Friday, January 3, 2014

bau Portugis (Lisbon's flavour)

hari ni kita belajar cakap omputeh baru...
  1. A 'draft' is a current of uncomfortably cold air penetrating a room or other space
Sebab tu Bruce Dickinson cakap ada la sikit banyak cam gini  - 
"There's a lovely old draft coming right the way across the stage, nice and cold. 
Could somebody? I dont know what the Portuguese is but shut the fucking door alright, if there is a door open, could somebody close it. 
Otherwise I am going to catch my death and cold up here. This one is called the Tears Of The Dragon".



  1. aku suka baju kalor bawah tu dep. Eh silap...SAYA suka kalor tu hahahhaa
    gelak guling guling aku baca komen hang
    salam jemaat dep

  2. Tears of the dragon? Antara lagu wajib band MUP kalo buat show hahaha
