Monday, February 5, 2018

WASP - REIDOLIZED Itunes review

Been a long time.. so a quick one, first in English then in Bahasa Melayu Malay Language.

A quick one.
Reidolized was released on Itunes (at least where I am) on midnight 2nd Feb 2018.

So it was midnight that I download it as I am very excited of this and here is my review.

I have no intention of getting the so-called 4 disc version as I have no interest on the movie. I think its just a 1992 footages and 2012 live footages of Wasp playing this full album.

But all I want is the music. I listen to the previews and I like it so much of these RE-RECORDINGS of the full album of CRIMSON IDOL PLUS SIX NEW TRACKS which makes Crimson Idol story more dramatic, more thrilling. All the musicians have changed since 1992 so on Reidolized you have Doug Blair.
Take note one song is a new version of Miss You from Golgotha. So this is very confusing why the song appeared on Golgotha if its supposed to be the missing puzzles to Crimson Idol.

Doug Blair plays on the live versions of Crimson Idol songs taken from Donington 1992 which is very popular both on the Crimson Idol 2cd version from 1998 and the live footages of Donington 1992 found on Youtube.

Anyway, the Japanese version of ReIdolized will be out in March. There will be a 2cd version only without the movie discs of DVD or Blueray..
I may get that one, to partner the Japanese pressing of the Crimson Idol 2cd which I had shown the packagings previously..

I like the re-recordings of the songs, I HAVE ONLY ONE COMPLAINT!!
Blackie Lawless is becoming an angel, so some lyrics have been changed.
For example... "I am cock sucking asshole " from Chainsaw Charlie Murders In The Rue Morgue changed to " I am blood sucking rathole" or something.

Anyway, its a small matter of sanitization... Other than that.. This is a superb concept album.

If anyone is to ask me what is a Concept album? or any music album with a story...

of course I would point to Seventh Son of a Seventh Son and Operation Mindcrime as the necessaries but I will also say about Crimson Idol and ReIdolized.

It has everything... fast songs, slow songs, lots of beautiful memorable melodies being played all over again thru out the whole album...  and there is a moral to it. Though it still ends on a bitter sad note.

Jonathan still commit suicide. No change. And yes he still never receive any love from his parents on this new version.

This is Chainsaw Charlie Murders In The New Morgue on the ReIdolized version.

OK, for those interested in how the Japanese 2cd remastered version of the original Crimson Idol looks like and the content, click here..

Kekok kan? kalau tak berbual sorang2 dalam blog dah lama... rasa kekok sangat.
Tapi rasa feel syok sendiri akan datang sendiri...

Nak merapu banyak2 pun dah berbual pasal album asli nya Crimson Idol satu masa dahulu macam aku kasi link kat atas tu.

So boleh klik sana atas tu untuk cerita sedih pasal Jonathan ni dengan keluarga dia dan kehidupan dia dan kesudahannya.

Apa pun, rasanya ramai tak minat re-recordings ni semua kan, sebab selalu nya album ori dah gerek. Tapi....SILA BAGI PELUANG KAT REIDOLIZED, aku tak bedek ni album memang terbaik dari ladang. Contoh macam aku link youtube kat atas tu versi Murders In The New Morgue baru.

Jadi musicians semua baru, drums, bass dan tentunya gitars dan sound juga.
Tapi suara Blackie Lawless memang sedap giler.kat ni album sama macam album ori dulu 1992.

OK macam aku cerita kat atas, aku tunggu tengah malam ok 2/2/2018 tu hari nak donlod album ni.

Kenapa aku donlod dan tak beli album physical kalau aku minat giler?????

PASAL AKU DAH TAK SABAR!!! hahaha... Aku tahu ni album akan gerek dan aku sanggup keluar duit.
Lagipun aku tak minat wayang dia... Wayang ni rakaman beratus? berpuluh? jam rakaman videos untuk gambarkan album Crimson Idol dari zaman 1992, akhirnya siap dan campur dengan WASP main live album ni tahun 2012.
So aku kureng sikit kan, pasal aku pun takde masa nak duk ngadap tengok video video ni... aku dengar album ni pun masa aku jalan kaki, tunggu bas, tunggu train, dalam bas, dalam train...

Tapi mungkin aku akan sambar Jepun nye pressing album ni nanti keluar bulan 3. Entah apasal Jepun nye pressing lambat...
Jepun nye ada macam2 version ReIdolized ni... so aku nak 2cd version nak kembarkan ngan Crimson Idol 2cd aku Jepun nye cam kat atas tu aku kasi link review.

OK, lagi satu ni album Blackie Lawless dah BERTAUBAT tak mau maki!! haha..
Buto ah!!! Aku speku dekni orang Donald Trump....
Penyokong kuat dakyah kulit putih yang terbaik dalam segalanya......
Tapi well... aku maafkan dia pasal aku suka WASP!!! hahaha...

Jadi ada perubahan lirik kalau dengar betul2 dalam lagu Chainsaw Charlie atas tu..

tapi tu takde masalah untuk aku, pasal rakaman lagi sekali ni memang Terbaik Dari Ladang!!!!

So sapa minat WASP... sila beli..

Sapa minat satu dua lagu dari Crimson Idol dengar dulu2... sila beli..

Sapa suka rock.. sila beli

Sapa suka heavy metal ... sila beli...

Sapa nak dengar lagu2 sedap, melodi2 sedap seluruh album... sila beli..

Sapa nak tahu apa tu konsep album? sila beli...

Sapa nak jadi ibu bapa yang baik, sapa yang nak bina keluarga bahagia... sila beli...

Jangan jadi macam ibu bapa $&%#(@ dalam album ni... kesian siak si anak... last2 gantung diri pakai string gitar atas stage.

ni versi Blackie Lawless sorang2 je nyanyi lagu Hold On To My Heart... 

sedap giler siot version ni....

TU JE KOT, sorry la cakap omputeh nya panjang sikit tapi aku dah banyak borak la kat review Crimson idol dulu tu, korang baca sana je la.. haha.. k bye.


  1. Dapat crimson idol yg cd biasa pun jadi la.mmg aku nak sangat dari dulu album ni

  2. tengah layan kat spotify...ada rezeki...mungkin akan beli cdnya juga satu hari nanti...


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