Sunday, June 16, 2013

donington park day two short note

i think when maiden plays there is at least 90,000 fans?
because its so many people and its crushing.
i thought i want to relax and soak the atmospherer at the side, but its really packed and squeezed tight.
starts with a world war 2 plane flypast,

historic, legendary, a tribute to aces high. i think this is the most awesome maiden show ever i have seen.
the crowds wellll, they are british, the best british band ever is playing,
at the legendary british world famous donington park.

motorhead is a killer, i got to hear that intro live.

phil qnimal taylor came on stage, i think another great moment.

alice in chains, never never never did i thought they are going to play down in the hole.
i was like so happy when they start it. many old songs aic.
jerry cantrelll is like awesome and so cool his looks.

motorhead also plays chase better than the fave.

black star riders, the current thin lizzy was professional too...
bit they didt play massacre hahaahahhaahajhaa.

ufo, so professional. so early in the mornig, guess people are still sleeping but reqlly ,any still turn up to see them.
really i am so impreased to see ufo live, yes its just the singer and drummer left but rheyaregreat, and vinniee moooorrreeeee, woooohoooo. fabulous.
got this song burming down your house. love it.

all these bands above was so fantasric live, but maiden, they and the crowd nail 8t i thinl from where i stand. though i think they looks nervous hahaa.
it must be streasful seeig the atmoaphere like that.

the organosation of thia event is great. toilets, transportation, security, food, everythig.
its a really an eye opwner dor me.

and everyone was so kind to each other, 100,000 metal and rock fans of all ages and conditions.uhave viewing galleries for wheelchairs,the blinds are there

but the mue hahaha, and it wasmoccasionally raining. i got with me two jackets. its so cold.


  1. tercapai jugak impian sampai kat la dapat tengok Motohead,Ufo,ngan Maiden sekali harung..nanti kasi tepek gambo bro..

  2. to watch those legendary bands perform memang best la bro...even u dah tengok Alice In Chains perform pun dah kira best entri jgn lupa taruh pics ok haha
