially some songs that are very close to my heart. Unfortunately with the number of popular songs they have, you may end up cursing if they dont play some songs that you really love.

TOTO is a type of band that if given the opportunity I will watch everytime, but they dont seems to play much over this region. The only band that I can only say I try to catch every tour within these last twelve years?, if they play in Singapore or Malaysia that is, is Deep Purple. But of course when we talk Deep Purple, there is none a band like them ever.
 - Anyway I am so excited as not only Journey is coming confirmed under LAMC, but Lushington is bringing in Deep Purple to Singapore 2013 again with an unannouced date yet. Deep Purple is coming out with a new album soon so I guess WE WILL HEAR NEW SONGS!! and please please play Wasted Sunset.
Journey and Deep Purple... what  a start to 2013. ( Ikat perut even tighter )

Anyway, TOTO how many regular members do they have all thru the years?
And if you includes their live support band members and occasional band members. TOTO has their own tragic moments, death of their super drummer ( but replaced with Simon Philips who is awesome ), medical conditions of others, band problems
But I dont think it matters, collectively TOTO is fantastic always.
- Doesnt matter if its two guitars or one, two keyboards or one, who the lead singer is for that tour, or with male and female backing singers, who the bassist is, or the drummer has one or two drum sets for the night ha, and even who sang Africa live.

interesting weird fonts used for the packaging.
This is one of their more famous studio albums anyway, MINEFIELDS year 1999. This is the album with Bobby Kimball joining back as singer.
- So you have all type of songs, , but all good ones. A Musical journey.
I listen and wonder, how these group of people can make such wonderful and entertaining music.

My most favourites songs must be After You've Gone, Last Love, Mad About You, One Road, Melanie, Cruel, Better World, Caught In The Balance of course... So thats a lot of songs ha.

One irritation, when I rip the cd, the tracks is automatically labelled as per the sequence of US release. So it means the songs and the automatic titled tracks does not tally. So its kind of misleading , so you have to relabel yourself. This was a problem with Kiss Elder too. Because again different tracklist for US and rest of the world.

So there are some very popular TOTO albums, in between great songs from other albums of course.
Some people will say TOTO IV, yes...of course that has superb songs,
some say SEVENTH ONE with another lead vocals fronting,
for me, I sentimentally like their first album very much haha.

Hopefully TOTO will come Singapore & Malaysia. The last time was 2006 2007.

This is a live video of Caught In The Balance ( a popular song from this Minefield album ) in 2007 Paris, this is the long tour to promote their then new album then which they also play live in Singapore and Malaysia on this tour. I remember they did Spore in 2006 and come back to KL for 2007. Bassist was different for Spore show, but other than than that its the same musicians for this tour.
I think as of right now the present TOTO, Bobby Kimball is not in, but its Joseph Williams from Seventh One album,? And David Pairch is back? and a Porcaro family is back also? Got to check on it.
Clearly age is so catching up especially for the singers from different albums.

Very Van Halen'ish song this song ? I dont know. huhu.
And what are their ages now...and they are still so entertaining, although they have to share around the singing that makes it even better. Steve Lukather, great guitars, great singing..awesome. Anyway Michael Jackson's  Beat it - Steve Lukather all guitars except Eddie Van Halen guitar solo isnt it?

Ohh anyway, if I am not wrong this video location is Zenith Paris??....OOOO another day dream of mine, to see Maiden play at this place. I heard this is a wonderful awesome memorable place to see Maiden play live? hahaha.


  1. Toto..tak pernah gagal untuk berikan aku senyuman (dan kerutan) time dengar lagu-lagu mereka.

    Senyuman kerana manisnya kombinasi mereka sebagai sebuah band. Keyboadist yang berikan ambience yang best, Bassline yang tak overdo, gitar yang sedap, vokal x menjerit dan drum yang terbalik-terbalik.

    Kerutan kerana memikirkan macamana dorang praktis untuk setelkan part harmoni sahaja...hahaha

  2. The first time i saw their live show in Channel V maybe 10 years back really is an amazing feeling,because Toto is not your average progressive rock band,these guys are more than rock! It is beyond our comprehension to be exact. Ada beberapa sedikit influence Rush but not that typical. This band rule!

  3. TOTO ni dah kira legend jugak,ramai musician at sini jadikan TOTO ni influence diorang..

  4. Aku 1st time dengo Toto zaman IV adalah yg aku paling familiar dan paling suka...album yg lepas tu aku suka I'll be over you...tapi lepas tu dah tak follow dah...dah full time jadi mat metal...heheh...

  5. impak album ni sampai tahap dewa19 bikin album "cintailah cinta"...bukan saja direction music dorang ambik sampai cover pun style yang sama hahaha

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