Friday, September 20, 2013

not Van Houten chocolates but Van H.....

hari jumaat, jadi kita bagi dua bahagian gitu...

Re-re-re- visit some Van Halen albums with 320kbps rips from the cds....
Re- visit some other Van Halen albums..
and yet Re-re-re-re-re-re- visit some other Van Halen albums.
But lets rest the "Balance" album for awhile haha.

Its always the same, once I put on the headphones and blast the volume in the trains, the buses and while walking...
Van Halen songs never failed to lift me up, put a smile on my face, small little movements of head and body, and silent sing-alongs. Happy Cheerful Moments..
The passengers around me in the trains will surely be annoyed with all the sound leakage... Six Hundred and Sixty-Six Sorrys...
but Michael Anthony's soothing sweet backing vocals has to be heard..
and Alex Van Halen drumming has to be extra loud, I read somewhere he has badly damaged his hearings a long time back.. and I read that article many many years ago..
I remember he did mentioned the % percentage lost of his hearings which will never come back.

Well...he's not alone...sigh.
Friday prayers today...
reminds me of OU812's Mine All Mine lyrics.. 
" You got Allah in the east...You got Jesus in the west "..
Tadi aku semayang jemaat kat Malaysia,
khatib baca khutbah.." bla bla bla bla... ke'survival' Islam".
Aiseybedah....sesekali masuk word speaking London, terus sua pakai "survival" sey.
Dia ngah berbual pasal orang Islam kena kuatkan ekonomi dan disiplin kerja something like that la. Tu ah, kan dah kena sound, ada orang kerja, cam mak bapak dorang Nye company gitu kan? suka hati je padahal makan gaji...mau mati nanti nak semberang jembatan tu kang boss dari bawah jolok nak kasi jatuh pasal makan gaji kerja tak betul..haha.
kejap...aku bermuhasabah kejap....

Muahahahaha... (ketawa jin).
Monyet makan cili, monyet rasa pedas...
Monyet tu gua ok...korang jangan ambik hati pulak.
ok gua berubah.....cehhhhhhhhhhhh...hari jemaat siot.

"how do I know when its love?
I can't tell you but it last forever
how does it feel when its love?
Its just something that you feel together..." cehwah. lagu ni dia punye backing vocals, suara mahal giler.



  1. waa...complete discography eh?

    sumpah...aku kecik2 dulu kalau tengok Van Houten cokelat mesti teringat Van Halen....heheh..

  2. takde la... yang baru bassist anak eddie van halen tu aku takde.

  3. Dep kasi tampal lp "balance" tu..yg tu double lp eh,van halen pun mcm acdc gak stail dia kan

  4. Hahaha bila ang sebut VAN HAUTEn kan dep
    aku mesti teringat kat PLASTIC pembalut tu'
    lau ang daat tunjuk mahu aku pasti teringat nostalgia akan cooklat inew

  5. Still teringat solo eddie van halen dlm lagu Beat It - Michael Jackson....memorable....
