Saturday, January 11, 2014


ESCAPADE time again.
logging into internet and talking cock again.

When there is nothing good to say, maybe the best is dont say anything at all..

For those who like these type of Rock bands like Rob Zombie or Korn, it would be fantastic. Singapore Fort Canning 5/6 March 2014. I believe it would be two fun nights out for those who are into these bands.

Myself would like to see Newsted (ex Metallica) but unfortunately its ridiculous to fork out that type of money and wasting my time for just one band.
Though I have a friend who really urge me to get into Alter Bridge, but.. haha.

I believe Alter Bridge and Newsted will be on the 2nd night.

Another thing, I was curious about this Hellfest 2014 information below...  Now I seriously got worried haha.

I was imagining myself running happily and joyfully across the flower fields frolicking to and fro from the satanic inspired evil conjuring riot instigating metal bands (SNIGGER) stages to the pop rock bands singing MTV hits stages and going to anything in between...
checking out as much bands as possible that I had liked or shows interest in. 

And going for drinks and food and people-watching when no bands interest me.

and with this type of numbers, I dont think its going to be running joyfully in the fields, its more like squeezing about like in a can of sardines haha, more like Hari Raya eve squeezing about at Jalan TAR. Only replace the aunties with mostly European Metal Maniacs.
So I guess I have to choose wisely now and settle down at each stage for each bands timetable.

Ya I know I am currently day dreaming...and the numbers is bloated I guess as it involved individual day tickets buyers.


    mesti ang waktu ni senyum sampai ke tinger (hikhik

  2. Tak la tak gi la. Konfirm aku boring tengok.

  3. Newsted ok lagi..yg lain tu tak berapa nak layan

  4. Korn? Rob Zombie? Alter Bridge? Newsted?
    Perghhh this is my kinda festival...unfortunately Singapore jauh sangat...pity me
