Monday, December 30, 2013

London by walking in 3 hours ++ (jalan kaki sebanyak mungkin selama 3 jam kota London) PART ONE

lots of photos post.
Kota London ni sangat mahal giler. Tapi dah sampai UK nak tengok Iron Maiden, tengok band lain main kat Download Festival Donington Park, Derby dan tengok Bon Jovi main kat Villa Park Birmingham, jadi rugi rasanya kalau aku tak tengok Kota London ni walau ia cuma tempat persingghan dan transit ke bandar2 lain.

Kira beberapa stesen keretapi besar kat London macam Paddington, St Pancras, dan Euston aku kena pergi la pasal semua aku guna keretapi dorang gi Bandar Birmingham dan Derby, jadi dapat tengok la kawasan2 tu jalan2 kejap.
Separuh hari aku dah gunakan untuk pergi Stadium Emirates, pasal aku gatal miang nak jugak sentuh rumput tempat pemain2 Arsenal main walau bucu tepi je. (Walau herannye stadium Aston Villa yang aku dapat bebas diri kat tengah padang masa tengok Bon Jovi main).
Jadi aku ada dalam kurang 4 jam, aku dah la tak cukup tidur baru tengok Maiden main kat Frankfurt semalamnya, lepas tengok Maiden main kat Frankfurt, aku mandi, terus pergi airport, nak tidur kat airport aku takut terlajak so aku tahankan mata, pagi2 naik kapalterbang gi London. So penat, tapi gagahkan diri pasal aku ada dua misi sebelum bertolak pergi Derby naik keretapi, aku nak tengok sebanyak mungkin Kota London dan nak tengok sendiri ASHBURTON GROVE, walau aku miss Highbury.

Aku memang backpacking budget ikat perut, jadi aku dah plan aku cuma jalan kaki sahaja merata London, siap pakai selipar Jepun untuk keselesaan. Aku main redah aje kota London tu jadi ni apa aku dapat selama3 jam lebih.

Mission - To see as much of London city as possible in a very limited time
Time Available - Less than 4 Hours
Budget for this mission - S$/RM - Zero. Strictly Walking.
Necessary items - Flip-flop slippers & a digital camera

this is the route I took. The map I coloured it in blue.
1. I started from Victoria Train Station, which is quite near to Buckingham Palace.

2. So ok, this is Buckingham Palace..The Queen... Not my most favourite Queen in England, because my favourite Queen is always Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor, and John Deacon. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN indeed.

2. At Buckingham Palace you can see a huge park called Green Park, I cut across it, and suddenly... PICCADILLY area... So you can see the Japanese Nippon Flag. Their embassy. 

3. So I just walk along PICCADILLY and suddenly....

Piccadily Circus with all the neons huge signage on all the buildings surrounding it.
ok, lots of Policemen.
It was the Queen's , I mean Queen Elizabeth 60 years anniversary celebrations then...


3. So I see a lot of roads leading away from the circus, so I got confused, and lost 
So I just choose one road. Shaftesbury Avenue or something.
Oh, I made a good choice. I came across what I guess is called the West London area that is full of live Theatres, Culture, the Arts, the Broadways, the Performing Arts and whatever you call that.

There is the London Theater. THIS IS THE NEWS NOW isn't it? Some parts of the ceilings collapsed or dropped on the audience.

michael jackson thriller
agatha christie mousetrap at st martins
les miserables''

and so on..all big famous arts, stage performances, songs and dance presentations..

4. And I walk and I walk and I walk...and continue walking and marvelling at all the sights.

To be continued..


  1. sana tak panas...kalau sini dah berpeluh ketiak...hahaha...

  2. Logo TDK tu teringat zaman dubbing kaset dulu2..heheh.pegi kedai apek listkan nak lagu apa dia mesti kasi kaset tdk transparent tu
