Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Mr Big - RLS 113 Sendai Official Bootleg Nov 8, 2014 double cd - review

Salam and greetings to all. 
As usual first in English, then in Malay Language - Bahasa Melayu. 
I have no time to resize my UK Iron Maiden 2017 British Tour backpacking photos,
so until then, lets entertain other things. (Lots of packaging photos on this post).

From Kreator live review to now showing off the double cd Japan only - MR BIG R.L.S 113 SENDAI OFFICIAL BOOTLEG NOVEMBER 8 , 2014.

after opening... the cute obi strip....
Two booklets,
one colour photos booklet,
the other is text booklets complete with all lyrics in English and Japanese.

(more photos of packaging below)

So a few things special about this album...

Its stated Produced by Mr Big but I suspect its very minimum production and basically it sounds like any Fan-Collection Bootleg which is sourced from the Soundboard Recording.
But still the sound is absolutely nice if you are into Mr Big or even if you never hear of Mr Big, this is a very fascinating live album.

- R.L.S 113 - stands for Raw Like Sushi.
Mr Big has some Japanese only release live albums which is entitled Raw Like Sushi, so this is basically the one labelled 113. On this same tour (supporting The Stories We Could Tell album in 2014) is already a full live album with the full blue ray recorded in Tokyo or something. That one is entitled R.L.S 114.

This tour is also where Matt Starr comes into the picture, Pat Torpey is more to percussions and backing vocals and taking the lead on Judas Priest Living After Midnight cover.
But Pat Torpey still drums on some songs.
*Amazing how the band take care of their unwell drummer*

- Sendai 
I guess Mr Big release this special live 2cd official bootleg album, is because finally they get to play for their fans in SENDAI, which was hard hit by the Earthquake and the Tsunami of 2011. 

- This album has live versions of songs from ..What If and ... Stories We Could Tell..
For myself, I kind of prefer Mr Big live albums as its so exciting.
Anyway, they are coming again to South East Asia.... going to see them play in Singapore this October, wishing I could go to the Kuala Lumpur show too..  

- The packaging of this album reminds me of those early 1990s Italian bootleg companies which print professional bootleg cds of high quality fans recordings or soundboard sources like companies like the famous K.T.S (Kiss The Stone) label.

A really good buy...  whether you are into Mr Big or even if never hear of Mr Big before...

And for their live shows, just bite the bullet and buy a ticket, even if you never know them, it will be magical once they perform on stage. And.. you will be surprisingly impressed by the quality of their songs live too.

(more photos till end of blog)

Hi Semua...

Ingat nak cerita sambungan Iron Maiden, tapi aku malas nak resize photos.
Aku tak suka terus tampal photos nanti blog aku makin berat.

So dari ulasan Kreator buat persembahan live minggu lepas ke menunjukkan bungkusan Mr Big Official Live Bootleg - 2cd rakaman dari 2014 Sendai Jepun.

Ni macam aku cakap atas dinamakan R.L.S 113, kerana Mr Big ni kat Jepun dorang keluarkan album2 live khas dan RLS ni sambungan nya, RLS tu maknanya Raw Like Sushi.

Live album ni sebenarnya dari show2 Mr Big tahun 2014 yang support album baru waktu tu album.. Stories We Could Tell.
Jadi antara sebab aku beli cd ni aku nak simpan koleksi live2 version dari album2 What If dan Stories We Could Tell,
pasal Mr Big live ni istimewa sangat. Tak bedek... Aku tak tipu...  Satu pengalaman menarik tengok Mr Big Live.
Sama macam tengok kumpulan Toto beraksi.
Macam.. cakap macam.. Biar Betik... apa nye persembahan ni, dan lagu2 mereka gerek.. dengar sekali first time pun dah suka... dan showmanship memang power jugak..

Aku tak tipu...

So bungkusan ni jugak tiru macam sapa2 dulu beli atau kumpul bootlegs2 dari negara barat atau Jepun yang punya bungkusan yang fantastik... so dalam ulasan ni aku tunjuk setiap apa ada...
selain obi strip yang kiut tu..

Dan jugak...  Album ni aku rasa Mr Big release live album bentuk "official bootleg" kerana akhirnya mereka dapat main di Sendai.
Sendai ni yang berapa tahun dulu tu kena Tsunami teruk sangat. Yang gempa bumi dan tsunami kena Jepun tahun 2011 tu...? Sendai antara wilayah paling teruk la so memang ada part dalam live album ni memang rasa sedih sangat la..

Ni album banyak jugak lagu2 dari album ... What If dan... Stories We Could Tell..
contoh ni album ada Undertow live.
Jadi aku memang teringin nak kumpul setiap live album untuk setiap tour support setiap album studio.

Dan...  Mr Big ni, waktu ni dah pakai drummer jemputan, kerana Pat Torpey dah makin teruk kot Parkinson Disease dia, jadi Matt Starr takeover drum,
Pat Torpey lebih kepada percussion dan backing vocal dan jugak lead vocal masa nyanyi lagu Judas Priest.

Jadi...  mana2 band2 melayu, cuba la kan bila drummer jatuh sakit, pandai2 la take care, cubalah jangan sampai jadi bahan cacian dan kutukan..., ni band omputeh punya la gerek jaga drummer Parkinson disease.

So Mr Big akan beraksi lagi di Singapore dan Kuala Lumpur jugak, sapa was2 nak pegi ke tak nak, aku cakap pergi...  bayar je harga tiket untuk sesuatu sangat istimewa.

dan apa lagi eh? aku dah lambat la.. so aku stop... bye.

ok more photos...


Pat Torpey main drums lagu Fragiler, Just Take My Heart, pun boleh nampak dia sakit...

Wooo ni tour dia mesti dapat tempukan paling gemuruh dari aku... haha...


  1. Ada lagu take cover.aku suka lagu kira official bootleg mcm dream theater buat la ye

  2. official bootleg pun cun giler dia punya inlay...apasal la malaysia yang official reissue pun hampeh...

  3. bulan ni official reissue, bulan depan keluar gold disc, bulan depan lagi keluar made in ... pulak, kan?

  4. DT is more mike portnoy nye side projects official bootlegs dan tribute albums tu semua...

  5. HAHAHAA dep,
    dah lama aku tak visit umah hang ni
    aku ni pemalas lah. Tak tahu nak atur bicara dalam blog
    cam no. mmg banyak gambor Perth boleh ku kongsi kan dep
    Nanti lah aku try na
