Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Maman & Zoul new solo albums..

These are two latest solo albums by Singapore Malay musicians which deserve applause and support for their overall qualities. I give it a little play and both sounds impressive and dynamic. Will talk more on them next time.

Whether the songs on these albums are popular among the Malay-language music listeners community? I wont know, cause I dont listen to the Malay-language radio stations.
But typically rock fans buy albums based on the strength of all the songs and to support the artist or band itself, not download some pop single from the cutie flavour of the month.

So two solo albums that just recently came out from members of two different bands.

Maman from Teacher's Pet and Zoul from Kembara. Two big bands from Singapore in their own right which has a lot of support among listeners in Singapore, Malaysia and where there are Malay communities I guess.

Brief flipping thru of the cds,
- Maman's D'zkir Alam cd is a bit spiritual from the way I look at it. Fabulous artwork cover.
- Zoul's Salam Cinta cd, well....I had listened to half of it yesterday, and it was a blast... names like Malex, Art Fadzil, Hamid BDB (which I am not sure many of you are aware of his condition), Hanafie Warren, even members of Al-Jawaher among others, and I think there is a well-know lady singer which I am not familiar are all featured in this album. I had always love Malex, got the 3 cds from his band haha...

To be continued.....


  1. aku pernah dengar suara MAMAN ni tapi aku x ingat lah dep tajuk lagu apa. Not bad jugak sore dia.
    Aku ingat M Nasir tadi Hehehehe

  2. Maman tu yang lagu "warisan wanita terakhir" ke hapa tu.
    Zoul tu adik kepada M Nasir.

  3. aku suka Maman dan Zoul ni, dorang ni art beb.

  4. Baru tau zoul tu adik m.nasir rupa nya..maman mmg pandai buat lagu2 puitis..lagu "layar lara" pun best jugak

  5. respek kat dorang ni...termasuk Art Fazil...

  6. betul tu, termasuk Art Fazil.

    dan orang2 art Singapura yg lain.
