Sunday, October 16, 2016

GHOST BC infestissumam (deluxe edition) & If You Have GHOST ep

This time I will show all the inside packaging of the deluxe Infestissumam 24 pages booklet and also the packaging of If You Have Ghost EP for those who have not seen it.

I will write a bit in both English Language and Malay Language Bahasa Melayu to the best of my ability.

The Photos of the packaging will be right at the bottom at the end of this post.

Lets start with Ghost BC Infestissumam.
The BC is more for the North American market copyright issues.
Ghost 2nd album.

In majority - A rather traditional pop album, reminds me of The Carpenters, ABBA, surfing Beach Boys and the Soundtrack to the movie PULP FICTION.
(But at the same this is the album with Year Zero on it. A simply blood-baying singalong chorus for a live Heavy Metal Crowd.)

As usual, a straight forward groupie support and one-sided praise for all things Satanic and anti-wholesome family values lyrically.

I always listen to this album as a complete, I don't pick specific tracks. I dont know why but with Ghost I always do it this way.
I press Play button, and put my headphones, and just let the albums flow, while I am walking, waiting at train stations and bus stations, and inside public transportation.

My fave songs on this album are -
- The Rousing Anthem of the Intro Infestissumam.
Less than 2 minutes, it should have a full song. Very very INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC.

- Jigolo Har Megiddo. A happy feet song. Mischievous.

- Ghuleh / Zombie Queen. - Starts slow with Ghuleh and then proceed to remind me of Surfing Rock of the 60s.

- YEAR ZERO - First song I ever see Ghost play live. They were Opening for Iron Maiden. I think most of the crowd also have not seen them play before. I like what I see and hear and I become a fan.

- Idolatrine - very catchy chorus

- Depth of Satan's Edge - A beautiful catchy song. The kind you move your shoulders to the beat.

- Monstrance Clock - Original this album ends on this song. A nice chorus about everyone coming together as one for Lucifer or something.

The deluxe edition has two more songs - a hard to find on official physical cd - La Mantra Mori, and also I'm a Marionette which appears also on Nirvana's Foo Fighter's Dave Grohl produced EP - If Youu Have Ghost.


If You Have Ghost EP.

Produced By DAVE GROHL of Nirvana and Foo Fighter's fame.

Basically a covers songs EP with one live song version of Ghost own song Secular Haze.
Though all are beautifully done. Maybe in some cases ends up more nicer than the originals. (Speaking of Pulp Fiction Soundtrack above - surely Girl You'll Be A Woman Soon by Urge Overkill is something I like so much more than the Neil Diamond original).,

If You Have Ghost is a beautiful song. Crucified is also a simply another sweet song.

I'm a Marionette is an ABBA song.
Waiting For The Night is by one of the best bands in the world - DEPECHE MODE.


And I am very happy.


Some festivals with Ghost headlining Friday, Maiden on Saturday, and Depeche Mode on Sunday.
That would be so out of this world combination.

Yes yes, many people find Ghost annoying. LOL!!!!

OK, like I say, the photos of each page of the INDESTISSUMAM Deluxe Editon are right at the bottom of this posting. For those who have not seen it and are interested.

Hi Semua, 

Tu hari aku ada time, aku masuk Youtube,

aku pergi carik semua info pasal Karen Carpenter. Pasal dia sakit yang paksa diri muntahkan diri tu, Pasal dia nak kurus.
Orang semua cakap dia sakit teruk, dia jerangkung, kurus giler,
tapi dia sorang cakap dia tak kurus, dia gemuk or something like that.

So sambil tu dengar la lagu2 Carpenters. Korang tahu la kan betapa sedap lagu2 Carpenters zaman 70an dulu.

Memang sedih perjalanan hidup Karen Carpenter, tapi lagu2 yang dia nyanyi dengan abang dia dalam kumpulan Carpenters memang lejen. Hidup selamanya.

So, lepas tu aku terfikir, betapa dekat nya lagu2 Ghost ni dengan lagu2 Carpenters pun.

Lepas tu kalau korang perasan, kat album ni memang ada lagu memang rentak Pop Yeh Yeh pun ada.

Tapi ni album kedua ni memang ada kelainan sikit dari album pertama. Mungkin mereka masih mencarik arah dan tujuan dan cuba memperbagaikan aneka ragam muzik mereka.

Lepas album ni terus dorang cakap dorang nanti akan heavy sikit untuk album ketiga iaitu Meliora. Meliora ni akan datang aku akan tunjuk versi Meliora Redux yang ada Popestar punye EP kat dalam.

OK, aku takde masa lebih, AKU memang ada niat nak buat trilogi posting pasal kumpulan muzik Ghost ini.
Tu hari aku dah intro dan buat ulasan sikit album pertama, ni kira posting kedua dan nanti mungkin aku panjang lebar balik untuk post seterus nya pasal Ghost.

OK, cam aku cakap, intro album ni, Infestissumam ni sangat BERSEMANGAT , dan sepatutnya ni bukan intro tetapi lagu panjang kerana sedap sangat.

Dalam album ni kalau lagu heavy metal contoh Year Zero memang terbaik la kan.

Dan jugak lagu2 lain yang aku minat seperti aku sebut kat bahagian atas aku tulis omputeh.

Ohhh jugak, EP If You Have Ghost, penuh dengan lagu2 sedap cover version tak lupa dari KUMPULAN ABBA dan KUMPULAN AKU MINAT YANG AKU DAH LUPAKAN TAPI DATANG BALIK JADI PEMINAT, KUMPULAN DEPECHE MODE, dan dorang akan keluar album baru ok, SPIRIT.
Teruja menunggu... haha.

ok tu je...

Ambik dari youtube.. If You Have Ghost EP..

Ni pulak full album INFESTISSUMAM

OK, Sapa berminat, kalau tak minat tak payah tengok ok, 
sila scroll bawah untuk packaging bungkusan dan buku lirik Infestissumam.


  1. Aku suka band ni...tapi takat ni layan youtube ajer pasal aku masih tak ada satu haram pun cd dorang...
    semalam kat nusajaya sekali lagi pegang2 dan belek2 lp dorang...tapi letak balik lepas raba kocek duit tinggal seratus...gaji lagi seminggu dan meter minyak dah nak E...haha..

    1. Kat nusajaya ada kedai lp dah ke?
      Sama dgn aku dengar kat utube jek album dia satu pun takda lagi.cuma ada tshirt dia je.heheh..itu hari aku pakai naik lrt nk gi amcorp,ada sorang makcik ni da jeling aku satu mcm.mungkin pasal logo "Ghost" yg huruf t terbalik tu kot.heheh..

    2. Ada karnival kat nusajaya minggu lepas...ada bazaar jual brg2 lama dan lp...

  2. kalau aku ni pulak, tak berapa nak layan sangat ghost ni.. entah la kenapa agaknya, mungkin tak serasi dgn jiwa aku kot..
    tapi kalau carpenters tu, memang terbaik.. album carpenters sungguh memukau diahun 70an dulu..

    RIP - karen Carpenters

  3. band ni aku ade 1st album je. dlm ep tu lagu cover Crucified tu mmg trbaik. Army of Lovers rule!! haha

  4. masi layan dekat youtube dan dlm proses suai kenal walaupn dah kenal sejak thun 2012..hehehe
