Friday, December 29, 2017

Iron Maiden Fan Club Mag #107 and 2017 Christmas Card design

Salam and greetings to all.
A quick one, I will just type all in English.

Iron Maiden Fan Club Magazine number 107 is out and it comes with the 2017 Christmas Card which is simply awesome.

So this is how the Xmas card looks like.
It follows the 1983 Piece Of Mind inside cover of the band at the dining table...
and there is a lot of references to different Iron Maiden songs, albums, themes and whatsoever.

and the Samurai sword could mean for the first time in history, Sun And Steel will be played live next year!!!

And also the inside of the card, with the signatures and Eddie's scribe...

The magazine as often, is about 48 pages full colour.
Interesting is most of the band's live photos in this magazine is shots from 2013 Maiden England Tour with the Seventh Son theme and stage design.
So this could mean that the LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR will be heavy with the 1988 era songs.
I just hope bloody Infinite Dreams will be played this time.
And speaking of the new tour, Estonia Tallinn show which is the opening night is already reportedly SOLD OUT.
A number of shows across Europe are on the verge of selling out,
and the tour is like more than 6 months in the future... Its crazy....
and that is why it helps being a fan club member to get advance ticket sales before the general public get it which by then you can kiss your tickets goodbye.
I got a standing ticket for this show the opening show of Legacy Of The Beast, I just hope I can be there, HELL!!! I CANNOT EVEN LOCATE ESTONIA ON THE WORLD MAP!!!! But I will try my best to be there humanly possible backpacking alone mission. I think. LOL!!
and its going to be the holy month of RAMADHAN... well... even more challenging!!!

So interestingly and spectacularly is the 8 pages of interview with Steve Harris..
questions related to Bruce Autobiography, BOOTLEGS!!!!!!!, and lots more...
click to enlarge.. 

There is a incredible 6 pages interview with Michael Kenney..

Steve Harris bass tech/
and Iron Maiden live keyboards player.

He talks about his background, how he get the Maiden tech job, how he ends up as the Count, STEVE HARRIS RIGS AND EQUIPMENTS!!!!, and lots lots more...
Amazing interview and a long one.
again click to enlarge

Plus a detailed study on how to know if a Soundhouse Tape is a fake or an original.
Interesting read. Plus a bit on the Spacewards Studio Demo.

Plus lastly below...

a fantastic photo from surely this is Donington 2013... A glorious but SCARY rainy muddy hell situation when Iron Maiden was playing... and the wind was so strong that Iron Maiden sound system has no chance LOL!! but its ok where I was...

I am somewhere in that audience.. LOL!!!!  but knowing all the dark history of Donington, and it was the 25th Anniversary of the two deaths in 1988 when Iron Maiden were headlining though the death happen in the day during GnR set, and then it was my first time ever in Donington, and this is Western Festival and not some South East Asia music festival, it did get intimidating thru out the days and nights of that unforgettable weekend.


  1. tengok gambar kat meja makan ala POM tu, aku teka topeng from left to right - dickinson (aces), smith (killers), mcbrain (piece), eddie (himself), gers (mayan), murray (trooper), harris (number)

  2. Thanks deaf sharing...jenuh jugak aku klik satu2 baca...haha

  3. Tq sebab share bang deap.lawa krismas kad tu.artikel tu nanti aku nak save pastu mlm sikit baru baca..heheh

  4. HELLO DEP, Happy new year
    bila nak travel lagi tu

  5. Jom Iron Maiden Hellfest 2018. Takde member nak pegi ni. Bro dah ade pengalaman ke Hellfest kan. So taknak repeat ke.

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