Saturday, September 23, 2017

ParadiseLost -OneSecond 20th Anniversary 2cd, HansenXXXWacken Live, Helloween Japan only Sweet Seductions boxset

Firstly, a happy new year to all Muslims celebrating the new Islamic year of 1439 last Thursday evening.
As usual I will start in English and then in Bahasa Melayu Malay Language. 
Lots of photos as usual, with a bit of review and opinion, plus lots of talk cock.

"Washes of digital sound
that had more in common with Depeche Mode
than Celtic Frost."

says this write up...

I bought this album again!! albeit 20 years gap. LOL!!!
Paradise Lost can play anything.
Though with new album MEDUSA they go back to their traditional death doom, growling, s... l... o....w... style.,  this is from what I hear on the internet, I have not yet bought the cd.
Even much slower than Plague Within before this.

I love this One Second album from last time it came out.
Basically its the best album that neither Depeche Mode or Pet Shop Boys did not make. 
Superb electronicpop songs like Mercy, Lydia, Disappear, One Second, This Cold Life, but do not be mislead about all the comments in the internet and magazines too much, there are still some very nice heavy fast songs here for example Say Just Words and Soul Courageous.
In addition , Blood of Another has this haunting keyboards sound.

Now, I bought it again for the Paradise Lost One Second 20th Anniversary Edition.

Not exactly so much for the remastered version, as I have no problem with the original pressing,
but because of the 2nd CD.

So now I have a official live CD of the concert that supports the One Second album.
SIX SONGS at least from One Second is played live on the 2nd cd in this 20th Anniversary release.
Plus more songs from Draconian Times album to backwards from their early days.., like True Belief, Shadow King etc..

A very nice live album, so its worth the buy for me this anniversary edition.

HANSEN & FRIENDS Thank You Wacken Live.

I bought this double disc (one cd and one dvd), is because there is a few nice live rendition of the Hansen XXX album.
This show was performed before the release of that XXX studio album.

Songs like Born Free and Burning Bridges are as great as any Helloween Classic.
Contract Song is hilarious and very funny, like any funny Helloween song.
The stage banter is comedic.
A very good buy. I dont have time to watch the DVD, as I only rip the music to my player and listen to the songs only when I am walking, waiting or riding on the public buses and trains.

I enjoyed this live album very much. I saw a bit of the dvd footage and its very nice too.

Oooohh The musicians and guest singers are great, the lady singer Clementine sounds and looks good too.
Ooohh and of course Michael Kiske is in the album too...

So if you are a Helloween fan, this is a very very good buy.

Speaking of Helloween..

There is a very very nice JAPAN RELEASE ONLY call Sweet Seduction.

It will be a 4 disc set of 3cd and 1dvd.
It will have few songs songs from each and every Helloween studio albums VOTED BY HELLOWEEN FANS IN JAPAN.
I think all the 3 cds will have a total of 46 songs with two unreleased songs in Japan.
Plus the dvd will have the music videos.

I hope to get my hands on this release. It will come out in November probably to coincide with the
Pumpkin United World Tour.
And I saw this so-called possible setlist of Pumpkin United.
What a dream setlist indeed.

So lets hope Pumpkin United play shows in both Malaysia and Singapore, so I can go two shows.

And if Helloween's PUMPKINS UNITED open for Iron Maiden on Maiden's heavily rumoured and gossip by fans worldwide of 2018 LEGACY of the BEAST tour,
then... I have an even stronger excuse for my what is now seems an annual backpacking adventure to see Iron Maiden play in different places, cities and countries again and again. If i can save up without disrupting my real life responsibilities that is, Lol!!!

Till Next Time, good bye..


OK, aku cuma cakap sikit je la tapi aku rasa nanti mesti panjang.

Pertama sekali paling atas tu, lagi sekali lepas 20 tahun, aku beli lagi album Paradise Lost One Second.
Memang, ni album memang terkejut beruk waktu tu.. dan akan lagi tambah terkejut beruk dengan beberapa album selepas ini lewat 90an dan awal 2000an.

Macam aku cakap kat atas ni la album paling terbaik yang Depeche Mode mahupun Pet Shop Boys tak keluarkan.
OK pasal PSB lagi happy sikit, memang sesuai lebih kepada DM.
Seperti sapa pernah baca blog ni, band music paling setan untuk aku ialah DM.

DM ialah satu2 nya band yang paling sesuai main kat Festival Hellfest. Main headliner malam.
Tentu seronok kalau Iron Maiden headline satu malam Hellfest atau Donington, dan DM headline lagi satu malam.

Apa pun, khabarnya Hellfest nye tiket dah habis dijual, padahal headliners dan banyak bands belum diumum, 
walau desas desus banyak kat forum Maiden ialah maiden akan headline Hellfest 2018.

Masa aku gi dulu Hellfest, masih boleh dapat tiket selepas Iron Maiden announce akan headline, tapi nampaknya sekarang tiket sold out dulu sebelum diumumkan..
Hellfest sangat best dan memang bands yang beraksi berbagai ragam dari pop rock sampai Tsujder sampai Emperor (dengan drummer Faust) seperti tahun aku pergi..
dengan clash giler2...
waktu Soundgarden main pentas utama, Paradise Lost main pentas kecil dalam khemah besar giler (teka la band mana aku gi tengok main kan? ) haha.
waktu Iron Maiden headline main 2 jam kat pentas utama, Watain main pentas kecil dalam khemah.
Memang giler babi clash2 kat Hellfest.

Aku pernah terfikir nak backpack lagi sekali, kalau Iron Maiden headline la, tapi dengan keadaan sekarang tiket dah sold out sebelum announcement band, aku rasa takkan dapat gi sana lagi la. haha.

OK nak cerita pasal album2 atas tu pun aku dah cakap omputeh, so korang baca yang text omputeh atas je la ...

Hansen and Friends XXX Live In Wacken, aku memang rekemen sapa minat Helloween beli.
Pasal ni memang lagu2 pengaruh style Helloween lama.
Kai Hansen kan..


Dan... Helloween Sweet Seduction yang atas tu pun, memang dahsyat kan, punya susah nak dapat informasi album ni, tapi ada la dalam internet senarai lagu yang dipilih oleh peminat2 Helloween di Jepun yang undi untuk koleksi giler babi terbaik dari ladang ni..

Aku harap aku memiliki koleksi unik ni, dan kalau ada kat tangan aku, aku cerita la kat sini nanti..

Dan paling last tu, aku jumpa kat satu website Brazil kot? entah betul entah tidak, tapi nampak macam realistik susunan lagu2 yang dijangka merupakan setlist untuk PUMPKIN UNITED.

Sekali je la kan Helloween main di Singapura/Malaysia kan waktu album apa eh, Gambling With The Devil nye tour,
aku takkan lupa Andi Deris cakap dia tengah berpeluh macam babi.
""Sweating Like  A Pig".
wahhh happy days...
Tu la, minat Helloween tapi peluang nak tengok mereka beraksi susah....

Aku rasa sangat terkilan ialah kerana tour Straight Out Of Hell, dorang tak main di Singapore atau KL, ni kerana album tu sangat dahsyat, dan lagu2 setlist untuk tour tersebut sangat dahsyat, dahsyat serupa semua planet di cakerawala tersusun satu barisan...

OK dah tu je...

nak borak banyak sangat nanti dah macam encylopedia lak posting... nanti sambung...



  1. Lawa cover helloween sweet seduction tu..tapi mmg payah la nak dpt kalo jual kat pasaran jepun je.mesti ada lagu "tiada lagi airmata" kan?heheh..

  2. aku dah pra-dengar album baru PL...tak boleh masuk aku...sssslllloooooowwwwwwwwwwww sesangat...

    tapi ni Helloween, tak payah cakap banyak... kalau jumpa memang sambar la...
