Thursday, December 6, 2012

walking dead - season one just COMPLETED ( pathetic sey )

Aku tahu, dah basi pun musim pertama ceta zomba ni, bukan Usin hero, tapi mat salleh, musim pertama ditayangkan kalau sapa ada cable tv ialah tahun 2010 gitu, sapa pakai channel per (percuma), 2011 kot dorang main?
Tapi aku selalu tertinggal bas, jadi baru abis menengok season 1.  Cuma 6 episode je pun aku susah nak game.
Ntah bila aku nak tangkap season 2, padahal apa aku tahu season 3 dah nak abis pun kat siaran. Tak kesah la, pelan2 kayuh.
Tapi aku tak suka la dah best2 kanchong giler cerita ni penuh suspens dan mengejutkan dan tunjukkan betapa manusia sedaya upaya nak hidup, ngan ada ngan family dan budak2,  dan jugak ngan special effect best2 dan exciting, tiba2 terselit romen2 cium2 nye adegan tu semua. Aku tahu memang sikit sangat adegan gini, tapi aku tak mau langsung kat series ni. Kalo aku jadi director, sapa romen2 kat tv series ni je terus kena serang hendap dan kena makan ngan zombie2 ni, jangan kasi chance, Hero ke heroin ke rasain korang, bleh ganti ngan hero baru. Kasi giler babi nye kejam kena makan hidup2 , bijik mata semua kena korek kena kunyah.. nyummm nyummm. Siot je kan. Tapi satu best cerita ni, ok la yang komik version memang mengejutkan la tiap2 edisi, tapi untuk tv series ni, takde pelakon2 pun tahu sama ada watak dorang ada lagi tak lagi satu episode pasal memang senang2 watak2 penting, hero, heroin pun anaje je boleh dimatikan anytime. Tu la best.
Tapi season one, Shane jantan kaberet tu belum kena lagi kan?
dekni kadang2 ok, tapi kadang2 selenger bacin.

I had read the Walking Dead comics, not in sequence, as and when I found them in the National Library branches, so its not really something new when watching the season one of the tv series. Yes pathetic, I just completed season one, at the end of 2012.

The storyline is similar, not exactly the same.
- Daryl is not in the original comic series, but he's cool with his bow and arrow, just like the violent more uncute  version than Legolas ha., so is his RACIST brother. Really enjoyed their scenes. I understand the comic version will introduce this Daryl character? I dont know. I havent seen the few latest ones in the national library branches. 
- Really love the make-up. So where is Scott Ian from Anthrax? I think he's somewhere in one of the episode. Certainly he will die a glorious brutal Zombie death.
- The tv series really make the comic comes alive, although I always think the comic version is so much better in displaying gore, brutality, evilness.
- I hope I got time to get and watch season 2 and 3. Cant wait for the Governor. Cant wait how much sadist and pervert he will be on the tv series. But at the speed I'm viewing maybe it will take me in 2014 to catch season 3 onwards hah.

- But season one was really spectacular for me, I think this series deserves more money for even fancier special effects, I hope there will be more special effects like WOrld War Z. I jsaw the one or two minutes preview of World War Z, and I love it....Its going  to be wicked and the zombies are super fast,  it looks like they are going to be faster, more furious   and intelligent than  than 28 days/weeks ones. Fuck Awesome. How the fuck they know how to scale that wall which is whaT? 10 STOREY HIGH?? Super strength fast crazies.


  1. Season 3 is more gore and deliver more actions! This is madness! Haha...

  2. Baru haritu perasan tetiba je dah ada season 3 kat kedai lanun kat rumah aku ni..hehe..season 2 pun tak tgk lagi

  3. Bab2 romen tu memang slack...tengah sedap2 tengok dgn anak...kelam kabut cari remote....dah la aku tengok versi sedut...takder censor...

  4. samalah ..baru khatam season one Ahad lepas...hujung minggu ni seson 2 pula

  5. season 1 & 2 saya tgk dlm 2 hari, sabtu ahad.. tggu season 3 habis plak, tgk sekali harung senang..

  6. Pantang missed tv show ni, asal keluar di US terus download dari 1st season lagi.
