Tuesday, October 11, 2016

tayang headphones baru, Scorpions coming two shows, GNR officially announced. Happiness...

Salam & Salute To All.

Kawan baru.. Headphone Audio Technica yang entah ke berapa aku beli. Puas hati bila kita gunakan sesuatu kita suka sampai lunyai sampai rosak.
Jadi ni kawan baru aku..
Kawan semasa berjalan kaki ke destinasi diperlukan terutama kena jalan kaki jauh jauh punye.
Kawan untuk tunggu bas.

Kawan untuk tunggu tren.
Kawan dalam bas awam

Kawan dalam tren - MRT ke, LRT ke apa ke.. macam2 pengangkutan jenis keretapi... dimana pun aku berada.
Kawan bila tak mau kacau orang lain.
Kawan untuk dengar muzik pasal aku suka dengar muzik pakai headphones

For the past few years I exclusively use Audio Technica headphones for my listening pleasure to music, They are quite rugged and usually I will wear them out till they are damaged one way or another.
while Walking to any of destinations near or far.
Waiting for the buses,
Waiting for the trains
While inside the buses, and the trains.
And When I need to be quiet and not disturb anyone.
I always choose different models, designs and colours, but lets return to stylish black this time around.

Scorpions are coming soon, to both Malaysia and Singapore.
The Malaysian and Singapore internet posters.

The Malaysia show has WINGS (not the Paul McCartney one LOL!!), in the bill, I try not to miss them whenever possible, but sadly I am working then.
So I guess if I go, I will have to go to the Singapore one. I have my work, I will be working morning shift on the day Scorpions play in Singapore.
The standing price ticket is quite a pain in the ass, but its Scorpions with Mikey Dee.
and like Lemmy introduce him in Donington 2013 when Motorhead plays , "Best Drummer In The World - Mikey Dee".
*Mikey Dee was supposed to drum for Thin Lizzy Anniversary Band when they opened for Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow on the first show in June, but he joins Scorpions and Thin Lizzy uses Judas Priest Drummer Scott Travis for that evening show in Loreley... One of my most unforgettable rocking moment.
And he brings out Phil Animal Taylor on that same show. Not exactly in the best of conditions Phil Animal Taylor that evening.
I really have no idea of their new album, Scorpions I mean, but it will be fun, whatever songs they play. Scorpions I mean.

Ooo finally the worst kept secret is out. OFFICIALLY NOW -..  GUNS N ROSES.... GUNS N ROSES.... GUNS N ROSES.... (say it Get In The Ring style) is coming to Singapore early next year.

Seems they are going to play in the same place like Metallica a few years back, a bit out of the way for Public Transport Users.
For once a rocking environment, no seating tickets. ITS ALL STANDING.
Metallica draw 40,000? So I guess GNR will draw much more than that.
Two price tickets, both will be standings only.
And its super fuckin expensive.
How many Iron Maiden shows while backpacking in Europe (Standing Front) can I see for the price of a Front section to see GNR in Singapore?

But (again), its the Guns N Roses not some Democracy lineup, albeit only Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan from their Appetite, Lies, and Illusions albums.

And please,

I found it amusing, some people are calling Axl Rose a washout? a fat person? who cannot sing anymore?
Its weird. Cause the comments are simply unfair and untruthful and sit in the bedroom fantasies fairytale.

Angus Young decide on AXL to sing for ACDC.
That is something for the annals in the history of music.

I went to see ACDC plays Manchester with Axl Rose singing in front of a 75,000 hardcore crowd which streches all the way to the other side of the Manchester City Etihad Stadium Football Field.


So buy a ticket , go to a show with Axl Rose singing, and then you will take back your words.

And the same goes for the new Queen lineup. I had this negative impression of Adam Lambert until I see them play, 2 sold out shows in London O2 of 15,500 each night,  ADAM LAMBERT RULES THE STAGE, AND RULES THE AUDIENCE. And really he does Queen songs justice, at least for me. And its not easy to sing those songs for 2 hours.

OK cakap melayu sikit,

Scorpions, aku nak tengok tau.. Saje je suka2, kecuali lagu2 album baru aku tak tahu,
tapi tak kesah la kan, ni Scorpions, apa lagu pun tetap rock dan tetap slow rock.

Mikey Dee, ok la, ni tambahan anggota yang buat aku makin suka.

Serupa Search untuk aku, kalau Yazid main Search rok, tapi drummers lain Search macam metal pulak.
Jadi entah eh.. Mikey Dee main dengan Scorpions mau kang jadi metal.

Mikey Dee, sekali je aku tengok dia main, tapi jauh jugak, kat Donington, gigih.. gi depan tapi tepi la. Dia main dengan Motorhead.
Lemmy Introduction dia waktu kenalkan Phil Campbell dan Mikey Dee sebagai Drummer Terbaik Dalam Dunia.
Kelakar nye (ok tak kelakar ) petang tu Lemmy panggil jemputan khas dia keluar.
iaitu PHIL ANIMAL TAYLOR jugak seorang pemain drum dalam kumpulan Motorhead satu masa dahulu. Mungkin FINAL APPEARANCE EVER PHIL ANIMAL TAYLOR WITH MOTORHEAD ON STAGE kat DONINGTON 2013 pasal lepas tu dia mati.
Dan terus terang, macam aku pernah cerita, sama ada Phil Taylor tengah mabok, atau baru lepas tekan dadah apa ntah, atau memang dia dah otak dah mereng.
Dia lost giler atas pentas. Tak terurus.
Siot je Lemmy.
Dah mati dah dua2 ni Lemmy dan Phil Animal Taylor.

So rasanya tiket berdiri untuk show Singapore masih ada kot, kalau aku pergi, aku mungkin beli tiket satu dua hari sebelum nya, jangan kena sumpit OT sua. Tapi antara OT dan Scorpions, OT la kan lagi mulia.

Ok, Ok, Guns N Roses. Akhrnya dikonfemkan main kat Singapore, tempat sama Metallica main tu hari. Aku sebenarnya suka tempat tepi laut tu walaupun public transport macam PUAKA!!.
(Aku tunggu Seek And Destroy start terus blah, naik bas, terus aku dapat naik last MRT, besok nya nak kerja ah hhahaha).
Pasal tempat dia semua berdiri, adil saksama, cuma tiket bahagi dua la, sapa cepat dia dapat gitu.
So Metallica 40,000 so GNR lebih la tentunya
tapi harga tiket, giler babi tak silap aku 298 ngan 198. Sing$.
Tapi.. Tapi.. ni GNR Axl, Slash , Duff ye tak..

Anyway, percaya la cakap aku, Axl terbaik dari ladang. Kalau tak, Angus tak ambik dia, dan takkan nak sambung main dengan dia masa depan untuk ACDC.
Cuma dengan ACDC dia tak banyak colok. Relak one corner, nyanyi bersungguh2, relak one corner. Depan mata orang bakar flare pun diam.
Takde maki maki nak balik rumah tu jam jugak.
Dan on time ok dia dengan ACDC.

Aku tengok kat Manchester City nye stadium bola, 75 Ribu Peminat ACDC penuh satu stadium dari satu goal sampai goal lagi satu hujung haha...
Security masuk paling sial aku pernah alami tengok band rock buat konsert, tapi worth it. (Aku punye jeruk dan buah kana cina semua kena rembat dengan security, padahal tu semua tak mau kasi aku mabuk dan pening pasal aku backpack giler babi sorang2 so aku kena standby tu semua mau kang aku apa2 kena congkong pasport dan wallet mampos siak aku sapa nak tolong, dan nak tuduh aku macam2 dan tuduh buah kana dan jeruk2 cina tu semua macam2 benda taik, betul2 bukit siot mat salleh mat salleh ni yang ada, jangan mat salleh semua bagus ok).

So aku akan sokong ni GNR ni datang ni. Tapi dengan sokong beli tiket tu belum tahu lagi.


bak lagu Ramli Sarip.

Tapi nanti la kita tengok cammana kan...

ok dah cukup membebel. Aku bukan apa saje bual kons pasal nak aktifkan balik blog aku yang sendu ni.

Long Live Rock N Roll.

Post ni dibuat dengan dengar lagu2 dari satu lagi band Pop-Rock Jerman macam Scorpions.. tapi aku punye feberet la band pop-rock sekarang ni sejak berapa tahun ni. iaitu Powerwolf.

Catholic In The Morning, Satanist at Night.

Metal In The Morning........, Metal In The Night!!

Sekarang ni kan, selalu je aku pasang lagu ni... Let There Be Night. Menenangkan.


Ni lagu dorang bawak LIVE kat salah satu show dalam boxset Metal Mass.

Nanti aku review boxset tu, belum review lagi..

OK bye..


  1. baru nampak kat fb tadi ramai dok tampal gambar GNR live kat sgpore tu.

    so lepas ni kalau aku ternampak mamat dlm lrt dengan headphone technica tau la aku sapa..heheh

  2. tak sabar ditunggu kemunculan Guns N Roses tu bro.. huh huh


  3. ermm sebijik anak dare kite..telinga tu dok menyumbat ajek...kdg2 rimas gak tgk hahaahahahaha....ni kalo tunjuk anak dare daku ni mesti suke...black color...oool giler!!

    wahh scorpions mai sini??? peminat2 sure teruja tgu nieh....

  4. Scorpions aku tak pegi...tapi GNR tu memang aku terliur la....tapi bila pikirkan RM nak kena kali 3 walaupun tiket yang paling murah pun dah jadi RM600...arghhhhhhhhh....mana tabung lagi aku nak pecah....haha..

    1. Betul bert.org jb kalo masuk sgpore papa kedana jadinya..hahah

  5. headphones aku mostly jenis studio/monitoring... walaupun selesa dipakai berjam2, tapi bulky, memang tak sesuai bawa jalan2

  6. baru gua tau The Best Drummer in The World, Mr. Mickey Dee dah join Scorpions. Hebat!

  7. But (again), its the Guns N Roses not some Democracy lineup, albeit only Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan from their Appetite, Lies, and Illusions albums.

    Termasuklah yg setia dengan Axl = Mr Dizzy Reed

  8. But (again), its the Guns N Roses not some Democracy lineup, albeit only Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan from their Appetite, Lies, and Illusions albums.

    Termasuklah yg setia dengan Axl = Mr Dizzy Reed
