Thursday, December 15, 2016

Metallica -Hardwired To Self-Destruct 3cd version. My out of the box opinion, review, fantasies, ulasan dan tetiba cerita pasal Malex lak...

Pertama sekali aku nak cakap yang aku tak pernah cakap Powerwolf sembah Setan.


OK, my review, opinion, ulasan of Metallica newest album Hardwired To Self-Destruct.
The Triple CD version.

As usual I will talk-cock in my corrupted English, and then in my market incorrigible Malay Bahasa Melayu.

First the cover.
In the Derek Riggs book Run For Cover, he mentioned the first time he saw Queen's The Miracle album, he was reminded of his own artwork for the Clairvoyant.

The booklet.
I LOVE IT. Because the lyrics are printed in huge fonts. I hate it when lyric booklets has micro-bacteria-sized fonts.

The First and Second CD comprising the Twelve New Songs.
I love many parts of the first two cds. I have no complaints.
I can endure every song without skipping. LOL!!
hARDWIRED is the only 3 minute song, the majority is up about 6-7 minutes.
And lots of remembrance of the Metallica I used to like.
I had choosen the Eight Songs that I most would like them to play. Though I would like Metallica to test all the new songs on the Asian Tour before they play to the audience for the rest of the world, maybe it would be too much? So, I would like them to play at least eight songs from the new album
and it will be Song #1, #2, #4 (of course these three) plus, song #3, #6, #7,#11, #12.

My Updated fantasy setlist for 22 Jan 2017 show will be below.

My favourite song, if I have to choose one will be the last song
SPIT OUT THE BONE - It is Fast and Furious yet melodic.

The Third CD.

Firstly, what a good fortune for Ritchie Blackmore. Surely Metallica new album would be sold in millions?

And Ritchie Blackmore has the credits for all the 4 songs for Ronnie Rising, and also When A Blind Man Cries (which rumours is to believed, Ritchie hates this song, thats why the only way to hear When A Blind Man Cries and WASTED SUNSET live, is with Steve Morse era LOL!!, - Sadly, Deep Purple has already announced the LONG GOODBYE TOUR, I think rumours has it will finish in 2018, and I think I will try to make it backpacking to their last few shows in 2018.All Good Things Will Come To An End. I just Ian Paice has no long term effect of the Stroke.

So good for Ritchie, and good for the estate of the late great Cozy Powell (I think his credit is for KILL THE KING which is part of the Ronnie Rising) and Ronnie James Dio.
Speaking of Ritchie Blackmore, I just also managed to grab a copy of the photobook version of Live In Germany...I will SHOW-OFF of it soon.
I am going over-load on anything Rainbow In Germany, one of my biggest dreams in life came true at Loreley first night.

Now, Paul Di Anno wrote the lyrics for Remember Tomorrow, but was there the rumour he sold all his rights to his contributions for the first two Maiden albums to Maiden.
So, I was wondering if no matter how many millions of cds, vinyls, and official downloads that the 3rd cd got, I dont know whether Paul Di Anno will get anything on royalty.

Well, if he dont, he will get more bitter surely, he will have more hatred in him, so lets wait when he comes to Singapore again, and I am sure he will have so much bitter things to say about Steve Harris and co.
I just hope he dont drag Blaze Bailey name next time into his bitterness. Blaze is a good person.

The rest of the 3rd CD, is nothing to say much, just its all songs from their early days 1984 and earlier.

So, this is updated self-fantasy perverted setlist for the 22 Jan 2017 Singapore show, I hope to be there.
Like I say above, lets have Metallica plays 8 new songs out of the 12 on the album.
Lets have them completely skip anything from the BLACK album but still cramped with their fans favourites.

Ecstasy of Gold
1. Breadfan
2. Master Of Puppets
3. Trapped Under Ice
4. Harvester Of Sorrow

5. Hardwired
6. Atlas, Rise
7. Now That We're Dead
8. Moth Into Flame
9. Halo On Fire
10. ManUNkind
11. Murder One
12. Spit Out The Bone (To play TWICE LOL!!)

13. One ( with a 10mins pyro show)
14. Creeping Death
15. Dyers Eve

16. Bleeding Me
17. Blackened
18. No Remorse
19. Battery

2nd encore just because I am in the audience and to appease me for the ridiculous price ticket.
20. Prowler (in full)
21. Kill The King (in full)
22. Stargazer (in full)
22. A Light In The Black (in full)

ok these will never happened... its my wildest fantasy.
But I think it is a very balanced setlist to make everyone happy,
except those who think Metallica only has two good songs - Nothing Else Matters and Enter Sandman.

Salam dan Apa Khabar Semua, sapa brader tu hari cakap setlist angan-angan mat jenin aku ialah private konsert?

Betul ok, kalau Metallica main bawah blok rumah aku, bawah kolong flet, dan dorang tanya aku , orang2 kat flet aku tinggal suka lagu apa, ni la setlist aku kasi kat dorang.
Wakakaka,  konfem Polis datang suruh turunkan volume, orang nak tido tak boleh haha.

OK OK, serious...
Eh, sapa dah tengok Speedrider nye unboxing.. kat sini, entah ada lagi ke tak video tu -

Kagum, respek, dan semua nya la, dia tampal kat blog dia tu hari, pasal tak semua orang ada FaceBook kata nya...
timakasey la, cam aku reply kat blog dia, aku cakap tengok unboxing tu 15 minit, terngangah mulut aku hahaa...
Tapi again aku cakap PECAH REKOD!!!!! Unboxing Metallica deluxe vinyl boxset cakap Melayu ada slang Penang kot?
once again, PECAH REKOD. Harap lepas ni ramai lagi buat unboxing tampal kat youtube kasi ulasan kelakar2 nya kalau cakap Melayu ok la baru syok kan... buat lawak gitu haha.


aku ringkas apa aku dah bual colok kat atas cakap omputeh k...

Cover album dan artwork dalam ni semua, aku nak tahu sangat apa dalam hati Derek Riggs, aku rasa cam nak email dia je hahaha.
Derek Riggs masa Queen The Miracle keluar dia ada cakap dia teringat kat artwork dia sendiri iaitu Clairvoyant nye single untuk Iron Maiden.

Dan jugak cd ketiga kan ada rangkaian lagu2 cover version.
Ritchie Blackmore untung besar la kan. Terang2 ni album Metallica ni akan terjual berjuta juta juta unit.
Dan selain dari yang lain2, aku tak tahu Paul Di Anno, yang memang sentiasa ada masalah satu demi satu, aku tak tahu dia akan dapat apa2 habuan hasil lirik dia untuk Remember Tomorrow.
Dia apa aku tahu punya la SELENGER BACIN, ada gossip cakap dia dah jual segala hak cipta yang dia sumbang untuk album pertama dan kedua Iron Maiden kat kumpulan Iron Maiden gitu la.

Dia kan, entah la eh, kalau dia dah stop busukkan nama Steve Harris, dan Iron Maiden tentu dia ok.

Kalau sapa pergi tengok dia buat persembahan kat Hard Rock Singapore, mati2 malam tu aku ingat dia dah taubat, dah tak mau busuk hati kutuk2, mak dia la, nak abis show, cucuk jarum siot.
Abis tu babitkan Blaze Bayley.

Siak la Paul Di Anno. Ni dia punya Architect nye band terus senyap... apa je la.

Tapi kan sepatutnya ni album Metallica kan aku nak ulasan haha,

OK, aku dah jaja sana sini siap cakap nak bawak sepanduk kat pasar Larkin kat  blog Berteromber yang aku suka ni album. HAHA.

Aku takde masalah, semua lagu aku suka, secara peribadi aku nak METALLICA MAIN SEMUA LAGU BARU DUA BELAS DUA BELAS ni untuk show Singapore nanti bulan satu nanti.
Tentu dorang akan gunakan Asia nye show 5 , 6 show ni untuk test semua tok nenek lagu baru, pentas baru, dan gimik baru, sebelum mereka mula main kat seluruh dunia yang tentu tekanan lagi hebat.

OK, apa lagi aku nak cakap tu je la...  Triple CD ni berbaloi beli, dari segi bungkusan dan buku lirik pun terbaik dari ladang. HURUF LIRIK BESAR BESAR.. SAPA KORANG MATA POTEK!! MATA RABUN.. hahh jangan bimbang.

WAHH panjang lebar sey blog aku kali ni, aku nak try tamatkan 2016 ni dengan kurangkan sendu dan suram kat blog aku yang aku cuba maintain takde hati perut ni. Cewahhh.


ATLAS RISE!!!!!!!   sambil buat hand sign Ronnie James Dio gini macam \m/
Rock Mampos ok.


p.s selang dua selang ni, aku asyik masuk youtube main lagu2 Journey la...

Adakah aku ni seorang racist, aku tak mau keluarkan duit untuk tengok Journey hanya pasal Arnel Pinto seorang Filipin?
Tapi entah eh, Journey ialah Steve Perry la kan,

tapi tak boleh cakap aku racist ok, pasal aku suka sangat album Revelations, tapi taik nya Journey aku tengok setlist 2016 dorang tak main siot lagu2 dari album Revelations,
semua main lagu zaman Steve Perry.

Aku speku untuk 2017 Asia tour, mesti dorang main lagu2 zaman Arnel ni kan?

OK la...   tengok cammana k.. 

Pasal selain dari Metallica satu show aku nak gi tengok ialah Guns N Roses...

Cuma aku nak cakap, aku dapat tahu Malex nak main show 23 December ni kat Singapore, kira show dorang sendiri, terbalik kot, aku hari tu ada kat Malaysia lak. Aku off rest tu jam. HAHA..

Takpelah...  lain kali tengok Malex lagi.. Aku suka ni band... One of the best rock band Singapore untuk aku selain Lovehunters, Rockers dan Rusty Blade.

Kira drummer bass tu kira Cozy Powell dan Steve Harris la band Malex ni haha.

First album dorang Euphoria is very the very the very the setanding dengan mana2 album Melayu atau International la kesedapan lagu2 nya.

OK dah stoppppppppp ATLAS STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop la Atlas!!



  1. padat yg aku sentiasa follow...thanks bro

  2. wow info yang bernas lagi tepat dan menarik, 5 star untuk bro deaf, kipidap yo!
    dan aku jugak minat Malex..
    btw.. jom ke blog yusrina bro deaf, pasal Black Dog Bone dah menanti orang singapore disana.. ayuh gerek sihh bersama BDB.. huhuhuh

  3. "ini metalika, ia akan tendang punggung anda~"

  4. Cover art tu dah ada yang bandingkan dengar Crowbar - Odd Fellows Rest...

    btw...Journey turun KL 11 feb...tapi macam biasa...aku tak pegi pun...haha...

    satu lagu...Rockers dan Desire main kat Sierra Perdana, Masai 24hb ni...tapi ni pun macam aku tak dapat pegi..haha...

  5. Ada jugak peminat kecam pasal cover tu katanya tak lawa la buruk la..
    Pasa journey tu aku pun taktau.member aku yg die hard fans ziana zain bgtau..dia ckp aku mmg tak rock kalo tak pegi tgk journey..jadah betul..hahaha

  6. Salam Sahabat, lama tak jumpa 😆, Yeh yehhh!

  7. tunggu ulasan kamu saja utk konsert metallica tu, ulas kasih gempak..haha

  8. Pelik pulak tengok kulit depan album ni, muka lain tgh serabut, muka Hetfield tenang semacam..

    Cakap pasal Journey, masa Astro ada bagi tgk channel yg sblum ni tak boleh tgk, tertengok la satu filem dokumentari tentang vokalis dia yg Philippine tu.. Boleh tahan jugak..

  9. Thanks for the mention deaf. Nak lagi ke unboxing? aku ada satu lagi unboxing nak buat ni tapi takleh nak review habis. Ha ha ha haaaaa
