Friday, September 1, 2017

KREATOR (w/ Vader) Live 31 Aug 2017 - Scape Orchard, Singapore.

Salam and Happy Eid Adha to all Muslims Worldwide.

A short story, review and setlist of Kreator live in Singapore last night (31st August 2017).
Then it will be followed by a longer one in Malay Language - Bahasa Melayu, which of course as usual in this blog will be full of slander, insults, gossips, and lots of talk-cock.

This was like my first rock concert since doing my 2017 backpacking trip watching Iron Maiden plays all over Scotland, England and Wales in May for their UK Tour supporting Book Of Soul album. So the itchiness to be in a rock n roll environment is there in me.

Firstly, I came early (for my standard), the tshirts I want in sizes I want are all sold out. OK, not so early then I realised.. LOL!. - The opening act has finished, I think Vader was just starting.  
So I left the place and go elsewhere.
I came back later and saw a bit of Vader for about two songs. I do not know Vader, first time watching them. Too short, I cannot make a conclusion if I like them or not. 

Then went out for a drink, came back and its Kreator time.


1. Hordes Of Chaos
2. Phobia
3. Satan Is Real
4. Gods Of Violence (intro tape start used with Sami the guitarist playing along) 
5. People Of The Lie
6. Total Death
7. Mars Mantra (tape)
8. Phantom AntiChrist
9. Fallen Brother
10. Enemy Of God
11. From Flood Into Fire
12. Apocalypticon (tape)
13. World War Now
14. Hail To The Hordes
15. Extreme Aggression 
16. Civilisation Collapse

17. Patriarch (tape)
18. Violent Revolution
19. Pleasure To Kill
20. Death Becomes My Light (tape)

A balance setlist for those who enjoyed different eras of Kreator since this is the tour to support the latest album of which 5 full songs played.

- 1 song from their mid years experiments.
- about 4 songs from their early old-school thrash years
- about 13 full songs from their post 2001 melodic thrash years.

I think everyone has a good time. The hall is full, maybe 500-600 solid in attendance? and enough space for those wanting to circle pit or participate in the walls of deaths.

The band what can be said? it is Kreator. They were awesome. 
Mille Petrozza is in good voice.
The bassist has lots of fun and centrestage on Violent Revolution.
The guitarist Sami was clear and in the spotlight a lot.

The set up after Vader takes a much longer time than expected by the Germans support crew.
Maybe they just want to ensure 100% perfection.

Too bad, no Flag Of Hate, no Tormentor.

But Mille Petrozza does all the countings in German.

Eins! Zwei! Eins! Zwei! Drei! Vier!!

Bye and more photos below...
changing TV Channel to different language broadcast.

Ini cerita semalam,
ulasan dan cerita merapu..
aku off day semalam kebetulan haha.
so raya aji ni memang dah plan aku ada di Singapore.

so aku ingat aku tak mau jadi star karat, nak datang awal untuk menengok konsert rock ini.
sekali aku datang tshirt2 kreator lawa2 kau, ada dates Asia dan Australia,
dahbis dah size2 aku nak...
aku mati2 ingat aku datang awal dah haha.
rasanya tu jam Vader dah nak start kot?
haha.. lambat la tu, opening band dah lama abis main ler tu haha.

So ok malam raya siot kebetulan jugak..
so gi Al-Falah, magrib dan takbir hari raya dulu.
Dahbis sikit lebih kurang takbir hari raya, lap2 air mata sikit muahaha.
apa lagi....

its Kreator time.
so sampai, eh? Vader masih perform, dapat tengok.
Tak tahu pasal Vader so first time dengar dan menengok apa dorang sebenarnya.
OK, ending tu dorang pakai lagu Star Wars "IMPERIAL MARCH" theme untuk farewell dengan audience.
OK haus pulak tekak, gi minum..

then datang balik ok, Kreator.
Dah boleh agak la kan lagu2 dorang nak main lagu2 apa. (setlist atas tu kaler merah). Aku OK je kalau dorang main new album seluruh album start sampai abis pasal aku suka.

Lama jugak dorang set up lepas Vader, entah apa tidak dipuaskan hati sound dorang, semua CAKAP JERMAN dia dengan crew set up on stage...
last2 ok kot.
Then maka bermulalah Kreator. Apa nak dikata? Hebat la kan. Takde la nak cakap apa2 tak baik.
Beberapa lagu old school zaman 80an sampai Coma Of Soul, satu lagu zaman 90an, dan majoriti lagu sejak mula zaman nasik tambah melodik 2000an tu sampai sekarang..
album baru ada 5 lagu full, satu lagu intro..

Semalam, penonton nak buat apa buatlah... asal jangan ada rusuhan sudah. HAHA.

Wall of Death ke, Circle Pit ke, buatlah korang, buat puas2. Cuma aku heran siot, budak2 ni semua mana dapat stamina siak?
Aku tengok macam tiap2 lagu pun lasak betul.
Tapi yang penting, sapa yang tak mau masuk campur sila pilih tempat berdiri yang selamat. hoho.

Kreator tak main lagu raya. Tapi ok la kan forgiven.

- Tiptop ye suara Mille Petrozza memandangkan kalau tengok dates shows dorang tu memang teruk.
- Bassist dia si Christian tu ha, bila diri tengah tempat Petrozza hah, showmanship dahsyat.
- si gitaris si Sami tu memang bapak awesome ler kan, sebijik macam dalam mp3 dengar.
- drummer si Ventor, aku tak nampak langsung dia ketuk2. Tak nampak, tapi of course dengar clear. Crystal clear.

(sapa tanya aku semalam? apasal tak kedepan??
hah... macama aku jawab.. nak mampos??? 
tu.. parting of the red sea tu.... dah sedia nak rempuh tu peminat2 Kreator yang happening2 )


OK dah tu je kot? nanti aku sambung la cerita pasal backpacking tengok Iron Maiden main merata UK Mei lepas dan tempat2 yang aku suka tengok lalu aku spend time dan mengambik gamba kawasan2 tersebut dan perjalanan2 backpacking aku untuk Maiden 2017.

Tu hari kan, entah cammana aku teringat, ada satu band member Iron Maiden cakap dorang nak main full Jepun tour.
So ni macam aku dah terfikir.. last time kan dorang main luar Tokyo ialah 2008 iaitu Yokohama.

Dan aku pernah baca satu tulisan peminat Iron Maiden yang dah tengok Maiden main banyak tempat, dia bilang dia tak pernah tengok betapa best Maiden main dan sound dorang macam seperti kat dewan yang kat Yokohama tu.

So kali terakhir Maiden main kat Jepun dan bukan saja kat Tokyo ialah Amolad tour iaitu - Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima.

Ni yang ada foto famous Steve Harris tengah gi kedai bootlegs dan dia kerut dahi sambil tunjuk show2 Iron Maiden dirakam peminat dan dijual kat kedai cd Jepun.

So the mind boggles kan?

aku pernah merentas negara2 bukan cakap Inggeris macam Jerman dan Peranchis nak tengok Maiden, Rainbow, gi Hellfest dan apa je la, naik train ke ekpress bas ke, tapi tu tempat semua masih guna huruf RUMI huruf aphabet, tak paham bahasa pun boleh cam kan huruf ABCDEFGHIJKL....., tapi nak backpack merata Jepun sorang2 tengok Iron Maiden main dengan guna keretapi atau naik bas ekpress takut siot, dah tulisan Jepun pening. haha.
Tapi takpe, bak kata Winston Churchill , WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER!!!