Monday, December 12, 2016

Powerwolf- The Metal Mass Live (Triple Blue-Ray Discs + cd edition)

A short review of one of the "newer" German rock bands that I like very much.
First in English then in Bahasa Melayu Malay language.

As usual, I try to make both postings has different contents.

So READ BOTH LANGUAGES for different contents if possible.

Powerwolf definitely plays HEAVY METAL.
One of the best bands I saw in Hellfest 2014. Its very difficult to watch Powerwolf for those living in South East Asia. I dont think they ever play in Asia, not even Japan. (Vreid did a Japan Tour recently how I wish I can go travel there to catch Vreid, I really like Vreid).

And I was at the Merchandise Stand that sells particpant bands for the last day of the festival (Sunday) and I realise everyone was buying two bands tshirts more than the rest of the participating bands for Sunday,
I remember I change my own schedule to catch Equilibrium instead of another rock/metal band playing on another stage. (I forgot who).

Anyway both are German bands.

So, this release is a value for money release.

Three concerts - A prime time performance in Summer Breeze Festival, a headlining show in Czech Republic and an amazing performance in a beautiful hall in Oberhausen in front of their 2000 German fans.

I dont really like the Summer Breeze section as the Czech Republic headlining show and the Oberhausen was simply better because I think the audience was better.

The camera angles for the Oberhausen show is definitely the best.

And in Oberhausen they played Let There Be Night,  (who is peeling the onions?? this song brings me sadness  LOL!!)

Plus two documentaries, the Summer Breeze is purely in German but has great footage of behind the scenes and the environment surrounding Powerwolf.

The other documentary which is the long one, has the narator in English, the interviews with the band is mostly in German but except Matthew speaks in English.
If you are already a Powerwolf fan, buy this release just for this documentary is worth it.
Lots of interesting stories about Powerwolf, the sudden popularity when their album hits number one on the German main charts (the first German metal band to do so).
The make up wearing parts, and the fans, they have amazing fans.
And I notice they have lots of girls fans, in the front rows, and these girls are singing along to the "perverted naughty" lyrics. LOL!!!
To the answer whether they are SATANIC? Matthew says Powerwolf wont comment on that. LOL!!

If you are still considering, the total running time of everything is 417 mins of Powerwolf.

Anyway let me warn in advance, if you think you want to discover Powerwolf by buying this release, let me tell you see these shows for the impressive live performance, and the songs are great,
but in no way, these are Powerwolf best songs, because many of my favourite songs are not played.

Enjoy the photos of some parts of the Triple Blue Ray Discs + a cd. (the cd features songs from Oberhausen) and also additional photos of Powerwolf on stage taken by me.

Lastly, I do blog quite a lot on Powerwolf releases, I think I have talk cock about all their albums, and also those interested I have both their HERESY BOXSETS 1 and 2, and you can see the photos and packagings of everything Powerwolf here...

The only time I ever managed to catch POWERWOLF plays live.
Hellfest 2014.

Lots of fun and singalongs when Powerwolf plays. Happiness.

At the same I took this photo above, this is what happened on stage. LOL!!

I hope to visit HELLFEST again, when if I can confirmed the gossips of Iron Maiden headlining the festival again in the future.. The tickets finished so fast.

POWERWOLF ni satu band rock yang aku suka pasal lagu2 nya dan muzik dia.
Dorang main Heavy Metal.
Kalau tanya dorang ni semua Satanic, tak mau jawab.

KELAKAR NYA, kalau dorang main untuk peminat2 dorang kat show dorang sendiri, bayangkan...
Dua ribu peminat kat dewan semua melutut
Sembah Tuhan Heavy Metal.

Kecoh siak ni band, aku ada cita2 nak tengok ni band main kat Jerman, depan peminat hardcore dorang kat show dorang sendiri.

Tapi macam aku cakap, lantak la apa nak buat, paling penting dorang Terbaik dari Ladang lagu2 dorang, 
aku enjoy, dan suka.

Boxset ni seronok la kan? ada tiga konsert berlain,
dokumentari ada dua,
dan apa2 je la.....

Sangat seronok interview2 dengan dorang pasal permulaan, cammana dorang build up fan base, dan masalah, MASALAH OK!!!  bila tiba2 album kelima kat Jerman dapat nombor satu kat carta rasmi Jerman.
Band ni gaduh dengan rekod kompeni dorang pasal dorang tiba2 dijemput masuk TV, kira mainstream nye masyarakat nak tahu pasal dorang,
jadi dorang gaduh, dorang mati2 tak mau masuk tv, ye la , dorang memang kira hati dan jiwa metal je la.
Cuma lagu sedap ramai orang suka kot haha....

Peminat2 dahsyat, pakai make-up semua, dan macam aku cakap, ni band ramai peminat awek..

Tapi bila kamera zoom, awek2 ni tahu lirik siot, sing along siap dengan aksi gerak2 tangan buat tengah sembahyang la, tanda salib la, haha,
dah la lirik semua pervert, semua berbau agama, hentam agama Kristian, pasal Satan ni semua.. , pasal kegelapan, pasal serigala malam.....

Apa kesimpulan aku, NI BAND KURANG AJAR tapi seronok giler.
Penyanyi dia part latin tu semua, tu apa aku tahu dia hentam kromo je, dia memang boleh berbahasa Latin, pasal dia Opera-trained singer, tapi lirik2 Latin tu ayat2 tunggang langgang, apa aku tahu la...
Tapi sapa la kan paham latin pun hahaha.

OK ni promo masa release

korang perasan ada satu part tu penonton Jerman semua melutut sembahyang kat Tuhan Heavy Metal,
ok la, si penyanyi si Atilla Dom tu tak suruh dorang sembahyang kat Satan. hahaha..

Atilla Dom ni berbakat, dia dari Romania, so dia memang jiwa Transylvania, Werewolves dan dia training jadi penyanyi Opera, lepas tu dia jumpa gitaris Powerwolf dua orang tu.
korang kalau perasan, live dorang takde orang main bass.
Kat studio Matthew akan main bass, tapi live, bass kosong.

OK macam aku cakap kat atas, aku ni ada minatttt kat ni band,

ni segala tok nenek, tiap2 album, lain2 packaging, boxset boxset dorang dan apa kebenda la...

ada 10 kot aku dah borak pasal dorang... sila tekan aku link ke bawak untuk banyak lagi aku berbual kons pasal Powerwolf, sebuah band sangat tak senonoh ni, haha

ok bye....

hingga berjumpa lagi..

oooo yeah,  aku buat posting ni dengan pasang2 lagu2 the greatest of them all - 


OK walaupun betapa Amen And Attack dan Let There Be Night pun,
tapi ni semua hurray-hurray je la kan, hahahaah

selamat menyambut Maulud Nabi. Aku kat Singapore nari hari biasa je, takde cuti awam ni semua.
Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam,
dan besok lagi baik dari hari ini 
dalam segala urusan kehidupan dan spiritual kita.


  1. Antara band yg aku kenal dari blog ni...tq deaf

  2. Sama la powerwolf ni aku kenal dari blog ni jugak.nanti aku cekidot kt utube..line tenet kt kl skang mcm lahanat lemau gila

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. fuhh gila lah dia nye peminat tu dalam video.. terbaik lah deaf perkongsiannya,

  5. Aku tak pernah cakap Powerwolf sembah Setan.

  6. jom kita layan Black Dog Bone.. ayuh kawan-kawan kita ke bloh yusrina sekarang jua.. hihih
