Monday, January 13, 2014

London by Walking in 3 hours. (jalan kaki sebanyak mungkin di London dalam masa tiga jam) Part Two

Sambungan from here for Part One.

So I keep on walking...

Just be careful on the streets with all the vehicles while I am looking here and there haha

and still I see live theaters along this area...This one is more to the humour side.. I wish I got the time to try out one of these, maybe next time.
I remember I have the Blackadder complete dvd boxset somewhere, I prefer British humour. Though you have to focus, because their accent and slang sounds alien sometimes.

Then I come across this famous site which I have seen photos of many times.
Its really a nice feeling to just explore, and discovering things yourself.

Trafalgar Square with the National Gallery and the Nelson Column and the statues and all the people walking everywhere and all the vehicles in the area.

Then I saw from afar the London Eye and BIG BEN.
So I walk in that direction next...

Along the way, I see some displays about protesting about some executions going to be happening in some places outside of UK, or something...
Lots of political stuffs..

and I saw this and I really like it....Women In Uniform kind of thingy...
The Women of World War II tribute memorial or something...A solemn moment.

 So I keep on walking...and...
I reach RIVER THAMES...never thought I would see it one day...

Remember when we were watching MIND YOUR LANGUAGE?? and always theres this kind of intro with River Thames logo or something on it...

Its unfortunate I don't have much time, and also much energy left to keep walking upwards (or downwards??) along the river to see that famous London Bridge towers.
You know which Bridge towers I am talking about.
The one on the Brave New World album cover.

And check this out....kind of part ACES HIGH moment..
A tribute to those who fought in the battle of Britain. A very nice memorial wall and its beautifully crafted.

Its very peculiar this ENGLISH SKIES..
They have all these sudden burst of drizzles, and then its shiny, and then its cloudy, and then the rains fall again...
And its cold.
I got to encounter all these "funny" weather best while at Donington Park for Download Festival.
(As you all can see during MASTODON performance that I upload a bit on youtube, with all the heavy rains and strong winds falling down).  Betul2 nye Rock Mampos moment.

Then...some zombie attacks of 28 days later moment....I really like this movie.
Big Ben, Elizabeth Tower, Palace of Westminster , Westminster Abbey, house of parliament..

and not forgetting I got to take a photo of the Winston Churchill's statue in the park..

and I cant help but recite the famous " we shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans,  We shall fight....,. with great confidence and strength up in the air,   we shall defend our island, whatever the odds may be,
we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender!!".

Maybe some incorrect, least I hope I am not so moronic, at least I know 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 % about the most kindergarten and basic of Winston Churchill and his speeches...
so does countless others Iron Maiden fans worldwide haha.

Low budget backpacking travel by myself to see Maiden and other nice rock bands that I like, and this is one way I got the chance to take a peek at other places and how they live.

Its different from when you travel with your love ones, or friends. Can I say that it will definitely incur more cost and time. When you travel alone, you can minimise spending on food, lodging (sleep at airports) and transport. (Walk and walk and walk..........), and also cut down on all the shopping time hahahahahhah and dilly-dally type of things.
And you have to compromise as each person has their own likings.

So thats about it, this is a kind of guide for those IKAT PERUT people, those on minimum budget, shoe-string budgets.

 if you are travelling to England, to UK, to see you favourite football teams and to go to their stadiums,
or to catch your favourite rock bands playing their own shows or festivals like Download, or Sonisphere or Bloodstock, and I am always keen on Bloodstock festival with some multi facet and style harder, heavier rock bands playing which will surely be awesome, though my mindset is I am willing only to backpack alone and be self-discipline just to save up and to catch Maiden playing at different places, to different style of fans, without interfering with my real life. That is really a huge challenge for me everytime. Though if I do catch Maiden headlining Hellfest Festival in Nantes, with other great nice bands, I guess I will definitely spend one full day visiting Louver Museum, shit I dont know how to spell it if its correct haha.

And so thats about it, if you are really needing to avoid London because of its expensiveness, you can still take a sneak peek at London at very minimum cost. Walking is always the best.


  1. dapat gak ang gi LONDON dep
    aku terasa teringin sangat nak perginya
    belum rezeki lagi untukku
    dapat jalan jalan kat OXFord street tengok big ben tu oh mai ai
    teringinnya aku dep

  2. dapat tengok gambar2 ni pun jadik la. aku bayangkan aku yg tengah jalan kaki kat sana. haha...

  3. one day...maybe one day...and Old Trafford also....

    (lagu Dream On sebagai

  4. Aku sama mcm berteromber, teringin nak pegi old trafford hehehe

  5. sapa sampai Highbury? kau ke?

    Aku bila sampai Emirates aku tak larat dan takde time nak pergi tengok kawasan Highbury tu, aku nak tengok taman kat situ dan rumah2 naik sekeling padang tu.

    Lain kali kot jalan2 North London Islington
