Tuesday, June 18, 2013

bandar DERBY- my maiden europe 2013 Day 7

Bandar Derby sangat cantik, mendung je, sejuk giler, bila angin bertiup rasa sampai kat tulang, kejap2 hujan gerimis. Naik keretapi dalam 3 jam gitu dari London.

Derby is beautiful. The city, the people, easily available HALAL FOOD even after midnight, and I think it has a lot of natural attractions surounding the city.
Also Derby is home of the famous football club (I passed the stadium on the way to Donington Park and its very nice from the outside), and also is an industrial place.
The local newspaper for Derby highlights news about job importance and job security for the area and its people, and also carries news on the Donington Park Download Festival. If you guys are going to Donington Park to see your favourite band/bands playing there, do visit Derby.

These are some photos I took of the Derby city area and its surrounding. From the railway station, the buses that lead to the city center if you dont want to walk. Walking is about a mile, about 5 minutes walk to the city.
If you notice on one of the railway station photo you will see a bridge, and that bridge is multipurpose, it serves the train passengers, it also is used as a bridge leading to Pride Park the football stadium, and if you see at the distance the double decker buses, those buses bring you to Download Festival Donington Park.

Of course I will talk about FOOD....in a special post next time, if I got opportunity...

Anyway, the price I have to pay for the train ride to and fro from St Pancras London to Derby is 91 pounds, I dont know why its expensive compared to train ride to and fro Euston London to Birmingham about 40 pounds...
But the train ride is very beautiful with scenery of the countryside and all the animals etc etc...

ok next time I try to put more photos of the Download Festival atmosphere..the surroundings that I took photos of....

Anyway this is the tshirt Merchandise stall, there are a few....this is one of them...

And when IRON MAIDEN plays....
this is how the crowd looks like...... this is a Helicopter shot.
Maybe 92,000 is there....?
But of course there will be a few thousands who either hate Maiden, cant be bothered, or rather go home, go back to their camps or go to the fairground or having dinner at the stalls...
but still I think maybe 90,000 watch Maiden, should be around there...


to be continued.....

Anyway, I start to upload some short video clips of things I find interesting during the Download Festival on my youtube channel if anyone is interested.
Two Motorhead moments short clips - Some guys starting a mosh pit in the mud - At the side, and I thought I want to stand in a calm relaxed area haha.
And of course I always like " We Are Motorhead, and We Play Rock N Roll!!" intro...
so I got my handphone ready to record that moment haha.
Korang boleh nampak satu mamat dah start lempar air beer kat orang lain randomly...
Macam siol haha...Nanti start la dorang, cam siak kan beli mahal2 minum sikit baling2 kat orang, tengok la sapa kena nasib.

And ooo a nice sentimental song by 3 Doors Down. I like this song... Here Without You.
Hahaa..   This band plays after Volbeat at 2nd stage.
Volbeat is already good and with the Anthrax lead guitarist, I think they are an entertaining live band and love their moment to pay tribute to Jeff Hanneman.
And 3 Doors Down, suddenly starts Symphony Of Destruction haha.
Its fun this festival with lots of styles of rock music.

And nope I decide not to camp, I bought the ticket which includes camping, but its definitely better I dont...

anyway, check out the mud...it was then a sunny moment....


  1. Gambar2 yg first tu cantik..cuaca mendung dia dah mcm dalam "walking dead" pulak..hehe
    3 Doors Down main lagu symphony of destruction?dasat tuu

  2. tak larat ah, aku gi Birmingham nengok Bon Jovi, gi Frankfurt nengok Maiden lagik..
    backpack aku dah 8 kilo bila aku bertolak,
    balik lebih 10 kilo kot haha.

    Donington lak lumpur teruk...

  3. Kalo tak silap aku team bolasepak Derby ialah Derby County rasanya, ermmm....haha no comment.

    Gila banyak nya orang nak beli tshirt kat kedai merchandise tu! Confirm datang dari seluruh dunia tu.

  4. best tengok bandar2 omputeh ni...lengang jer tak sesak ngan kereta...

  5. fuh...best2...sonok dpt mengembara kat negara org nie.....dpt tgk budaya dieorgkan....

    serius ramaiiii nye umatttt...dah mcm semut hurung gula hah....ape2pun ni satu pengalaman berharga kan bro....dpt gak kami2 tumpang tgk...nak dpt peluang pergi mmg dlm mimpi jek la kot heheeheheh

  6. ..Thanks for sharing bro...Put it some more...

  7. brape kos utk trip ni bro? memang berhajat gak satu hari mau pegi belah cni kalo rezeki lebih.hehe

  8. harga tiket yang killer pasal aku gi 4 shows berlainan.

    Bon Jovi (gold) - 100 pounds
    Maiden Frankfurt (standing) - 70 euro
    Maiden Frankfurt (standing) - 70 euro
    Download Festival 3days ticket with camping - 225 pounds tak silap
    (Kalau tunggu last minit ada single day ticket tapi tak gurantee pasal boleh sold out kalau headliner best)
    Campur duit tiket keretapi London Birmingham London, Flights London-Frankfurt-London, London-Derby-London, pulang balik sini lagi...
    makan tak jadi hal la, ikat perut, lodging pandai2 la..

    metal brain asylum,
    aku sincerely suggest ko mula ngan Soundwave Festival.
    Paling murah ialah Perth, dekat je dan banyak flight budget.
    Satu hari 40 band, 5 pentas.

    Tahun aku pergi Maiden headline, aku pilih yang Brisbane nye... ada Slayer, Dimmu Borgir etc.
    Tahun ni aku tahu best pasal Metalika, Linkin Park, Slayer, Anthrax.. dan selalu ada band2 rock yang popular macam Dragonforce, Paradise Lost.

    Tiket Soundwave dalam 150 Australia Dollars.
    Aku gerenti kau berbaloi...
    dan crowd Australia pun tak segiler babi macam kat europe...

    Soundwave selalu awal tahun, ko start survey la...
    pergi tiga hari dua malam pun alrite.
    Sampai tengok2 bandar Perth, tido satu malam, besok gi Soundwave Festival tengahari sampai malam, lusa balik.
    Tak jadi hal.

  9. fuh syoknyerrr!!!

    thanks for sharing bro.

  10. thanx for the tips , bro. kene tunggu metallica main soundwave la nampak gaya.hahaha

  11. Metalika baru 2010 full australia tour untuk deah magnetic, tiap2 tempat siap 3,4 malam.
    2012 datang lagi main soundwave.

    So.... aku rasa kena tunggu dorang next album kot.
