Sunday, March 15, 2015

Cute Russian Fake SCORPIONS’ ANIMAL MAGNETISM – Gatefold Mini-Lp Cd with poster & obi-strip – following the Japanese Style Pressings. (Only much more fancier...)

(STOP PRESS! - Check out this blog for an amazing detailed photos of every single content of the Scorpions latest 'Return To Forever' BOXSET. It is spectacular).

Hello everyone, I will talk cock a bit first in English before switching to bastardized Malay language. and at very end I talk cock back in English.

This is another of the very beautifully designed fake Russian cd releases of the Scorpions. This time the album Animal Magnetism. 
Again the most unique and what makes this a collectible is its a mini lp with a gatefold sleeve. 

I am slowly deciding to (re-)collect properly each album that gives me lots of memories and enjoyment, and I think these pressings are simply superior to the rest in my opinion.

Sound wise, most of the time I can only listen to music on my daily travels by bus, trains, and walking, so I guess my priority is a reasonable quality headphones and rips. So I am fine the way I look at it.

As far as I know, Animal Magnetism was never released with a gatefold for any releases in any format, so the level of creativity to make this specific edition is amazing, especially its made with the style of the Japanese vinyl pressings complete with Japanese obi strip, extra Japanese languages lyrics and info sheets and this time a Double Sided poster from what I believed  was the very first pressing of that era back in 1980. 

“Hey You” is included here in this pressing, as this song can be found only on certain original pressings of yesteryears. 
As can be seen, “Hey You” is not listed on the backcover of the album, but its listed on the inside of the additional infos and lyric sheets. 

Simply superb packaging for an album with lots of heavy songs, and possibly the last of their 70s Rock before Scorpions change tact to the more Pop-Rock songs that defined their music in the 80s - the albums Blackout, Love At First Sting and of course Savage Amusement. 

Enjoy more photos from the packaging....


Dari channel 5 sekarang kita tukar gi Channel 3.

Nak cakap keluaran ni tiruan pun susah jugak, pasal reka bentuk keluaran ni apa aku tahu TAK PERNAH WUJUD dalam bentuk original. Animal Magnetism, baik piring hitam dan jugak mini-lp bentuk cd tak pernah wujud dalam bentuk Gatefold. Terbaik dari ladang terutama kalau macam aku Cuma nak kumpul satu versi je album2 Scorpions untuk setiap album.

OK, mula2 cakap lagu2 je la, ni album tersangatlah menyerlah “heavy rock” dia. Herman Rarebell masa zaman Scorpions, lagu2 yang ada kredit kat dia sebagai pencipta selalunya adalah lagu2 yang aku lagi suka. Apa pun aku lagi minat 'Make It Real' versi live album World Wide Live dari versi asli.

“Dont Make No Promises” aku suka sangat. Macam “Another Piece Of Meat Part 2” gitu. Aku suka kalau Scorpions main lagu laju.

"Lady Starlight" ada dalam album ni, korang jangan memain ok, kalau korang nampak dalam internet, ada nick nama macam Lady Starlight, Lady Starstuck – ni semua kadang2 nick kakak kakak makcik makcik rockers ok. Genuine rock fans ok, bukan poseurs nye. ROCK NEVER DIE NYE PEMINAT!! HAA. Ye la, mungkin 70s dulu dorang sekolah minat ni semua, so dah dewasa dah matang tetap jiwa rock. Korang tengok la kalau Deep Purple datang main, jangan memain ok.. Dorang ni semua bukak cerita pasal album Stormbringer terus terdiam ah semua HAHAAH...


"Zoo"... wooo hooo... Livin On A Prayer Ritchie Sambora gitu kan talk box haha. Phil X takeover pun sama la kan, Ritchie Sambora tak mau ni macam la kan? kalau tak puas hati pasal duit terus cakap la tak puas hati.. Peng story buat peminat semua bingit.. So aku tetap sokong JBJ tak tunggu atau nak negotiate main live dengan RS, lagipun Tico Torres ngan Dave Bryan masih ada. Dan bassist dorang pun masih sama peganti tu,  ok ok...
Zoo ni kan, masa aku budak2 very impressionable gitu, aku terfikir2 apa kejadah tu 42nd Street? Aku betul2 curious dan nak sangat tahu dalam hati aku cakap mana ni lokasi jalan nama 42nd Street yang Scorpions nyanyi ni? Adakah betul2 ada taman haiwan nye suasana gitu? AKU NAK PERGI TEMPAT NI!!!
Then aku dah besar...baru aku tahu...42nd Street tu Scorpions tengah berbual pasal NEW YORK CITY nye satu jalan gitu!!!! Haha. Best eh New York City, kalau dapat pergi aku Cuma nak jalan kaki pusing2 tempat tu, tapi siang hari je la...  haha. OK MAT JENIN moment.. Syok Sendiri ok.

“Hey You”, aku first time tahu lagu ni kat kaset “Rockers And Ballads” tu, yang cover depan dorang kat Soviet Union tu... “ EH SIAK AH!!! LAGU APA NI??? SEDAP GILER!!!”  gitu la reaksi aku.....  Ni kira macam lagu “All Night Long” Scorpions gitu la, dulu release as Single, so kat banyak kaset takde.. tapi versi ni ada tapi cam aku cakap omputeh kat atas, kat sampul luar takde, tapi kat sampul dalam ada, siap ada lirik lagi...

"Animal Magnetism" nye lagu – Ni very the zaman 70an nye Scorpions la kan? Ni kira last kopek la Scorpions main lagu2 style 70s stim stim berdengung berdengung gitu kan.. haha... "MEN WITH LONG HAIR WILL BE SERVED LAST" hahaha, aku suka tengok poster2 dan notis board zaman dulu..  
Cammana eh?? .. aku pernah cerita kan, kagum ok, kagum ok!!, dengar orang cerita pasal zaman dulu Sweet Charity ngan Black Dog Bone main kat National Theater zaman dulu sebelum jadi artis rakaman gitu la sikit lebih kurang. What is it called? "TIKET DAUN"...  Kalau aku ada gadget Voyager ke, kereta Back To The Future ke aku nak gi tengok la haha...

Lepas ni album 1980 gitu kan, Klaus Meine hilang suara, gi operate tekak, lepas tu album Blackout, Love At First Sting, dan of course paling pop rock nye album dorang Savage Amusement haha. Yang aku sangat suka... woohooo..

Lepas tu lepas Savage Amusement cam sial sikit, buat lagu Wind Of Change, tiba2 semua suka Scorpions, aku pun malas... Dah la ada kawan sekolah aku claim Scorpions tiru lagu penyanyi Hong Kong. Kan tu lagu popular macam2 alih bahasa....  Lepas tu sikit2 minat Send Me An Angel, sikit2 minat Alienation ke hapa tu, lepas tu kurenggggg...lepas lamaaaaa gitu.... terus Unbreakable Love Em And Leave Em keluar, dan hati aku cakap Scorpions Are Back!!. Tapi dah tak beli dah apa2 album dah.....  Ooo aku ada cd Accoustica... dah tu je la kot aku support Scorpions haha...
Aku suka lagu ada Gucci Store tu... kat dalam Accoustica nye album tu.. OK OK terkeluar topik...

Yang ni Poster double sided... Cantik...

Errmm  lagi..

"Twentieth Century Man". OK Apa lagi lagu ada unsur2 gini? Sweet Charity Tahun 2000. XPDC pun ada kan? lagu yang "tahun dua ribuuuuuu, .. la la la.....seluar aku ketat..seluar dia bell bottom"... hehe,
Lagi? Ace Frehley nye lagu zaman Kiss “2000 Man”. Lagi...?

 Korang tak pernah dengar album ni, dengar je la, Youtube ada kot satu album haha, Ni aku type ni kul 1.30pagi.. Curik2 ok kat tempat ker,,,,.dot dot dot.. sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit dan boleh la aku post nanti topik ni dah siap.....

HOPE YOU ENJOY ALL THESE, for other fake Scorpions releases which has these spectacular Gatefold packaging that not even any official releases of any kind have in any country or any pressing have in any format... its here....somewhere in the previous postings for the past few months, maybe can trace from here is easier LOL!!

If there are enough postings in the future "maybe I'll create a link called "Fake Mini LP Gatefold formats" for more easier access.

Again don't forget to see the link of the blog I gave at the top. I hope Maiden will create something like that for the new album, though I can gurantee they will be lazy to autograph the photo that comes with the boxset? LOL!!!


  1. kalau lah label2 kompani sini rilis cd2 macam ni kan best. banyak rlisan semula hanya dapat inlay lipat ja. jap g aku nak dgr album ni g utube

  2. I wish Singapore is near, then I'll call you for a weekend date. lepak-lepak at your house and belek semua koleksi you. How I wish it bro!

  3. Aik?mana pegi komen aku hilang pulak.selain scorpions ngan maiden apa lagi band yg ada fake mini lp ni eh?

  4. Mus...kalau macam tu aku pun nak join...lama dah ngidam nak belek2 koleksi Deaf ni...hahaha...

  5. hehe

    anyway, Rafi..
    fake mini lp banyak jugak tapi aku interested terutama yang ada gatefold
