Tuesday, March 17, 2015

DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH – JUDAS PRIEST : Special 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition (JAPANESE VERSION)

From the previous posting of the Scorpions Animal Magnetism cute Russian fake beautiful mini-lp cd with gatefold and everything... lets move on to something that again bring back so much wonderful memories...

The Japanese Obi Strip below says it all –


This is my personal review and opinion.
As usual I will talk cock some things in English, and then I will talk cock some other things in my Bastardized Malay Language.

Defenders Of The Faith (DOTF) is my clear cut favourite Judas Priest studio album.
In addition, their very popular live bootleg (soundboard radio broadcast) from Long Beach California 5th May 1984 commonly known as “California Burning” if I remember it well is one of my favourite Judas Priest live recording bootlegs because a lot of my favourite Priest songs got played and a total of nine songs from DOTF is played that night..  Also there is another very good bootleg (audience) of Judas Priest in Japan 1984. I am keen on these because my favourite era of Judas Priest was this period.

So when a Triple Disc Deluxe Remastered (remastering by the same 1984 Producer Tom Allom) consisting of the studio album and the SUDDENLY NOW OFFICIAL radio broadcast bootleg is announced, I am so excited and I decided to get the more satisfying “Japanese Pressing” packaging. (Even the cardbox holding the items are "Made In Japan" and anyway, as usual the Japanese version has an extra booklet with lyrics of all the songs, including the live songs etc etc.)

So allow my memories in life about this album and its co-relations lives on in this blog...

After a zillion years Judas Priest finally played in Singapore in early 2012, so all the Judas Priest Style Heavy Metal Fans finally got a chance to see them live, it was simplify an amazing show, and I realised Turbo Lover is an embarrassingly naughty live song after seeing the reaction of some over excited fans reactions to the song and what with all the machinery video being played on screen LOL!!!!
Also I actually as much enjoyed the ex-Lauren Harris guitarist partnering Glen Tipton and his solos (the new guy) during the super long version of You Got Another Thing Coming is wonderful.( I recorded the whole show disastrously and the full bootleg is somewhere in my youtube page LOL!!).

Solos kat lagu ni semua gerek la pada aku... walaupun takde KK Downing lagik.. seluruhnya 15 minit  Ritchie Faulkner minit ke tujuh onwards gitu dia takeover... Hebat.... on the heavy metal fuckin guitar!!!
First time tengok dia main masa dia jadi gitaris Lauren Harris opener untuk Maiden, hebat AKU INGAT ZAKK WYLDE ATAS STAGE!! haha...

Also its very humbling seeing Rob Halford using a cane to assist his walking near the end of the set.

The only song played from DOTF was Sentinel with all its Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/BOTH guitar solos. OK I am exaggerating just a bit LOL!! They should have played the whole DOTF album, and dropped everything from post-Painkiller album onwards.
ok, unless they played Angel. Now that is the best song Judas Priest had written after Rob Halford rejoins them LOL!!

Jawbreaker - Rob Halford and his solo band has a very very good live double album called Live Resurrection, and that live album has some terrifying live versions of  older Judas Priest songs especially Tyrant and of course there is Jawbreaker played. Just like Bruce Dickinson, Rob Halford also uses Roy Z as producer during the last few years of his solo/other projects eras. It will always be a curiosity how will Iron Maiden end products be like if Steve Harris decides to use Roy Z as producer but I think it will never ever happen - Kevin Shirley all the way now it seems.

I would think Resurrection and especially Live Resurrection would be a good start for a Judas Priest listener to explore Rob Halford solos/other projects as its more similar to traditional heavy metal that Priest plays instead of ROB HALFORD TRYING TO BE TRENDY AND MTV FRIENDLY.

“Onwards We Catapult!!” now that is a life principle we should follow. Freewheel Burning is a simply breathtaking super fast song.

I think thats about it my rambling in English. Enjoy the photos......



OK, saluran cumi dan ciki pulak....

adik2 kawan semua......


Dari zaman dulu Glen Tipton ngan trademark seluar merah dia.....

Aku tahu Judas Priest ni masa sekolah dulu, kawan aku pass aku kaset untuk lagu Rock Hard Ride Free. Ye la Rock Hard Ride Free, adalah satu lagu yang sesuai sangat ngan halwa telinga orang melayu. Guitar solos mendayu2, korus catchy, ...
Tapi end up aku dengar seluruh album walau aku masih ingat aku tergelak Heavy Duty ni bateri Everyday warna merah ke warna hitam ni? LOL!!. 
Then lepas tu aku dengar kaset Priest... Live. Abis tu lagu pertama Out In The Cold kan?? Haha. Terus sangkut. Lepas tu dengar2 lain tapi ni dua album tetap di hati...

Aha... Lupa lak... SENTINEL. Apa lagu? DERITA BANGSA... Kumpulan MAY, dari kaset Juara Juara Rock 2, 
Yezzzzzaaaaaaa.....  Juara Juara Rock 2 pada aku la , antara kaset rock melayu yang paling terbaik la dalam sejarah. . Kuasa II, Segala Hanya Untuk Mu, BAYANGAN HIDUP... Cehhhhh.... Terbaik la kan JJR2. Perfection... Judas Priest pun ada.... It must have been a thrill kalau dapat tengok persembahan live band2 JJR2 suatu masa dahulu bila dorang beraksi ramai2 atas pentas.

Bayangkan dalam semua koleksi kaset aku dah hilang, dah buang semua dah ke laut, tapi.. berapa lunyai pun kaset Warnada Juara Juara Rock 2 aku, aku masih tetap simpan... Itulah untuk aku betapa aku sangat hargai lagu2 dan kaset tu sangat. There are many treasures la kan rock dan heavy metal melayu dan ni pada aku antara paling gerek.

OK OK, aku rasa aku stop la sebenarnya waktu aku mula type ni aku nak luahkan perasaan pasal Eat Me Alive, tapi lepas tu bila aku fikir2 balik, so aku kensel semua, mungkin lain kali, pasal tu sesuai topik sendiri, satu topik ngan Rainbow nye All Night Long, satu topik ngan Police "Every Breath You Take", korang boleh bayangkan la apa aku nak cakap kan... apabila KKN nye orang dah asyik ingat benda lain, semua benda biasa pun jadi lucah jadi sumbang bagi mereka...

Apa pun tu semua mungkin lain kali, atau saja dalam hati...

 so enjoy la menengok bungkusan Judas Priest Defenders Of The Faith Tiga Puluh Tahun Deluxe Istimewa ni...

Cerita pasal rusuhan kat Madison Square Garden ni memang lawak...... sampai kena ban seumur hidup tapi pasal dorang la dapat renovate tukar semua kerusi yang memang dah teruk kondisi.

P.S – dulu kan, masa Rob Halford cakap dia gay, macam...tak boleh terima la, macam tak masuk akal gitu.. macam... Biar Betik, K*k*k dia punye Serunding, macam tak logic kan? 
Abis pikir2 balik, ok jugak la kan? Dia pakai leather2 gitu, abis tu ngan Whip, macam Blue Oyster Club gitu kan?
Hahahaha... Sapa tak tahu apa tu Blue Oyster Club HAHAHAHAA. SEBIJIK KAN???Abislah aku kena lahar.. 

Abis tu... Drummer si Dave Holland tu lak kena charge dah tu masuk penjara kan? Dia buat tak senonoh dengan budak lelaki bawah umur kan waktu dia ajar main drum eh?
Then ni sekarang ni, usia aku dah meningkat, dah boleh berfikir, aku rasa, manusia ni takde apa yang perfect yang sempurna ye tak? walaupun heavy metal heroes kita..

Akhir kata, (ikut alunan melodi....)

We are... Defenders Of The Faith....   cewah.

Sapa tak pernah dengar ni album Defenders Of The Faith, sila dengar.. worth 40 minutes of your precious time.


  1. Fuh..japan nya packaging memang puas hati la..blue oyster club...hahaha..betul la.bila tgk live tahun 82 nya dia pakai leather mcm tu baru la aku paham..rupanya mmg dah lama dia gay eh..heheh..apa pun judas priest ngan maiden antara muzik yg di dengar sewaktu nak membesar dan nak kenal dunia

  2. bestnya tgk packajing jepun...priest aku hanya ambil jln singkat layan kompilasi...

  3. Best betul la japanese version ni...tq deaf...dapat tengok gambo pun jadi la...

    Tapi kan bab Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/Glen/KK/BOTH guitar solos
    ni memang mengamit memori la...dulu2 dengar pakai walkman sambil tengok inlay kaset dan membayangkan part mana yang KK part mana yang Glen main...hahaha...

  4. geng motor herley ni.. yg mana satu tu gay.. cam ghaal gorgoroth..

  5. sempoi.. nampak meriah dia punya packaging..
