Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Def Leppard Hysteria Expanded 3cd Deluxe 30 Years & Iron Maiden Fan Club Magazine no 106.

Hi All.
Lots of photos on this post but minimum text I hope.
As usual first talking cock in English, and then talking cock in Bahasa Melayu (Malay language).

Incoming Iron Maiden Fan Club Magazine edition 106
and Def Leppard Hysteria 30 Years Deluxe 3cd Expanded edition.

Lets start with Def Leppard...

I will show all photos of the packaging for those interested.

This album is basically imbedded into many rock fans ears and brains thru all these years.

Remember that I only listen to the ripped-format while walking, waiting for bus and trains and inside public transportations of bus and trains,
and plus being aware of the songs since its release many years ago..

The remastered version do not make much difference to me.

I only got it for the 2nd and 3rd cd of In The Round In The Face cd official format.
I want to collect a live album officially release on the Hysteria tour, so this is my chance.
Again, a hit and miss live album..
Some portions are amazing, some are boring.

But if you love anything on the late STEVE CLARK.. THIS 3cd version is a MUST!!!!

Click to make it bigger.

Hai Semua...

Macam aku cakap kat atas.. kalau korang minat Def Leppard,
berapa korang menyampah pun album ni pasal terlampau pop sangat...,
tapi ni album dan lagu2 dia dah konfem terpahat dalam sanubari korang sejak berpuluh tahun lepas.
Memang banyak lagu dari album ni gerek..
terbaik dari ladang.

So kalau korang fikir nak beli versi 3cd ni... 
aku tak boleh cakap ni paling gerek la...
lagipun kalau korang dah ada...

tapi kalau korang nak simpan satu live cd zaman Hysteria yang official punye walau korang dah ada videotape ke hapa ke, ni la tempatnye..
walaupun aku rasa konsert tu pun tak complete kot...

Apa pun.... cam aku cakap jugak.. kalau korang minat Steve Clark.. ni la album nye versi 3cd ni..

We're fighting for the Gods Of War.

Moving on to Iron Maiden new fan club magazine...

Very very good issue as usual.

44 pages all full colour, no advertisement just pure Maiden with lots of cute pretty photos and superb and informative text , and essays and writeups.

But its not all fun and happiness.. There is a very nice reflective and memorable text , a full page write up on the passing of Mr Khan.

So you have the preview of Bruce Dickinson new biography.. The Rock In Rio 1985 quote is amazing really..
Interview with the book editor.
Interview with Metal Blade CEO on him being an Iron Maiden fan.
Interview with the artist for the Legacy Of The Beast Comic book.
John McMurtrie accompanies his photo spreads with lots of nice captions and stories...

Plus lots lots more... of both text, stories, articles and of course photos.
Anyway Dave Murray is really looking cute on the front cover. Its from the last night of the British UK Tour 2017.

So here are some of the pages...

IJAU... Adrian Smith ambik gambo untuk kau ni.. haha.

Tulis tangan tu untuk buku dia tu...
ceritanya dia kasi kat editor dia 7 buku dairi penuh tulisan tangan yang tak boleh dibaca...
nasib ada orang kerja dengan Iron Maiden boleh cakap kat editor apa tu perkataan2 yang ditulis tu..

Bruce dengan Rod Smallwood tengok peninggalan Apollo yang terbakar zaman dulu bunuh angkasawan 3 orang tu...

Aku suka tengok foto Iron Maiden beraksi atas stage dari belakang....
Walaupun tengok dorang main dan dapat diri kat tempat dekat dan best, tapi tak nampak semua...
Tak boleh nampak apa Nicko buat...

Dan foto ni, dalam keadaan best giler tu... Dave Murray kat tepi tu......ngah buat apa tu...



  1. Best la packaging DL ni.kalo ada jual nal sambar satu.detail semua
    Bkn mcm cd yg katanya made in japan/us tuuu..hahah (aku tak mention album apa tak kena saman la kan..hahah)

  2. alaaa H pose dgn ovation 12-string, bukan jackson hijau baru dia tu

    damn~ bruce looks old~ hahaha...

  3. Takder ke org nak hadiahkan aku hysteria ni...birthday aku oktober tau...hahaha...
