Saturday, September 30, 2017

Ghost -The First Ritual Demo 2009 bootleg & gezek foto2 Makanan aku makan masa Book Of Souls UK Tour backpack tu hari..

Hi, as usual I will begins in English and ends my usual nonsensical "talk-cock" in Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language).

I am a sucker for Ghost, the Swedish pop/rock band who sings about unholy beings and stuffs. Or Ghost BC or how you want to call it.

I have no idea who they were until I saw them warm-up for Iron Maiden in Belgrade Serbia.
I was early then to check-out this hype band call Ghost, and it turn out to be a game-changer moment. Love their love show, and now I would like to say I am a fan who try to follow news about them.
Though, I have to say I HATE all the band members squabbles, court actions and problems.
I just hope whoever Papa Emeritus gets as the Nameless Ghouls musicians will be great as always.

So this is a another item I got regarding Ghost.
Its a very pretty looking pirate bootleg CD packaging of what is actually consist of the 3 songs from Ghost demo from 2009.
Legends say this demo was originally distributed as a cassette tape format of total Seven pieces only.

Three demo songs happily bouncy Roxette-style songs celebrating Lucifer and other unholy beings and things.

Prime Mover, Ritual , Death Kneel.
All songs will re-appear when they record their first album Opus Eponymous.

These are the pretty packaging photos. A nice cd to give yourself a treat occasionally.

this is a video I took of them, for the whole song of Year Zero.
It was at Belgrade, and you can see Iron Maiden props, stage presentation and lightings all in place covered by black curtains...

Very nice very catchy Abba/Roxette Swedish Pop lives on with Ghost.

"Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer"
Welcome to Year Zero indeed...

So as the above photos, especially the first one...

- That Opus Eponymous is a Japanese version,
GET THAT Japanese version simply because of the extra song which is  "Here Comes The Sun" from the Beatles. A very superb cover of a George Harrison Beatles classic.
And of course Japanese pressings has some cute inlets which makes it more worth it for a Ghost release.

- That Meliora Redux is a Swedish version release.
GET THAT version simply because of the extra song which is "Zenith".
I have no idea why the best song from Meliora is not on the Meliora album. LOL!!!
I think this is still the only place to get Zenith on CD.
Ohh and Meliora Redux has the Popestar EP on it too...

- That Infestissumum album, I hope to get the Japanese version next because there is one more song of Ghost I want on cd format that I do not have yet, so its on the Japanese version of Infestissumum.
Yes.. I am a sucker for Ghost.
The worst disapoinment was I am suppose to catch Ghost supporting their new album Meliora at Donington on the last day of 2016 Donington (Maiden headlining that evening), but then something happen, a virus or something and Ghost cancelled at the last moment.
Well, hope to see them again next time...

All the above previous albums and full packagings of each cd packagings are all here..

Next post I want to show you some great food I ate while backpacking across UK for The Book Of Souls Tour. (sample photos below LOL!!!)

Salam semua, dan aloha..
Apa khabar, semoga sihat2 selalu..

ok.. aku dah merapu omputeh kat atas ni, so macam aku cakap panjang lebar kat atas la, aku ni terpeleot sikit bila kena mengena ngan band nama Ghost tu.
Suka sangat first time tengok dorang main, terus kumpul2 cd2 dorang.
Cam puaka band ni, lain2 cetakan lain2 isi. So memang nak kena plan la kan kumpul cd2 dorang.
Ni pun aku kalau ada peluang aku nak sambar Inffestissumum cetakan Jepun pasal aku tahu ada 3 lagu extra, dan satu lagu tu aku belum ada dalam bentuk cd.
Sorry la eh, kadang2 aku cakap gini, korang jangan cakap aku ni macam sial ke, menunjuk ke berlagak ke nak itu nak ini..., riak ke.., pasal kalau korang rasa begitu, korang salah masuk blog la kan..
Sapa yang korang passion macam aku, tahu la apa aku nak cerita sebenarnya. Berkongsi maklumat, berkongsi pendapat, dan berkongsi sesuatu yang aku minat giler...

ok aku stop sini pasal kalau tidak cuma ulangan apa aku cakap tadi kat atas...
sapa tak pernah tengok foto2 packaging lain Ghost cetakan Jepun ke, versi Redux ke,
sila klik link kat atas...

Nanti sambung pasal Ghost ok? .....

Gezek pasal Makanan pulak...

lepas tunjuk pasal semayang jemaat kat mesjid kat Liverpool tu hari,
lepas ni aku nanti aku nak tunjuk foto2 makanan2 sepanjang aku backpack kat UK sorang2 tengok Iron Maiden merata... bulan mei lepas sebelum Ramadhan tu hari...
ni gezek dulu....

Ni bawah ni masa aku kat Bristol...
last tu kat Birmingham...


  1. Papa y penyanyi ghost tu rupanya seorang gitaris death metal y pioner kat sweden gak ye.

  2. Pergh..sedap nasik tu.lapo pulak aku.
    Ghost ni aku teringin album yg dave grohl produce tu.susah betul nak jumpa kt sini

  3. nampak sedap nasi tu...pakistan punya eh?

  4. eh infestisummam ada japan bonus track eh? google sat tadi mcm bonus track dia either ada dalam deluxe edition or if you have ghost.

    meliora - beli 2x semata2 nak dapat zenith, walhal first time beli pun dah beli yg deluxe package siap dapat glossy photo and tshirt, tapi tulah takde bonus track.

    first album - japan press still keras harga and payah nak carik.

    of all three album, walaupun macam nak cenderung ke Meliora, I'd choose infestisummam just because of Year Zero.

  5. -Papa demonic pope tu pandai giler tulis lagu.

    -dave grohl tu epif you have ghost

    -pakistan yes

    -infesttisumum nye intro punyelah dahsyat first song

    -dua2 pun best makanan dan ghost

  6. aku ghost ni macam "pandangan berteromber kepada band mastodon"... ada rasa nak cuba layan/dengar, tapi tak terdengar2 jugak sampai sekarang
